Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ADDPRIME (Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-08-01 do 2019-01-31
Smallmatek – Small Materials and Technologies (SMT), has since 2010 successfully managed to develop the ADDPRIME®, a solution based on a patented technology that protects metals from the corrosion, while mitigating the above-mentioned problems. ADDPRIME® is an innovative and easy-to-use nanotechnology that brings anti-corrosive characteristics to coatings, increasing in 6 times the metals corrosion resistance. Moreover, our solution based in a patented technology, requires less consumption of additives (up to 5 times) and brings less danger to the environment and human health, with up to 3 times less toxicity than the current solutions. This will result in decreasing maintenance costs up to 60% and coatings costs up to 27%.
The overall objectives are to identify suitable 2 target markets. Identify 3-5 potential customers in those target markets and validate their needs and willingness to pay for ADDPRIME. Adjust the porduct criteirias to this needs and enhance the application range of ADDPRIME. Presnet a Business Plan and future steps.
The defined target market segments are the Automotive and Aerospace coating sector. A utility analysis proved their strong willingness to pay for high anti-corrosion performance, Smallmatek has already partners and contacts from previous project in those sectors and the feedback from previous tests with partners was very positve. There was high interest from the big paint/coating producers which dominate those industires stated in the answers of the survey and interviews.
A detailed market analysis was conducted of the total paint/coating market and more detailed for the two defined target markets Automotive and Aerospace coatings. The market analysis included a Top-down approach as well as a detailed Bottom-up approach to define the TAM of ADDPRIME in both markets as well as a realisitc markets share targeted by Smallmatek for both markets.
The field of competitors in the market was analysed including their company profiles and competitve products. These products where tested and compared to ADDPRIME in terms of corrosion resistance and performance. ADDPRIME was by far supiror to all of them as well as to the harmful Cr(IV).
Also the technological definition & verification ADDPRIME® specifications for each market segments were identified and the technological part of the implementation plant for the next 2 year peroid was adapted to it.
In terms of dissimination strategy two detailed step-by-step plans were devolped to adress medium-coating producers and big paint/coating producers.Furthermore during the feasibility study, project risks have been identified, evaluated and addressed by appropriate risk mitigation measures. New Smallmatek stakeholders were identified which showed high interest in a cooperation regarding ADDPRIME for new pilot studies.
In the last part of the feasibility study the business plan was updated. New targets were set for Product, Price, Place and Promotion. A implementation plan was also developed for the next 2 years period to bring a fully developed ADDPRIME to the market hopefully with the support of a Phase 2 grant. Also the finacial plan was updated due to the different target markets and changes in product development.