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Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation


SensorA is an innovation-driven SME recently established in 2017 aiming at exploiting a new sensor-based solution for the
rodents’ pest monitoring and control application – the SensoRat. The founders have identified a prominent opportunity for an
intelligent pest control system, based on the market analysis and dialogs with key stakeholders, incl. leading pest control
companies and their current customers, the large companies from food and pharmaceutical industries, which are forced to
comply with rigid regulatory framework to mitigate risks of pests. The pest control industry is currently pursuing new IT-based
solutions for higher monitoring efficiency and effectiveness on preventing pests - as poison is no longer allowed to be used
as preventive approach. However, current ‘smarter’ solutions are mainly based on movement detection, which activates the
alarm with all type of animals – producing too many false-positives, thus hampering their use outdoors as a first-line defence.
SensoRat is an integrated solution enabled by a combination of sensors/models assembled in the rat box with capabilities to
the rat box online in real-time, identify the type of animal (based on the behaviour profile) and to issue an alert signal to the
hub, a cloud-based infrastructure using IoT network, only when rats (potentially dangerous animal) are detected - a key
features enable ‘smart’ defence line in industrial areas outdoors. SensorA will be supplying the market of pest control with
their new technology - which can reduce the risk of rat proliferation and optimize costs spent with box monitoring (cost
savings of about 40%).
The business potential for SensorA is estimated in 14 million euro in revenues and profits in the order of 8.5 million euro in
the first 5-year commercialisation, plus creating +18 new jobs. The SME Inst. helps us to introduce a disruptive tech/
approach in the market, creating awareness among key stakeholders for a successful market launch.

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Wkład UE netto
€ 50 000,00

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Organizacja określiła się jako MŚP (firma z sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw) w czasie podpisania umowy o grant.

Danmark Hovedstaden Nordsjælland
Rodzaj działalności
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Koszt całkowity
€ 71 429,00