Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BILINGUALPLAS (Neurophysiological correlates of bilingual advantage and its contribution to cognitive reserve)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-01-01 do 2021-12-31
There are a set of variables such as task difficulty and modality (i.e. visual vs. auditory tasks) as well as the presence of other CR factors in older adults, which could mask the existence of a bilingual advantage in executive functions. Thus, the main objective of the present research is systematically manipulating task difficulty (low vs. high), task modality (auditory vs. visual) and CR of the recruited participants (that is, we recruited low CR monolinguals, low CR bilinguals, high CR monolinguals, and high CR bilinguals) to examine whether auditory tasks with high difficulty level are more sensitive to enhanced executive functions in older adults bilinguals compared to monolinguals. Another main hypothesis of this research is that differences between monolinguals and bilinguals will appear in samples with low CR but not in samples of participants with high CR since other CR factors such as high education level and occupational status will be able to preserve executive functions regardless the number of spoken languages. As differences in neural processing may be not always evident at the behavioural level, we focused on behavioural and neurophysiological measures by means of electroencephalography (EEG) / event-related brain potentials (ERP) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
A widely overlooked issue is the impossibility to conclude that bilingualism contributes to CR on the basis of the relationship between bilingualism and executive functions because executive functions and CR are not equivalent constructs. Moreover, the neural correlates of CR are still poorly understood. So, we analysed a set of previously collected data (specifically, about 90 older adults, which were divided into high and low CR groups) to investigate the interplay between executive functioning (by using behavioural and event-related brain potential correlates) and CR (by means of graph theoretical analysis of complex networks, which provide measures of brain connectivity that is thought to be the compensatory mechanism in high cognitive elderly). So far, we have obtained several ERP correlates distinguishing between high CR and low CR and, in general, ERP latencies are faster and ERP amplitudes are larger in high compared to low CR group.
There are other methodological problems contributing to the lack of consensus among the researchers studying relationships between bilingualism, executive functions and CR such as the biased interpretation of any difference as enhanced executive processing in bilinguals or the use of small samples. In this context, I have published an opinion paper explaining some procedures that would help to achieve a consensus among the researchers. In that study, I argue for publishing Registered Reports within this field of research to prevent biased results interpretations and improving the implementation of the scientific method. According to this view, we have pre-registered the main body of the research related to this project in the peer-reviewed journal Psychophysiology. We are now collecting data (we have argued that 160 participants divided in low CR monolinguals, low CR bilinguals, high CR monolinguals and high CR bilinguals will be needed) and we expect to submit the full manuscript within the next 18 months.