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Contenuto archiviato il 2023-04-13

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Would you like Research in Europe to be more FAIR?

Join FAIRsFAIR Open Consultation on FAIR Data Policies and Practices in Europe Open which is open until 20th September 2019.

Join FAIRsFAIR Open Consultation on FAIR Data Policies and Practices in Europe Open which is open until 20th September 2019. The FAIR principles are about making research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Data born FAIR requires FAIR skills, practices and services governed by appropriate policies, but what could these be? These surveys are part of the FAIRsFAIR project to assess the current landscape and to develop recommendations to enable and promote FAIR policies and practices. They will feed FAIRsFAIR recommendation reports on semantics and data practices on practice to be shared with EOSC governance bodies. If you support research data management (RDM) and sharing within your organisation or provide RDM services, you can help us by answering one of them! More info about surveys here: --FAIR policies and practices-- To whom? Researchers, Repository managers and data practitioners The survey on policies and practices focuses on the range of policies influencing the way that researchers work, what motivates researchers when sharing data and metadata, and what sources of support are currently available. Start the survey here: --Semantics and interoperability-- To whom? Data curators, architects, developers The survey on semantics, metadata and software is targeted towards those working in more technical service support roles a more technical one e.g data curators, architects, developers. Here we want to know what kind of formats, semantic artefacts, identifiers and software practices you see in the scientific community you work with. This survey is targeted towards those working in more technical service support roles. Start the survey here: ------------ Please, help us by picking one of the surveys. Choose the one you feel most comfortable answering according to your profile and please feel free to share with colleagues at your organisation. You are welcome to complete more than one survey if you wish! Each should take a maximum of 15-20 minutes to complete. We are grateful for your support in helping to make the Research in Europe and the world a bit more FAIR! A survey specifically aimed at the state of FAIR data at universities and higher education institutions will be launched by the European Universities Association (EUA) as part of the FAIRsFAIR project in September 2019. This survey will focus on the availability and emergence of educational programmes relating to the FAIR principles. -- The anonymised survey data will be made available from a trusted repository for reuse and the links will also be provided here. FAIRsFAIR has been working in cooperation with several related initiatives including the EOSC 5B projects, the Group of European Data Experts in RDA (GEDE) the EOSC FAIR Working Group to avoid duplication of effort in our information collection. Subscribe to FAIRsFAIR newsletter to receive updates on FAIR data:

Parole chiave

FAIRsFAIR, FAIR Data, Open Consultation