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Content archived on 2024-06-18

European Platform Driving KnoWledge to INNovations in Freight Logistics

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Increased collaboration and coordination to boost logistics efficiency

An EU initiative set out to build a collaborative network of stakeholders among already established networks in freight logistics and to establish a European Technology Platform (ETP) on logistics.

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Estimates put the share of the logistics industry in the gross domestic product of Europe at close to 14 %. Freight logistics inefficiency is a major cost driver and contributes unnecessarily to the transport industry's already heavy carbon footprint. Efficiency in logistics is a key element for the further growth of industrial activity and trade on a global scale. The EU-funded project WINN (European platform driving knowledge to innovations in freight logistics) laid the foundation for a broad collaboration within and among transport modes. Project partners set up a collaboration framework called Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe (ALICE) between already established networks in freight logistics operating in different areas and countries. ALICE was established to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation at EU, national and regional levels. The sustainable platform also supports, assists and advises the European Commission on implementing Horizon 2020 with respect to the logistics domain. Launched in June 2013 and officially recognised by the European Commission as an ETP on logistics a month later, one of its main missions is to contribute to a 30 % improvement in end-to-end logistics performance by 2030. To date, over 40 companies, 10 research centres and universities, 5 national platforms and regional clusters, and 15 European associations have become full ETP-ALICE members. The network is mainly comprised of shippers and logistics service providers, but also includes other relevant stakeholders such as transport companies, terminal operators, support industry, and research and education bodies. More than 300 members and experts delivered several research and innovation roadmaps for ETP-ALICE to achieve its aims. In addition, the project team established links with relevant transport and industrial ETPs and public-private partnerships. Thanks to the contributions of WINN, a broad range of stakeholders will be able to closely collaborate in achieving efficient logistics and supply chain operations.


Freight logistics, European Technology Platform, logistics innovation, supply chain, ETP-ALICE

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