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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Distributed Intelligence for Cost-Effective and Reliable Distribution Network Operation

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New strategies and technological solutions to better monitor and control electricity distribution networks

Europe is committed to becoming a highly energy-efficient, low-carbon economy by setting ambitious goals for climate and energy by 2020. An EU initiative looked at ways to meet the growing demands in electricity production and consumption.

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European distribution system operators (DSOs) are facing new challenges in operating, maintaining and developing an efficient power generation and distribution system. As electricity grids keep modernising, distribution networks require new rules of operation and a different architecture to ensure high power quality. The shift to smarter grids has become a necessity. Even though workable solutions exist, DSOs have the difficult task of finding the best balance in making a grid less expensive, yet safer and more reliable. The EU-funded DISCERN (Distributed intelligence for cost-effective and reliable distribution network operation) project set out to provide reliable and cost-effective technological solutions to efficiently monitor and control distribution networks. Project partners developed a series of reusable methodologies and tools to support knowledge sharing among all relevant stakeholders. These solutions can be readily adopted by DSOs to help determine optimal levels of intelligence for their specific grids and the cost-effective approaches for deploying this intelligence on their networks with much more confidence. DSOs and key electricity sector actors are able to exchange detailed information on the solutions clearly and consistently. This enables them to better design, implement and evaluate smart grid solutions in a structured and collaborative manner for the benefit of networks throughout Europe. To provide DSOs with a better understanding of innovative systems for the monitoring and control of low- and medium-voltage grids, researchers implemented the developed solutions at demonstration sites operated by five major European DSOs. Field tests demonstrated the applicability of the DISCERN methodologies and tools. Lastly, results were used as a basis for recommendations targeting DSOs, vendors and technology providers, standardisation bodies, the European Commission, national policymakers, and scientific institutions and consultants. DISCERN demonstrated replicable and cost-effective solutions to improve network observability, thus allowing DSOs to address existing and future challenges for network management in Europe.


Electricity, distribution networks, distribution system operators, DISCERN, smart grid

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