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An open architecture to equip next generation HPC applications with exascale capabilities

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REGALE (An open architecture to equip next generation HPC applications with exascale capabilities)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-04-01 do 2022-09-30

The ultimate goal of REGALE is to pave the way of next generation HPC applications to exascale systems. To accomplish this, we define an open architecture, build a prototype system and incorporate in this system appropriate sophistication in order to equip supercomputing systems with the mechanisms and policies for effective resource utilization and execution of complex applications. The REGALE architecture and prototype will be co-designed considering both state-of-the-art and next generation HPC applications, maximizing in this way its applicability.
According to the original work plan, the work during the reporting period (M1-M18) sets the solid basis for the implementation of the entire project and works along all critical aspects of REGALE. In particular according to the plan: a) The partners should define an initial REGALE architecture (Architecture v1.0) to guide further design, implementation and integration in all work packages and tasks, b) propose the proper, initial (Strawman) sophistication strategies in support of the project’s Strategic Objectives (see Section 1.1) c) perform an initial implementation exercise to test the viability of this sophistication within the REGALE architecture and prototyping approach (Sophistication v1.0) d) implement an initial prototype (Prototype v1.0) following Architecture v1.0 e) feed back the experiences of sophistication and prototyping to the REGALE architecture to define Architecture v2.0 and f) initiate the integration of the five pilots with the relevant workflow engines embraced by REGALE. All tasks were carried out as planned.
The expected results of REGALE can be summarized as follows:

Result 1: The REGALE architecture. An open architecture aligned to the activities of the HPC PowerStack with specific components, roles, and a complete set of interfaces.

Result 2: The REGALE prototype system. An end-to-end instantiation of the REGALE architecture using the components brought in the project by the REGALE partners, interfacing with major components of the HPC ecosystem and incorporating the sophistication sought by the project.

Result 3: The REGALE-compatible software modules. The evolved components of the REGALE prototype system, aligned to the REGALE architecture, i.e. SLURM (Result 3.1) OAR (Result 3.2) DCDB (Result 3.3) BEO (Result 3.4) BDBO (Result 3.5) EAR (Result 3.6) Melissa (Result 3.7) RYAX (Result 3.8) EXAMON (Result 3.9) COUNTDOWN (Result 3.10) ULPController (Result 3.11) and BeBiDa (Result 3.12).

Result 4: The REGALE pilots prepared for exascale execution. The evolved REGALE pilots enhanced with capabilities to align with the REGALE architecture and made ready to execute in large-scale exascale environments and beyond, i.e. Pilot #1: Industrial-Scale Unsteady Adjoint-based Shape Optimization of Hydraulic Turbines (Result 4.1) Pilot #2: In-Transit Workflow for Ubiquitous Sensitivity Analysis and MetaModel Training. Application to Infrastructure Safety (Result 4.2) Pilot #3: Enterprise Risk Assessment (Result 4.3) Pilot #4: Complex geomorphometric models executed over earth observation data for groundwater estimation and management (Result 4.4) and Pilot #5: Design of car bumper made of carbon reinforced polymers (Result 4.5).