RDA EU Ambassadors deadline extended: Submit your application for the grants by 27 May 17:00 CEST
Are you working on the vanguard of data activities in a specific research domain or cluster of domains? Would you like to work together with the RDA in transferring the knowledge and implementing the RDA data solutions within your domain community? Submit your thought-provoking application by May 27th 17.00 CET. What is RDA Europe 4.0 looking for in an ambassador? If you feel you fit the bill as a domain-specific data expert, see the value add of RDA, have a good understanding of the European Data Infrastructures landscape and can help build collaborations across your data community, then make sure you apply for one of the 6 RDA EU Ambassador grants. You will need to have a plan for your ambassadorial work impacting not only your community practices but also making a significant contribution in the context of RDA. RDA Europe will provide you with guidance and support and connect you to the network of existing Ambassadors to share experiences and best practices and increase the impact of your work. Curious about the benefits of becoming an RDA EU Ambassador? Here are a few highlights from current Ambassadors "I feel that as an ambassador, I can help build bridges and connect relevant people to relevant information. The exchange of knowledge and building connections is very useful for my work at DANS, where I am involved in several projects and working with social sciences infrastructures like CESSDA who do work that is interesting for the RDA, and vice versa." Ricarda Braukmann - Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)- Ambassador Social Sciences "The outcomes of a number of WG & IG in RDA are of great interest for researchers and research infrastructures in the humanities. As ambassador, I aim to contribute to an exchange of communication between RDA and humanities, fostering the uptake of RDA output in the humanities and an increased participation of humanities scholars in RDA." Rene van Horik - Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)- Ambassador Humanities One week left to submit a thought-provoking application In this 2nd and final wave, The RDA Europe Ambassador programme offers 6 grants of a maximum of €7,000 each. For more information on the financial contribution, selection criteria and application form please visit https://grants.rd-alliance.org/OpenCalls/call-ambassadors-ii-wave Please review the current list of Ambassadors, their existing domain / discipline and country coverage, and attempt to complement these by filling in other gaps. Note that the goal of the programme is to have as wide domain and geographical coverage as possible. Applications coming from domains and countries that are currently not covered by Ambassadors will be favourably considered. The call closes on 27 May 2019 17:00 CEST. RDA Europe contact: grants@europe.rd-alliance.org About RDA The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international member-based organisation focused on the development of infrastructure and community activities to reduce the social and technical barriers to data sharing and re-use and to promote the acceleration of data driven innovation and discovery worldwide. RDA Europe 4.0 As the European plug-in to RDA, the RDA Europe 4.0 project supports growing the community of research data experts and practitioners by offering grants for new RDA Europe national nodes, early career researchers and experts, RDA ambassadors, and RDA output-adoption.
Grants, Research Data Alliance, RDA, RDA Europe 4.0, Ambassadors