Dresden establishes a network of 76 mobility hubs from this autumn
Dresden, the state capital of Saxony, Germany, wants to set up 76 mobility hubs in the city area. At these stations, users can quickly switch between environmentally friendly and city-friendly means of transport such as bicycles, car sharing, electric cars and local public transport. Six of these will be implemented as pilot sites: Pirnaischer Platz, Bahnhof Mitte, Altpieschen, P+R Prohlis, Fetscherplatz and Wasaplatz. Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG (DVB) receives financial support for these pilot sites from the national climate protection initiative. The first mobility hub at Pirnaischer Platz will go into operation on 21 September 2018. Within the framework of the EU Smart City project MAtchUP (www.matchup-project.eu) the acceptance and reactions of users are collected and evaluated in the first months. In connection with the project, three mobility hubs will also be planned and one implemented in the selected district Johannstadt. These practical experiences flow into the implementation of the other mobility hubs. The "Mobility Points" working group founded by Lord Mayor Dirk Hilbert has presented a technically and technically coordinated basis for a further 24 locations. In a growing and increasingly dense city, ensuring mobility for all and bringing it into harmony with the quality of life is a challenge for urban development. Dresden is focusing on a comprehensive and sustainable mobility strategy. Intermodal mobility hubs are an important component. The mobility hubs will be implemented by a network of local partners, consisting of the state capital Dresden, DVB AG and DREWAG - Stadtwerke Dresden GmBH as well as DDV-Medien with sz-bike and the company teilAuto from Halle/Saale as car sharing operators. "Our goal is to reduce private car engines and vehicle use in order to reduce noise, space requirements and air pollution. But there should be no prohibitions. We want to offer the inhabitants of Dresden comfortable and fast mobility for their work and leisure activities. With 'smart' and urban-friendly offers we will promote environmentally friendly mobility," Transport Mayor Raoul Schmidt-Lamontain outlines the strategy. "Public transports as well as bicycle and foot traffic are space-saving, low-emission and health-promoting. Electric mobility is to be promoted. The 'sharing instead of owning' approach is also important, as it means fewer vehicles are required and high-quality, urban space can be recovered," Schmidt-Lamontain continues. Andreas Hemmersbach, Member of the Board of Managing Directors of DVB, adds: "We want to integrate car sharing and bicycle rental even better with public transport and thus expand our range of services. We want our customers to experience new mobility options without this affecting the ticket price." Planning Background The City Council decided to establish a network of mobility hubs with the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2025plus in November 2014 and the implementation began in early 2015. First, the city administration created the conceptual basis with an operator concept and a local cooperation structure. Locations were examined. Read more: http://www.matchup-project.eu/news/dresden-establishes-a-network-of-76-mobility-hubs-from-this-autumn/