Welcome to the EFFORT Newsletter 9!
In this newsletter, four topics have been brought forward: • The EFFORT Project International Conference: with its preliminary programme and possibility to register as of now! • The report on the EFFORT metagenomics workshop. • The findings from UGENT EFFORT members on antimicrobial usage, antimicrobial resistance and biosecurity. • The research goals and challenges of EFFORT member DTU on quantification exposure. Moreover, the newsletter provides the video interview link to EFFORT members Steven Sarrazin and Philip Joosten working at the Veterinary Epidemiology Unit at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Ghent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSdrp5vC7bQ To view the newsletter, please click on the following link: http://www.effort-against-amr.eu/media/download_gallery/EFFORT_Newsletter_9_June_2018_R1.pdf For more information on the project, please visit the EFFORT website: http://www.effort-against-amr.eu
Antimicrobial Resistance, Antimicrobial Resistance surveillance, Antimicrobial usage, biosecurity, human exposure, antimicrobial usage interventions, economic aspects, metagenomics, exposure assessment, food, safety, microbiol ecology, resistome, animal welfare, genome sequencing
Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland