mySMARTLife partner Hamburg welcomes all consortium partners to a study tour
"We are delighted to welcome the whole EU consortium of mySMARTLife in Hamburg and would like to use the opportunity of the first review meeting to showcase the mySMARTLife demonstration site, the borough of Bergedorf. It is Hamburg's biggest district, located in the East of the city," explains Christoph Lindemann, coordinator of the Hamburg team in mySMARTLife. "The citizens of Bergedorf are being approached and informed through information events and engaged by online-participation. It is really important to hear what moves people and what opinion people have about their city. We have to listen to the ideas of the citizens in this day and age. These developments must go and grow together with the citizens. This is the important message of our local development concept – we listen and shape this city together. The aim is to become a model of a sustainable and forward-looking city in which the citizens feel comfortable and like to live. We appreciate very much the interest we are gaining by mySMARTLife and its contribution to the borough's development," emphasises Arne Dornquast, leader of the borough of Hamburg-Bergedorf. The district of Bergedorf is diverse, with a historic centre including numerous heritage-listed houses as well as residential buildings. All are subject of an integrated strategy targeting the quality of life, citizen involvement, technical and social infrastructures, public buildings and spaces. The study lunch tour of the mySMARTLife consortium led the team to the depot of the Authority of Management of Public Space, where cars are used for the regular control of streets, watercourses and forestry. Since the start of mySMARTLife, ten combustion cars have been replaced by e-cars and ten charging stations have been installed. Currently, it is being examined to what extent and how many e-bikes can become part of the public fleet. Simultaneously, Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH has implemented and tested a new generation of load management functionality as part of the e-mobility backend systems. However, e-mobility is not limited to the public fleet in the smart city Hamburg. The mySMARTLife team in Hamburg is also working on the electrification of the local bus depot and the deployment of charging infrastructure. Visiting the depot of the bus operator "Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Hostein GmbH" (VHH), a public transport operator in Hamburg and the surrounding districts, the mySMARTLife consortium learnt that the City of Hamburg has a policy to procure exclusively emission-free buses from 2020 onwards. "It is impressive how Hamburg is approaching the subject of e-mobility with successfully having tendered ten e-buses for the delivery in 2018. But also training and engaging staff such as bus drivers, dispatchers and technicians as well as rescue works on high voltage technology," stated Rubén García Pajares, project coordinator of mySMARTLife. The mySMARTLife project aims, as one main pillar, at reducing the CO2 emissions of cities, increasing the use of renewable energy sources and making the demonstration cities more environmentally friendly. The project's objectives go far beyond the environmental dimension. "Inclusive cities" is the keyword. Inclusive cities offer a high quality of life, where citizens play a vital role in the development of the city. The project develops the concept of "smart people". At the same time, the mySMARTLife partners focus on the "smart economy" approach – they want to realise an innovative and dynamic economic concept that guarantees employment and adequate income, attracts talents, and provides goods and services according to the actual requirements. In addition to these non-technological actions, the activities planned and carried out in the three demonstrator cities also include new technological developments in connection with refurbishments of buildings, usage of renewable energies, clean transport and supporting ICT solutions.
Parole chiave
mySMARTLife, e-mobility, transport, studytour
Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Poland