Periodic Reporting for period 1 - THERAPROBES (Biodegradable fluorescent nanoprobes for early detection of (pre)malignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-09-01 do 2021-08-31
Importance for Society: Regular endoscopic surveillance in high-risk patients misses 5−25% of (pre)malignant lesions – the clinically most relevant marker for malignant progression. This clinically significant miss rate is due to the subtle appearance of such lesions under white-light endoscopy and sampling errors inherent to a random-biopsy surveillance paradigm, which increases inter-operator variability and compromises diagnostic accuracy. Even when the malignant disease is detected, lack of sensitive contrast agents impairs delineation of the true extent of the lesion. These factors decrease the physician’s ability to achieve successful therapeutic intervention through resection or ablation. Consequently, ~33% of GI-tract lesions progress or recur at or near the therapeutic site, commonly requiring aggressive yet often non-curative, systemic treatments negatively impacting the patients’ quality of life. There is an unmet clinical need for endoscopic optical imaging approaches that reliably detect (pre)malignant GI-tract lesions with high sensitivity and specificity and thus improve standardization, diagnostic accuracy, and therapeutic adequacy.
Overall objectives: Touse biodegradable, fluorescent silica nanoprobes (FSNs), which are 50-100 nm in size that provide real-time visualization of (pre)malignant GI-tract lesions over a range of scales during routine endoscopy. Since tumour accumulation of FSNs is governed by size-dependent extra-vascularization due to increased vascular permeability, no active targeting is needed, making these imaging agents ubiquitously applicable. Endoscopy augmented with FSNs has tremendous potential for better outcomes particularly in high-risk patients by accurately diagnosing and directing treatment specifically to early lesions at a time when patients are still amenable to curative therapeutic intervention.