Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ARTICONF (smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-01-01 do 2022-06-30
To mitigate such challenges, Decentralised Social Applications (Social DApps), based on blockchain technology and hosted on a federated Cloud, present good potential to create a secure and practically inviolable Social Continuum, connecting billions of people under no centralised control and allowing them to share information using democratic consensus protocols safely. The ARTICONF project researches and develops a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform for building trustworthy, scalable and democratic Social DApps on top of a decentralised, federated Cloud infrastructure through four Social DApp use cases: crowd journalism, carsharing, video opinion discussion and energy marketplace.
Trust and Integration Controller (TIC) is a Cloud-agnostic BaaS deployed on a federated Cloud infrastructure, currently connected to OpenStack, AWS and Google Cloud. TIC facilitates transparent, secure, reliable and interoperable Social DApp development on a permissioned Hyperledger Fabric blockchain service with high transaction validation throughput. TIC uses Docker Swarm to orchestrate blockchain services, such as smart contract deployment and network performance management. A persistent Cloud storage enables automatic BaaS restart and recovery upon infrastructure failures.
Co-located and Orchestrated Network Fabric (CONF) provides a suite of microservices for planning, provisioning, monitoring, and adapting a customised federated Cloud infrastructure to time-critical Social DApps. CONF uses the TOSCA standard to map Social DApps performance requirements onto federated Cloud infrastructure topology. Further, it deploys DApps by selecting the appropriate Cloud site and the virtual machine that satisfies their time and quality-critical constraints (e.g. deadline, security, distribution, latency). Further, it ensures fast recovery in the presence of faults or performance drops through rapid deployment or migration of Social DApp resources closer to the bottleneck areas.
Semantic Model with self‐adaptive Autonomous Relevant Technology (SMART) is a personalised knowledge-as-a-service tool that augments the DApp network for collaborative and participatory decision-making. It collects semi-structured transaction data from the blockchain, splits them into unique contexts (e.g. location, timestamp), and semantically links through diverse contexts. Afterwards, SMART clusters transactions with similar properties (e.g. locations, times, prices, values) for each context and temporally partitions the cluster groups into stages containing transactions within specific time intervals. The temporally partitioned steps allow discovery of the clusters’ evolution (e.g. growth, shrink) to understand the changing behavioural patterns of Social DApps.
Tools for Analytics and Cognition (TAC) is a guided analytics tool that uses cognitive techniques to enhance engagement between DApp providers and users. TAC provides a suite of microservices based on the Elasticsearch and Kibana stack for Cloud-based data analytics, including data indexing, search, filtering, aggregation, and visual reporting. Initially, TAC uses Logstash to preprocess the aggregated data, apply transformations, and push it to the ElasticSearch tool to process data schemas. ElasticSearch uses document-oriented indexing to associate the parsed data schema with the search entries supplied by the DApp provider. Finally, TAC uses KIbana for Web service-based visual exploration of the analysed data.
The outcome of the ARTICONF project is a BaaS toolset for Social DApp development released on GitHub as a set of four integrated tools under the Apache 2 License at: The consortium disseminated the project results in over 70 international publications and over 150 events. Finally, it established the ARTICONF foundation to exploit the BaaS toolset after the project completion.
The Video-Opinion Discussion Social DApp generated over three thousand social video opinions over twelve communities on politically essential topics such as Hungarian academic freedom, education and knowledge exchange, equality, diversity and inclusions, digital divide, climate, employability, and political elections. The ARTICONF tools produced over 16 thousand moderation events to support these discussions. Vialog is a Net Zero emissions company that recently launched the “one thread, one tree program” to plant one tree for each new discussion thread.
The Carsharing Social DApp called Trango (“trip and go”) launched a market testing campaign with the European EGI-ACE and ReachOut projects gathering feedback from over 500 users, resulting in five new functionalities. According to our simulations, fleet management optimised through decentralised peer-to-peer business transactions and secure data sharing increases trust, decreases the cost of payments and escrow for shared cars and improves sustainability by producing up to 38% less CO2 emissions.
The Energy Marketplace DApp provides a trusted, transparent and decentralised control over the propagated energy data among the energy regulators, prosumers, consumers and grid operators. It allows utility companies to incentivise customers to log their consumption and production data. They define smart contracts that provide rewards and loyalty points to their customers for sharing data and determine prices for repurchasing energy from their customers. Customers can choose to sell their excess energy to the grid or their peers and claim rewards for paying their energy bills.