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Content archived on 2024-06-18

New Directions in Efficient and Tamper-Resilient Public-Key Cryptography for Ubiquitous Computing

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Faster and better encryption

An EU project fostered collaboration in the field of cryptography. The resulting new applications of cryptographic algorithms mean faster and better encryption, and help to secure certain wireless devices.

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Certain kinds of computer networking systems, for example those connecting wireless sensors or tags, are vulnerable to hacking. While the systems are well protected against direct attacks, they can be accessed via indirect means that extract the cryptographic key and other secondary data. Addressing the problem was the EU-funded 'New directions in efficient and tamper-resilient public-key cryptography for ubiquitous computing' (ND-ETCRYPTOUC) project. The main goal was to secure the relevant devices, by making effective public-key cryptography available for use in this context. The availability was to be achieved via three complex technical objectives based on cryptographic algorithms. A further purpose was developing the career of one Turkish researcher, through a series of collaborative exchanges, hence also fostering knowledge transfer with Europe. The project ran for four years, concluding in June 2014. In the first reporting period, the first objective was fully achieved. The second two were partially accomplished, and will be completed during subsequent periods. The researcher met and worked with numerous other researchers at universities and commercial organisations in Europe and Turkey. In a series of proposals, his applications of various algorithms helped improve cryptographic speed and performance. The results of the collaborations were published as conference and journal papers. He also presented various guest lectures and seminars, plus designed and taught several well-received comprehensive postgraduate courses. Additionally, he supervised a group of research students. Thanks to the ND-ETCRYPTOUC project, vulnerable devices will be better protected. The exchanges have also led to positive collaboration with European researchers and institutions.


Encryption, cryptography, wireless devices, hacking, secondary data, ubiquitous computing, knowledge transfer

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