Should we wait to live in the future or can we create it ourselves?
The majority of human beings lives in overcrowded cities where pollution, traffic and energy inefficiency are a daily occurrence, risking them to become unsafe and unhealthy places to live in. Sustainable development of urban areas is nowadays a challenge of key importance for communities worldwide. What do we want our cities to be? What does Smart City mean? Which services and innovations do citizens and communities really need? Check the new MAtchUP presentation video and learn how the MAtchUP project will answer these questions, turning urban problems into smart opportunities at the service of local communities. MAtchUP is an H2020 EU-funded Smart City project that will design and implement a palette of innovative solutions in the energy, mobility and ICT sectors, and additional non-technical solutions, such as specific social engagement activities that will boost local economies and their quality of life and will serve as a model of urban transformation for other cities in Europe and beyond. MAtchUP will deploy large-scale demonstrations in three lighthouse cities, Valencia (Spain), Dresden (Germany) and Antalya (Turkey), and support the development of replication and upscaling plans in four follower cities, Ostend (Belgium), Herzliya (Israel), Skopje (FYROM) and Kerava (Finland). The MAtchUP cities will join forces and involve different key actors – policymakers, universities, industry, investors and, most importantly, citizens – to reshape their social, economic and environmental models and to promote social inclusion, liveability and prosperity for their citizens. Are you ready for a colourful revolution? The bright colours of MAtchUP will bring you into a world of innovation and new technologies to transform cities and improve the quality of our lives in the urban environments. Watch the video here: For more information: MAtchUP Communication Secretariat Costanza Caffo & Veronica Meneghello Fondazione iCons – iCube programme
efficiency, smart cities
Germany, Spain, Türkiye