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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Supporting the decision-making in URBAN transformation with the use of dIsruptive TEchnologies

Description du projet

Une plateforme qui aidera à la prise de décision concernant le transport urbain et sa transformation

Ces dernières années, les transports n’ont jamais été aussi importants du fait de la croissance exponentielle de la population et de la taille des villes. Le besoin en solutions de déplacement plus efficaces a été satisfait grâce à une variété de nouveaux concepts tels que le partage de véhicules, la location de trottinettes électriques, et même les entreprises en démarrage révolutionnaires telles que Uber ou Cabify, qui font bouger les lignes par rapport aux modèles précédemment utilisés. Ces nouveaux modèles placent toutefois les administrations publiques dans une position délicate. Le projet URBANITE, financé par l’UE, entend développer une solution de collecte et d’analyse de données qui, combinée à l’IA, peut aider les administrations publiques à prendre des décisions politiques concernant la transformation urbaine engendrée par ces nouveaux modèles de transport et d’entreprise. Le projet URBANITE se concentre également sur les aspects sociaux, en analysant la confiance des parties prenantes dans les technologies d’aide à la prise de décision.


Cities are facing a revolution in urban mobility. Emerging start-ups are offering innovative mobility solutions to satisfy the demand of the growing population, both living or moving into the cities every day. We are moving from the concept of owning to sharing a vehicle; from using public transport services to moving around with a hop on/off bike or electric scooter; disruptive start-ups (Uber, Cabify) are shaking up traditionally established business models... But this innovation is also bringing up unforeseen consequences that public administrations need to manage. Electric scooters driven in pedestrian areas are posing safety risks and even pedestrian kills; piles of broken bikes are laying around in streets; protests and strikes by taxi drivers; electric charge points need to coexist with the growing demand for public parking spaces. It is in this new context that public administrations need means to help them understand this new scenario, supporting them in making policy–related decisions and predicting eventualities. There is a need of a platform that can harvest, fuse and curate data from heterogeneous sources, that can extract knowledge to help in the decision-making processes and simulation of solutions to anticipate behaviours and delimit unforeseen consequences. Besides, such intelligent platform can foster cross-departmental collaboration by eradicating internal silos. URBANITE will analyse the impact, trust and attitudes of civil servants, citizens and other stakeholders with respect to the integration of disruptive technologies such as AI, DSS, big data analytics and predictive algorithms in a data–driven decision-making process. To this end, URBANITE will provide recommendations, pathways and toolkits (both ICT-based such as data management platform and DSS, and non-ICT such as co-creation activities and a repository of social-related assets) for city managers. Results will be validated in 4 real use cases: Amsterdam, Bilbao, Helsinki and Messina.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 777 750,00

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 777 750,00

Participants (10)