Opis projektu
Szkolenie naukowców zajmujących się badaniami i innowacjami
Uczestnicy finansowanego przez Unię Europejską projektu ARISE zamierzają szkolić naukowców w zakresie badań i innowacji, dzięki czemu będą mogli stać się przyszłymi liderami w dziedzinie rozwoju technologii i zarządzania zaawansowanymi działaniami badawczymi i innowacyjnymi. W ramach realizowanego przez Europejskie Laboratorium Biologii Molekularnej (EMBL) projektu 62 stypendystów otrzyma możliwość uczestnictwa w szkoleniu, a następnie realizacji badań dotyczących dziedzin, takich jak obrazowanie, bioinformatyka, biologia strukturalna, genomika, proteomika, metabolomika i inżynieria (bio)chemiczna, w ramach trzyletniego stypendium. Po zakończeniu szkolenia stypendyści będą mogli ubiegać się o stanowiska naukowe lub kierownicze wyższego szczebla w infrastrukturach badawczych, grupach rozwoju technologii, jednostkach akademickich, podmiotach przemysłowych oraz w sektorze opieki zdrowotnej.
"Scientists engaging in technology development, including method, resource and infrastructure development and respective service provision (both experimentally and computationally), became essential in modern life sciences and are the most important resource of European research infrastructures (RI). However, there is a strong human resource deficit of RI scientists and no dedicated programme to train new RI Scientists exists in Europe and worldwide.
We propose to establish a ""Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists (ARISE)"", a novel programme for future RI Scientists. The ARISE programme will enable experienced Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM) professionals to become future leaders in technology development, management and operation of advanced RIs and to speed up the technology innovation in Life Sciences. The programme will be established by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), an intergovernmental organisation with sites in Germany, UK, France, Spain and Italy. In the ARISE programme, EMBL teamed up with 46 partner organisations, which will support training of the Fellows. The Programme will provide opportunity to work on a wide range of technology development of their choice, in which EMBL and ARISE partners have considerable expertise, including (but not limited to) areas such as imaging, bioinformatics, structural biology, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and (bio)chemical engineering. The programme aims to train 62 incoming Fellows in the course of 5 years. Fellows will be recruited in 3 recruitment rounds, employed by EMBL and will receive a 3-year Fellowship to perform research and receive training in research, professional and transferable skills. After successfully finishing the training, we expect the Fellows to take positions as senior scientists or leaders in core facilities, research infrastructures or technology development groups, either in academia, industry, health care and other sectors.
Słowa kluczowe
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków
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MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Koordynator
69117 Heidelberg