REMOURBAN continues to be firmly among global smart city community at the Smart City World Congress in Barcelona
It was certainly not the first time REMOURBAN has attended this world-level event. As smart cities and their environmental goals are global, then REMOURBAN needs to be up there every time, maximising replication potential and learning about other cities' solutions, all the more at this "home run" stage of the project. And with around 700 cities from 146 countries converging on Barcelona, that's a lot of potential. Murat Karabatur from tech partner Olcsan based in Turkey participated in a workshop on "Proven Smart Mobility and Smart Urban Space Services" where he showed how electric cars and buses had been introduced into REMOURBAN's lighthouse cities along with e-bikes in Tepebasi. Speaking of the event as a whole, Murat said: "Such measures form part of a more and more connected world. Smart cities not only help the local authorities to manage the urban environment more easily, but they also allow municipalities to improve the services, such as transportation, that citizens demand and expect." At the agora, Miguel Angel García as project coordinator (Cartif), presented a number of REMOURBAN's solutions. He was also expert a speaker at a workshop organised by sister project GrowSmarter where he compared solutions developed by REMOURBAN with those implemented by GrowSmarter to generate energy in Cologne. He came away from the workshop saying, "It was very interesting how regulations are opening the door for new businesses and opportunities while, at the same time, generated some barriers against which they [GrowSmarter team] had to find solutions in an innovative model for creating a local generation plant. As always, we almost all agreed that the biggest challenges are on the non-technical aspects of the technologies, and we should work to improve the regulatory, social and economic frameworks." Another partner, Matthieu Grosjean, of Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, was surprised that some big companies which aren't usually directly associated with smart cities community were there as solution integrators. He manned the joint smart city projects stand, using the opportunity to raise expressions of interest about REMOURBAN solutions.
smart city