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Development of a new biomolecule to better control reproduction in fish

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EASYFISH (Development of a new biomolecule to better control reproduction in fish)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-08-01 do 2019-01-31

Fish farming is growing at 8% a year and will soon be the main source of fish for consumers. It supplies more than 34% of world's fish consumption and represents 57% in volume market share against 43% for fishing.

Due to captivity environment, some species have reproduction problems that is characterized by the absence of spontaneous ovulation in females and spermiation in males. The use of exogenous hormonal treatments is the only way to produce fertilized eggs. Most hormones are extracted from animal tissues.

This project is important for society because:

- the share of fish in human consumption is growing and increased from 70% in 1970 to 85% in 2015 at the expense of meat consumption.

- consumers demand more sustainable and natural aquaculture without exogenous hormone.

ReproPharm Vet developed a highly innovative hormone-free solution to stimulate fertility in breeding mammals and wanted to evaluate if this product could be a disruptive innovation to stimulate fish reproduction.
Main results obtained during the project are:

- the market study conducted by Efficient Innovation® confirms the economic relevance of ReproPharm Vet®'s product in fish farming and its relevance to consumer demand.

- in vitro and in vivo experimental studies demonstrated that the product is active on extracted fish hormones and suggested that it could be used in fish to stimulate reproduction.

- in silico study confirmed that ReproPharm Vet®'s product could work in fish as well as in mammals because of high homology between both targeted endocrine systems.

- the new technology tested to get higher yields of recombinant product was difficult to develop and this part of the work is not completed yet.

In conclusion, these preliminary results suggest that ReproPharm Vet's solution is worth being tested in fish farming as a sustainable and efficient alternative to current hormonal treatments.
Potential impacts of ReproPharm Vet's innovation will be evaluated on different breeds of farmed fish to confirm its efficacy and its potential as a sustainable and healthy alternative to hormones.

This innovation could have wide societal and socio economic implications because

- consumers as well as fish farmers want to move towards a healthy and sustainable livestock farming system for a healthy fish consumption

- this innovation represents a more efficient, sustainable and eco-friendly method to stimulate fertility in breeding fish increasing global market.