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Anaerobic FermenTation & EsteRification of BIOmass for producing fine CHEmicals

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AFTERBIOCHEM (Anaerobic FermenTation & EsteRification of BIOmass for producing fine CHEmicals)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-11-01 do 2023-04-30

With the Climate objectives of the Paris Agreement, it has become clear how necessary it is to contribute to a carbon-neutral future. To this end, the European Bioeconomy sector is creating new sustainable value chains, supporting the development of cost-effective, greener industrial processes.

The AFTER-BIOCHEM project is dedicated to the construction of the first of its kind flagship biorefinery within the «CHEMESIS» chemical platform sited Carling Saint-Avold, France to turn agricultural processing co-products into multiple natural and high added value molecules. Applications will target various markets such as fragrances & flavorings, personal care, food & feed, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals.

The project core technology, based on 10 years of R & D at AFYREN and is based on an all-in-one cutting edge fermentation process coupled with separation and transformation steps. It is a non-GMO, environment-friendly and zero-waste process.
During the first reporting period, the AFTER-BIOCHEM project implementation enabled the partners to start working towards the realisation of some of the project objectives. The activities focused on the preparation of the commissioning and start-up plan of the biorefinery to scale-up the whole process. The partners tested the different feedstock options for the biorefinery. The sugar beet molasses and pulp have been validated as relevant feedstock and are provided to AFYNEO for the biorefinery plant by the partner SUDZUCKER (Longterm agreement has been reached). SUEZ and AFYNEO have started to work on additional feedstock coming from the organic waste. First type of feedstock from organic waste have been identified. The Life cycle assessment of the bio-based products has been completed which will allow to characterize and demonstrate the social, economic and environmental benefits of the biorefinery. The first results demonstrated than the organic acids produced by anaerobic fermentation have a 81% lower carbon footprint than their fossil-based alternatives.

During the second reporting period, a pivotal moment arrived with the inauguration of the plant in September 2022. The feedstock supply plant was strategically chosen for its proximity and ability to validate and secure the required feedstocks. These sugar by-products met strict criteria, being GMO-free and in compliance with European food, feed, and hygiene laws. Exploration into potential non-food feedstock sources, such as sewage sludge, organic soups, and the residual fermentable fraction of household waste, revealed promising fermentative potential. Substantial progress was made in commissioning and launching the production unit, with a particular emphasis on unit operation and quality validation. The project also involved producing a biobased ester using AFYNEO's carboxylic acids with the assistance of a toll manufacturer. Efforts were made to achieve REACH registration for all commercial products, with the goal of securing 75% of the nameplate for commercially produced acid volumes. The project didn't only focus on production but also included a strategy for managing and valorizing potassium rich residues. Lastly, the project's results were disseminated to various target groups, sharing the knowledge and accomplishments with a wider audience.
AFTER-BIOCHEM proposes and innovative global concept that consists of an entire process at industrial scale to transform current agricultural processing co-products into competitive organic acids and derivatives with lower environmental impacts. The project envision to produce 16ktons per year of acids and of 2ktons per year of esters. The project is raising the following challenges :

• Building the first flagship biorefinery within the “CHEMESIS” chemical platform sited Carling Saint- Avold, France.
• Maximizing the valorization of the side streams of sugar refineries and securing the feedstock for the flagship biorefinery.
• Producing industrial quantities of multiple high added value natural products.
• Demonstrating a range of consumer-oriented biobased solutions competitive with equivalent fossil- based products.
• Ensuring the replicability of the production process on various resources.

The AFTER-BIOCHEM project will have a concrete impact on the local area regarding the employment and trainings. Indeed, the project has created already circa 60 direct jobs as well as additional indirect jobs.

Reducing CO2 emissions, compared to equivalent fossil-based organic acid production.