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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Indoor radio network PLANning and optimisation

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Designing indoor wireless networks

EU-funded scientists have addressed the need for a new generation of radio planning and optimisation (P & O) tools to meet the growing demand for in-building coverage.

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Current surveys show that more than 60 % of voice and 90 % of data services take place indoors. Therefore, there needs to be a shift from outdoor to indoor radio access network P & O, as there is a lack of reliable indoor tools. Funded by the EU, the 'Indoor radio network planning and optimisation' (IPLAN) project focused on developing indoor radio network P & O methods and tools. These should provide up to 30 % performance improvements, and reduce power usage and radio wave pollution, as well as improve information security. The quality of such tools relies on developing fast and accurate radio propagation models. By coupling two methods based on ray-tracing and finite elements, project partners simulated indoor–outdoor propagation. Efficient propagation models were also very useful for studying interference between femtocells and outdoor macrocells. To minimise impact on outdoor macrocells and neighbouring femtocells, algorithms for femtocell auto-configuration were developed. Handover techniques between femtocells and macrocells were also investigated for optimising the handover process. Project partners developed a long-term evolution system-level femtocell that uses simulation predictions of small-cell efficiencies. Based on realistic signal coverage simulations, the IPLAN automatic indoor radio network P & O tool is expected to fill the existing gap in the European market. It will minimise the number of low-power base stations and reduce leakage to outside stemming from in-building small cells, as well as reduce base station transmit power.


Radio network, planning and optimisation, propagation model, indoor, outdoor, wireless network, femtocell, macrocell

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