Final scan will be completed as a report M6
Joint policy briefs M32Document describing briefly main messages towards relevant policymakers.
Summary outreach reportD 23 Summary report on outreach actions M12
Common dissemination and communication strategy for the clusterDocument detailing the joint communication and dissemination strategy for the cluster
1st Kick-Off Meeting ReportA summary report following our Kick-off meeting that highlights key recommendations, and next steps for project objectives and deliverables [M4]
Cluster web portal and visual identityWebsite describing cluster activities and providing links to all individual cluster websites.
Cluster brochureLeaflet describing the cluster activities and participating projects
Joint policy briefs M18Document describing briefly main messages towards relevant policymakers
NBSP Menu and Feasibility Study ProtocolD 31 Protocol for NBSP Menu Development M12
D 22 Publicfacing data system that will hold the network data collected support analysis reports filterquery M12
D42 Data management plan M6 The Data Management Plan DMP will guide a good data management by describing the data management life cycle for the data to be collected processed andor generated It will be aligned with the FAIR principles that research data should be Findable Accessible Interoperable and Reusable The DMP will include information on the handling of research data during and after the end of the project what data will be collected processed andor generated which methodology and standards will be applied whether data will be sharedmade open access how data will be curated and preserved including after the end of the project
Felicitas Kuehne, Marjan Arvandi, Igor Stojkov, Jill Litt, Ashby Sachs, Sergi Blancafort, Richard Kimberlee, Kaisu Pitkala, Anu Jansson, Joan Colom Farran, Iva Holmerova, Stephanie Gentile, Sarah Bekessy, Katherine Johnson, Ursula Rochau, Uwe Siebe
Opublikowane w:
23. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin, 2022
German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Stojkov, Igor; Kühne, Felicitas; Arvandi, Marjan; Conrads-Frank, Annette; Schmid, Daniela; Jahn, Beate; Santamaria Navarro, Jùlia; Aranha Suzumura, Erica; Kimberlee, Richard; Pitkälä, Kaisu; Coll-Planas, Laura; Litt, Jill S.; Siebert, Uwe; Rochau, Ursula
Opublikowane w:
67. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 13. Jahreskongress der Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V. (TMF); 20220821-20220825; sine loco [digital]; DOCAbstr. 130 /20220819/, 2022
German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Stojkov, Igor; Arvandi, Marjan; Kühne, Felicitas; Conrads-Frank, Annette; Puntscher, Sibylle; Schmid, Daniela; Jahn, Beate; Aranha Suzumura, Erica; Kimberlee, Richard; Pitkälä, Kaisu; Jansson, Anu; Coll-Planas, Laura; Litt, Jill S.; Siebert, Uwe; Rochau, Ursula
Opublikowane w:
67. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 13. Jahreskongress der Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V. (TMF); 20220821-20220825; sine loco [digital]; DOCAbstr. 131 /20220819/, 2022
German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
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