Implementing Maximum Sustainable Yield in European Waters: Second Issue of Myfish Project Newsletter Now Available
The Myfish project aims to provide an operational framework for the implementation of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) concept in European waters. This issue of Myfish Project News features a summary of progress made by partners involved in Work Package 1 (WP1) as they collaborate to define a common MSY framework. Additionally, the newsletter features updates and news stories from each of the five Myfish regional case studies (Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Western Waters and Widely Ranging Fish), as well as examples of Decision Support Tables (DSTs) developed as part of the Myfish project. This issue also contains feedback from stakeholders who have participated in recent Myfish meetings and workshops. You can keep up to date with the progress of Myfish by registering to receive regular updates on the "Influence Myfish!" page on the project website. If you would like to arrange an interview with the Myfish project team, please contact the Project Coordinator, Anna Rindorf (email: Notes for Editors DTU-Aqua is the coordinator of this project, with AquaTT as its dissemination partner. The Myfish project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 289257. DTU-Aqua, the Technical University of Denmark - Institute of Aquatic Resources, provides research, education and advice concerning sustainable exploitation of living marine and fresh water resources. DTU-Aqua conducts research in the interactions between the aquatic environment, productivity and variation in fish stocks, methods for fish stock assessment, development of methods for sustainable fisheries management and stock enhancement. The institute conducts the Danish national monitoring on fish and fisheries for the EU. DTU-Aqua has extensive experience in coordinating and managing scientific programmes, including the coordination of EU framework programmes. AquaTT is an international foundation which aims to bridge the knowledge gap between the dynamic R&D environments and the progressive commercial sector. AquaTT supports its target audiences through the provision of support services and through participation in, and coordination of EU projects and initiatives, in the area of knowledge management, including customised dissemination, education, training and technology transfer. Detailed partner profiles are available on request.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom