Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CausalBoost (Using causal discovery algorithms to boost subseasonal to seasonal forecast skill of Mediterranean rainfall)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-03-01 do 2022-02-28
However, predictions on lead-times beyond approximately 10 days fall into the so-called “weather-climate prediction gap”, with operational forecast models only providing marginal skill. The reasons for this are a range of fundamental challenges, including a limited causal understanding of the underlying sources of predictability.
This project aims to improve S2S forecasts of MED rainfall by taking an innovative, interdisciplinary approach that combines causal discovery algorithms with operational forecast models. This will overcome current limitations of conventional statistical methods to identify relevant sources of predictability and to evaluate modelled teleconnection processes.
The objectives of this project are
(i) to identify key S2S drivers of MED rainfall,
(ii) to systematically evaluate them in forecast models,
(iii) to derive process-based bias corrections to
(iv) boost forecast skill.
Guided by the research objectives, the project is organized around four WPS.
- Work Package 1 (Driver Detection in Observations)
- Work package 2 (Process-based model evaluation)
- Work package 3 (Statistical post-processing)
- Work package 4 (Dissemination and Communication)
At the end of the fellowship, several research results were achieved which can be grouped into two main parts:
1) Achievements in understanding the drivers of Mediterranean precipitation, including its representation in climate models.
This includes in particular an improved understanding of the role of the stratospheric polar vortex in affection weather and climate in the Mediterranean (as well as other parts of Europe). Moreover, the role of tropical drivers such as the Madden Julien Oscillation, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and the El Nino Southern Oscillation have been assessed. These processes have been evaluated using observation/reanalysis data and using seasonal and sub-seasonal hindcast data provided by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather forecasts (ECMWF).
2) Achievements in the development, application and promotion of causality tools to study drivers of regional weather and climate extremes including their use for statistical post-processing
This includes fundamental progress on introducing the concept of causal inference theory to quantify teleconnection pathways to the wider climate science community. The related publication was accompanied by the release of python code on github on the use of causal inference methods. Moreover, this includes the application and development of causal discovery algorithms to study large-scale drivers of regional weather and climate extremes.
The proposed research will develop a new framework to improve weather and climate forecasts based on causality tools. This will allow to improve subseasonal to seasonal predictions of Mediterranean rainfall by statistically post-processing dynamical forecasts models through empirical information provided by different teleconnection drivers.
Next to academic researchers, there are several socio-economic sectors which can benefit from the research results
1) operational forecasting centres and their users can be directly informed about research findings.
2) Policy and decision makers will profit from the improved regional forecasts provided. This will help to increase awareness of climate risks and allows for better adaptation strategies.
3) the public will be informed about climate change in general as well as particular regional climate risks.