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Content archived on 2023-04-12

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International researchers meet in Hamburg to discuss aerogels, the materials of the future - “Fourth International Seminar on AEROGELS 2018” at TUHH

Aerogels are highly porous and the lightest solids in the world. Their unique properties and broad range of potential applications promise to make them the basis for exciting innovations. International researchers in the field are meeting on 24–26 September 2018 at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) to share the latest research and developments on the subject.

With 52 lectures, 82 poster presentations and more than 200 participants from all over the world, this year’s conference sees more contributions and is more international than ever before. The lectures will cover characterisation and production of aerogels as well as already known and novel application areas of the highly porous materials. Scientists involved in the EU-funded project NanoHybrids will also be presenting their latest results. Marcus A. Worsley, PhD, a chemist in the Advanced Materials Synthesis Group of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who has recently been recognised in the annual “40 Under 40” list of inspiring young figures in San Francisco’s East Bay area, will give a keynote lecture on the potential of nanomaterials in electrochemical energy storage and transformation. On the first afternoon, industrial speakers will especially highlight superinsulating building materials and circular economy business models of aerogels. The second day will be devoted to novel application potential in electrochemistry and catalysis. The companies BASF, Uhde and Aerogel Technologies as well as the association Advapor are supporting the conference. Chairing the conference is Professor Irina Smirnova (Institute of Thermal Separation Processes at TUHH). The International Seminar on AEROGELS is organised every two years by ISASF, the International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids ( For the first time the Advapor PhD Award will be presented during the Fourth International Seminar on AEROGELS 2018 to the author of the best PhD thesis in the aerogels field. About NanoHybrids: The goal of the EU project “NanoHybrids – New generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels for industrial applications: from the lab to pilot scale production” is to develop a pilot-scale production system for novel aerogels and test potential industrial applications. It is funded under Horizon 2020, the biggest EU research and innovation programme, as one of a series of projects charged with bridging the gap between nanotechnology research, pilot-scale production and markets. The Institute of Thermal Separation Processes led by Professor Smirnova coordinates the project with the support of Tutech Innovation GmbH, a TUHH subsidiary. Web: Pictures: Picture credit: Tutech / Remmersmann (Pictures from the event will be made available in the evenings on 24–26 September) Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Institute of Thermal Separation Processes Eißendorferstr. 38 21073 Hamburg, Germany Email:


aerogels, pilot scale, industrial applications, nanoporous materials, production, innovation, processes, supercritical drying, modelling


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