RDA is calling on domain-specific data experts to join its Ambassador programme
If you feel you fit the bill as an RDA-involved domain-specific data expert, have a good understanding of the European Data Infrastructures landscape and can operate as an influencer to recruit collaborators across the data community, then apply to become an RDA EU ambassador. Provide RDA Europe with a plan for your ambassadorial work highlighting how it impacts not only your community practices but will also make a significant contribution in the context of RDA. Call for ambassadors The RDA EU Ambassadors programme offers up to six grants of a maximum of €7,000, targeting distinguished and well-connected domain experts who can develop a two-way communication and engagement vector: promoting RDA outputs and perspectives while streamlining insights and practical contribution from domain-focused data communities to the work of RDA. This is the first of two calls in the Ambassadors programme; the second call will open in early 2019. Submit a thought-provoking application in good time. RDA Europe aims to have a first group of up to 6 highly qualified ambassadors. The call closes on 5 December 2018 17:00 CEST. To find out more and apply, visit: https://grants.rd-alliance.org/OpenCalls/call-ambassadors RDA Europe contact: grants@europe.rd-alliance.org About RDA The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international member-based organisation focused on the development of infrastructure and community activities to reduce the social and technical barriers to data sharing and re-use and to promote the acceleration of data-driven innovation and discovery worldwide. RDA Europe 4.0 As the European plug-in to RDA, the RDA Europe 4.0 project supports growing the community of research data experts and practitioners by offering grants for new RDA Europe national nodes, early career researchers and experts, RDA ambassadors, and RDA output-adoption.
Palabras clave
RDA, Grants, Ambassadors, Research Data Alliance
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom