Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Musicon BAND (A complex educational tool based on the power of music, dedicated to preparing children for the challenges of the future by supporting global educational and therapeutic systems.)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-12-01 do 2020-03-31
a) commercialize innovative solutions of educational and therapeutic tools,
b) provide teachers with music-based tools that will prepare children for the challenges of the future,
c) provide tools for therapeutic work supporting psychomotor development,
d) lift barriers in music education,
e) holistic teaching – combining the intellectual development of children with the development of motor skills and emotional development.
a) the need for educational integration of children with disabilities through inclusive education;
b) growing educational needs in the area of work with children with disabilities;
c) polisensory set – it affects different senses: hearing, sight, touch, proprioception (that’s part of the leading educational trends that use the senses to activate different areas of the brain, and thus increase learning efficiency);
d) adapted to therapeutic (needs) – e.g. all instruments in the set will be prepared from the highest quality materials to maintain the best sound qualities of the instruments,
e) comprehensiveness of the therapeutic and educational set –the set, in addition to being an innovative tool and technique of working with children with special educational needs, including children with disabilities, can also be used in most of the therapy methods. It fits perfectly into such methods as music therapy, sensory integration therapy, Montessori teaching method.