Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MMAtwo (Second generation Methyl MethAcrylate (MMAtwo))
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-10-01 do 2022-09-30
MMAtwo brings high quality recycling capacity for PMMA waste to Europe. MMAtwo’s innovative concept for PMMA waste recycling through continuous, lead-free depolymerisation with a low energy footprint is able to handle both post-industrial and contaminated EoL PMMA waste and convert it into high quality regenerated MMA. The PMMA recycling process has been validated at a TRL7, enabling the possibility of commercialization soon after the end of the project (2022). LCA data have confirmed environmental benefits compared to the best scoring virgin MMA production process, the C2 process, as follows: 83% CO2 reduction, 99% water reduction, 94% fossil fuel use reduction.
The MMAtwo consortium of 16 partners from 7 countries represent the different steps in the PMMA waste value chain, as well as their academic and environmental impacts. Thus, besides developing a new concept for PMMA recycling, MMAtwo also creates a new value chain for PMMA waste in which producers, waste collectors, processors, end-users and the academic community all work together to accomplish a streamlined recycling of European PMMA waste whilst establishing a business model blueprint that can be copied to other continents as well.
Heathland processed PMMA waste through automated pre-treatment equipment which purifies PMMA waste before depolymerisation. Pre-treated waste was sent to Arkema, Certech, and JSW Europe for analysis and the trials. The separated fibres from the process were used by Delta Plados in the production of kitchen sinks.
JSW Europe assembled the depolymerisation equipment and modified the extruder. Downstream processing equipment was been modified by Suster, Arkema and Heathland. The equipment was upgraded after each campaign with a major upgrade before the final campaign. 6 successful campaigns were executed producing significant amounts of regenerated MMA.
Research on MMA purity, CO2 emissions, energy consumption and water consumption was performed by Arkema benchmarking competitive depolymerisation systems. Together with data by Quantis this resulted in an LCA showing the environmental benefits of MMAtwo versus virgin MMA production and competitive technologies.
High purity regenerated MMA was produced by Speichim which converted crude MMA into refined MMA through various purification steps. The rMMA was used by Delta Glass, Delta Plados, Arkema, Procoat and Trinseo in various on-spec products as an alternative to virgin MMA. Certech did extensive testing on rMMA odor issues. The design was further detailed by PDC and a technoeconomic assessment was made showing commercial viability.
UGent provided modelling for the MMAtwo technology to optimize the process. Besides UGent organized the projects disseminations such as several events, scientific publications and a book. Benkei managed the project from beginning to end.
The MMAtwo technology has now been thoroughly tested over the course of 4 years and 6 campaigns. Feedstock and pretreatment has been proven by Heathland. Depolymerization has been proven by Japan Steel Works Europe. Purification by Speichim. The market has been identified by Heathland. Successful end use of the regenerated MMA has been proven by Delta Glass, Delta Plados, Arkema, Procoat and Trinseo. The impact has been clarified through an LCA by Quantis and the economic viability by PDC.
This has resulted in a recent announcement by Trinseo and Japan Steel Works Europe on commercializing the technology and results.