Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NEWCOMERS (New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS))
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-12-01 do 2022-05-31
As a final step, the project results were synthesized and policy recommendations were derived. Some key findings are that a sufficiently broad definition of ECs is required in legislation to capture contemporary activity and to support further experimentation in ECs, as they have to develop new, often highly innovative business models to survive and flourish within transforming energy systems. The benefits of ECs are wide-ranging and extend beyond environmental and financial aspects, including the empowerment of citizens and community building. They contribute to society by mobilizing people to invest and take action in energy transitions, increasing the contribution of renewable energy to the system as a whole. Future potential lies on ECs to also offer flexibility services to increase overall system efficiency. Currently, ECs are largely dependent on volunteering citizens and may lack the full professional expertise needed to set up viable renewable energy projects, which begs for a simplification of EC-related legislation and for the creation of supportive networks and umbrella organizations that share specific knowledge and skills. In addition, the commitment of (local) governments is needed to support the development of ECs and to overcome the various administrative and legal hurdles for ECs. For the scaling of ECs, dedicated targets, financial incentives and knowledge sharing seem crucial. While EU legislation should explicitly support the further development of the EC sector, it is important to acknowledge the need for adaptation of regulations to national circumstances, as every country has its own interplay between diverse actors, motivations, policies and contexts and the development of local versions of ECs should be enabled.