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Contenu archivé le 2023-04-12

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The ways toward a Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions is the core of the BY&FORCITIZENS Conference

Valladolid, 20-21 September 2018

Cities belong to their citizens, comprising an economic, social and cultural asset for which all are responsible for taking care of in order to assure the future of the following generations. Considering this premise, cities are the most important growth pole of the European Union, while more than two thirds of the European population lives in urban areas and this share continues to grow. Due to their high density, cities offer a huge potential for improving sustainability towards a carbon-neutral new concept of life. Under this framework, the Institute for Business Competitiveness of the Junta de Castilla y León, through its programme for Technology Transfer for Companies (CENTR@TEC), and CARTIF Technology Centre organise the BY&FORCITIZENS Conference on “Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions”, aimed at becoming a forum to gain comprehensive insights into the opportunities and challenges conferred by innovative city transformation strategies across Europe. Supported by the Valladolid City Council, this conference will be held at the Miguel Delibes Cultural Centre, in the city of Valladolid (Spain), on the 20th and 21st of September 2018, with its overall aim being to gather experts in city transformation strategies from its different perspectives, covering smart city approaches, re-naturing of cities, circular economy, or successful histories of innovation ecosystems setting the citizen at the centre of the city regeneration towards more sustainable and more liveable environments. The programme will show keynote speakers, panel debates, smart sessions and technical visits, and it will be complemented with a programme of activities for the citizens and the general public across the city. In parallel, the Enterprise Europe Network is organising a brokerage which will allow attendees to establish networks and create new partnerships and projects. The conference backbone will be REMOURBAN alongside other EU-funded projects R2CITIES, CITyFiED, mySMARTLife and UrbanGreenUp, coordinated by CARTIF, which together have made the cities of the region a national and international reference within the path towards transforming urban ecosystems into more liveable places. The attendees will have the possibility to learn about the experiences gained within these projects as well as in many other initiatives and examples driven by European cities leading the way towards a more sustainable, efficient and competitive Europe. All the relevant and most updated information about the conference can be found within the event website: the REMOURBAN website, and further information can be obtained by contacting our Conference Secretariat at


smart cities, energy efficiency, retrofitting, urban planning

