AIT publish two papers on end-user programming in smart housing
Sim4Blocks’ partner Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) has published two papers based on research collated on the project and from wider investigations, on the evaluations of two different end-user programming approaches to understand what home-owners are challenged with and desire from smart home systems. The two papers are: - Visual end-user programming in smart homes: Complexity and performance ( - Visual languages for smart spaces: End-user programming between data-flow and form-filling ( Both investigations were based on participant involvement to help accurately assess the effectiveness of two prototypes (form-filling and data-flow programming) and create rules to solve smart-home situations of varying complexities. The results from both developments provide significant information on user-driven energy management systems and for the integration of user interface components that will support the efficient and sustainable deployment of demand response strategies in blocks of buildings. The papers are published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library (, however they are only available to those who have log-in details. An abstract of each is available otherwise. If you would like more information on these papers, please contact Peter Fröhlich ( who is the key personnel for AIT on Sim4Blocks.
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