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Embedded Electronic solutions for Polymer Innovative Scanning Tools using Light Emitting devices for diagnostic Routines

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - El-Peacetolero (Embedded Electronic solutions for Polymer Innovative Scanning Tools using Light Emitting devices for diagnostic Routines)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-03-01 do 2023-08-31

European-wide nuclear generation facilities are constantly monitored and maintained to ensure performance and safety. Among the aspects to be checked for NPPs safety and long-term operation (LTO), the polymer ageing is crucial. Polymers are used in many other industries where monitoring of material ageing is also crucial, such as the aircraft and marine industries. The current existing reliable approaches for polymer monitoring are:
• Invasive;
• Time consuming;
• Expensive;
• Restricted to human accessible areas.
A system performing on site non-destructive identification and diagnosis of the ageing state of polymers is badly needed to support efficient implementation of the new safety requirements of the European nuclear industry. El-Peacetolero has one overarching ambition and that is to design a TRL 7 hand-held, low power, embedded optoelectronic system that can deploy AI for in-situ real-time measurement, identification and diagnosis of the material state of aging polymers in an industrial environment.
WP1: Two polymers for pipe applications have been selected for the accelerated ageing campaign: Neoprene and HDPE (PE100 & PE100RC). Two kinds of accelerated ageing were considered: thermo-oxidative ageing and immersion ageing, both planned to be performed at 40 (optional) and 80°C. The thermo-oxidative ageing (at 40 and 80°C) of neoprene and HDPE samples have been launched in two ovens in March 2021. FTIR measurements are performed every month to follow the ageing of samples. The immersion ageing is carried out in two test loops (Raw Water Loop & Guerande Loop) in EDF laboratory during the first year of the project. The two test loops use reconstituted raw water (Raw Water Loop) and reconstituted chlorinated salt water (Guerande Loop) respectively. The immersion ageing (80°C) of neoprene and HDPE samples in Raw Water Loop have been launched in February 2022.
WP2: During the reporting period a suitable data format was created, which enables the fusion of data from all methods applied in this project. To reduce the amount of the data stored in each measurement file, a measurement table was created where most meta information is stored. Furthermore, an option was added to keep track of the measurement methods applied for each sample. This enables partners to forecast when new samples will be available and reduces the risk of falling behind schedule.
WP3: To develop enhanced embedded optoelectronic system, SU adopted design methodology consisting on: a) definition of the system specifications; b) design, fabrication, test and validation of the electronic system blocs separately; C)Design, fabrication, test and validation of the system prototypes.
System specification : EDF expertise was used to develop statistical analysis tools to carry out wavelength selection. A system simulation tool has been developed by SU to evaluate system specifications and to validate wavelength selection. Electronic system specifications have been defined.
TIA design was carefully conducted by SU team. SU designed 2 PCB circuit versions of the ADC blocks, PCB V0.3 and PCB V0.4. A first prototype of data transfer, and data visualization have developed.
SU carried out study, design, fabrication, and the test of the LED driver circuit and TEC control circuits. Test results validate the two bloc’s functions.
WP4: The optronic platform for the ATR Measurement Head Laser have been delivered by MIRS to SU (T4.2). The optical design of the Laser head has started with the design, manufacturing , and characterization of the flat lenses for long wavelengths (T4.1). The design, manufacturing, and validation of the compact submounts with the collective soldering process have been achieved (T4.1/T4.3). Finally, the proximity electronic have been validated on QCL.
WP5: Optical design of LED based measuring device has been carried out successfully. Two solutions for measuring head have been designed, a monolithic measuring head and a sensor-on-chip one. Monolithic measuring head first prototype was built. It incorporates a silicon plate acting as ATR crystal, a 3,4 µm IR LED, and a 3,4 µm PD. Sensor-On-Chip measuring head first prototype incorporate 3.4 µm IR LEDs, 3.4 µm IR PD and the ATR crystal on the same chip. the two first prototypes were characterized by outperforming ATR measurement on liquid solutions.
WP6: CEA has begun the measurement protocols definition with an estimation of the required hardness level for the El-Peacetolero device, using data on NPP radiation levels provided by EDF. The measurement method of optical components during the irradiation test was defined. The sensitivity analysis led to a list of components identified for the tests under irradiation in the task 6.2 of WP6. CEA, with the help of SU, designed the electronic component’s test boards.
FhG-IZFP carried out terahertz as on unaged and aged samples. FZJ performeded infrared spectroscopy on the same samples. FhG-IZFP measured 20 different samples and provided the data to WP2 in the predefined format. Polymer samples (neoprene, HDPE,) were investigated using destructive methods, before and after the alteration experiments to understand the material degradation with respect to microscopic and chemical changes. In Jülich (FZJ), density studies were carried out on aged neoprene samples and HDPE. Furthermore, microhardness studies were also performed which showed a significant influence of aging. Finally, the materials were also investigated with thermal analysis to observe any chemical disintegration of the materials.
WP7: The simulation server, including a first version of the conceptual design of the robotic prototypes has been designed and implemented. Multimodal Human-Robot Interface has been designed and implemented, using scripting and video-games technologies for advanced interaction. An experiment performing inspections of pipes integrating the simulation server and the human-robot interface has been performed and tested. From M12 to M18 localization and communication experiments started. For this, the MiniCERNBot educational mobile robot has been upgraded. Current experiments on indoor localization by using omni-wheels odometry combined with an IMU are being performed. In the underwater context, umbilical communication experiments with the Bluerov platform are being performed in the IRSLab-CIRTESU facilities at JIU.
The final result of El-Peacetolero will be a hand-held, low power, embedded optoelectronic system that can be used for in-situ real-time measurement, identification and diagnosis of the material state of aging polymers in an industrial environment. The project will develop a miniature, low cost, low power consumption ATR measuring head including mid-IR LEDs and detectors in a same package. The first challenge will be providing high IR radiation extraction and collection efficiency. LEDs and photo-detectors are designed and fabricated using state of the art optoelectronic technologies.