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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Contenuto archiviato il 2023-04-12

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Next Generation of Nanoscopies in Biosciences - Seven EU-funded Initiatives presented approaches and results in a public workshop

The EU-funded research project ChipScope has brought together seven EU-funded projects in a public workshop to present and discuss current topics on the next generation of nanoscopies in biosciences. The event took place on September 11, during the EUROSENSORS 2018 conference in Graz, Austria.

Parole chiave

superresolution, microscopy, adaptive optical microscopy, chromosome imaging and manipulation, cells, tissues, DNA origami, optical coherence tomography, photonic integrated circuits, chip-based ophthalmic OCT system, Computerized Tomography, 3D X-ray imaging, 3D medical imaging, physicochemical characterisation of nanoparticles, Nanoscopies in Biosciences, nanomedicine


Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom