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Renewable and Waste Heat Recovery for Competitive District Heating and Cooling Networks


Business models at REWARDHeat demonstrators

Draft M24 Task 34 The deliverable will report on the analysis of innovative business models based on the concept of heat sold as a service The analysis will account for specificities encountered in the 8 demonstration countries

Configuration and sizing of Package Substations

Task 4.1 – The report will describe 3 to 4 packaged and modular packaged substations in terms of storage, heat pump, heat exchanger, pipes, valves and pumps. Investment and operation costs will be highlighted as an additional result of this study.

Advanced controls in DHC networks

Task 5.3 and 5.4 – The deliverable will report on fault detection and model predictive expert controls solutions adapted to DHC networks with multiple energy sinks and sources.


Task 3.1 – Public deliverable reporting on the factors impacting effective replication of WH and RES usage in DHC networks. The PESTLE framework will be applied providing Politic, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal and Environmental indicators.

Customers’ perspective on REWARDHeat solutions

Task 3.2 – The deliverable will highlight the results of the living labs organised to understand final consumers’ propension to accept a green DHC network as heating system.

Utilities needs and best practice examples

Task 2.3 – The deliverable will report on the results of the interviews to know stakeholders’ specific needs in terms of renovation or construction of the networks. The main lessons learned will be structured and made public available.

Cybersecurity guidelines

Task 5.1 – The report will relate on the guiding principles and main results obtained by developing the cyber security framework for ENISYST hardware and software infrastructure.

REWARDHeat PLANNING guidelines

Task 21 The database information will be used to filter simple but reliable design rules and recommendations reported in a guideline

REWARDHeat PLANNING schemes database

Draft M18 Task 21 A structured database will include public available literature in terms of best practice examples for low and neutraltemperature DHC networks and act as a reference for network plannersmanagers energy consultants and investors

REWARDHeat predesign tool

Task 24 an Open Source GIS Based tool will be developed allowing to predesign a new network or a network retrofit starting from the information structured in the planning database Task 21 and interacting with the GIS software elaborated in Task 22 Indications from Task 23 will be also accounted for as a driver

2 promotional videos

Task 83 2 promotional videos will be recorded along the project one describing the objectives and expected impacts of the project and the other reporting on the main technological results obtained

Promotional material

Task 8.3 – The deliverable is represented by project roll-up and factsheets to be used at conferences and workshops.


Adaptive thermal load prediction in residential buildings using artificial neural networks

Autorzy: Mohammad Hossein Fouladfar; Anton Soppelsa; Himanshu Nagpal; Roberto Fedrizzi; Giuseppe Franchini
Opublikowane w: Journal of Building Engineering, Numer Volume 77, 15 October 2023, 107464, 2023, ISSN 2352-7102
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107464

Technical and Economic Assessment of Supermarket and Power Substation Waste Heat Integration into Existing District Heating Systems

Autorzy: """Hrvoje Dorotić Kristijan Čuljak Josip Miškić Tomislav Pukšec Neven Duić"""
Opublikowane w: Energies, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15051666

Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling Substations: Demand Response with Artificial Neural Network-Based Model Predictive Control

Autorzy: Simone Buffa, Anton Soppelsa, Mauro Pipiciello, Gregor Henze, Roberto Fedrizzi
Opublikowane w: Energies, Numer 13/17, 2020, Strona(/y) 4339, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13174339

Role of sustainable heat sources in transition towards fourth generation district heating – A review

Autorzy: """A.M.Jodeiri M.J.Goldsworthy S.Buffa M.Cozzini"""
Opublikowane w: Science Direct, Numer Volume 158, 2022, Strona(/y) 112156, ISSN 1364-0321
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112156

District heating systems modeling: A gamification approach

Autorzy: """Dmitry Romanov Stefan Holler"""
Opublikowane w: Science Direct, 2021, ISSN 2352-4847
DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.08.078

Comparing the Effects of Flexibility Options on Conventional and Low-temperature District Heating Networks: Studying the potential of the next generation of district energy systems

Autorzy: Nithyanathan, Mario
Opublikowane w: 2022
Wydawca: KTH Royal institute of Technology

Cost and benefits of shifting towards low temperature district heating

Autorzy: Edi Kirasić
Opublikowane w: 2021

Optimizacija spajanja urbanih toplinskih izvora na postojeće centralizirane toplinske sustave (Master thesis in Croatian)

Autorzy: Kristijan Čuljak
Opublikowane w: 2021

Advanced Control and Fault Detection Strategies for District Heating and Cooling Systems—A Review

Autorzy: Simone Buffa, Mohammad Hossein Fouladfar, Giuseppe Franchini, Ismael Lozano Gabarre, Manuel Andrés Chicote
Opublikowane w: Applied Sciences, Numer 11/1, 2021, Strona(/y) 455, ISSN 2076-3417
Wydawca: Applied Sciences -MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app11010455

Integration of Renewables in DHC for Sustainable Living Workshop

Autorzy: Vázquez, María Victoria Cambronero; Corscadden, Jack; Marijuan, Antonio Garrido; Barbagelata, Giulia; Hamann, Georg; Grosjean, Matthieu; Mendoza, Nora
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Vol 65, Numer Numer 1, 2021, Strona(/y) 30, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2020065030

How innovative district heating networks reduce the consumption of fossil energy

Autorzy: Roberto Fedrizzi
Opublikowane w: Open Access Government, Numer Numer 29, January 2021, 2021, Strona(/y) 436-437, ISSN 2516-3817
Wydawca: Open Access Government

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