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European Training Network in Low-energy Visible Light IoT Systems



Energy Aware Trajectory Optimization of Solar Powered AUVs for Optical Underwater Sensor Networks

Autorzy: Ali Mahmoodi, Khadijeh; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022, ISSN 0090-6778
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tcomm.2022.3215992

Modulating LiFi for dual operation in the visible and infrared spectra

Autorzy: Frometa Fonseca, Dayrene; Mir, Muhammad Sarmad; Iglesias de Frutos, Sergio; Genoves Guzman, Borja; Giustiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: Computer Communications, Numer Volume 216, 2024, ISSN 0140-3664
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2024.01.005

Bias Point Optimisation in LiFi for Capacity Enhancement

Autorzy: Tilahun Zerihun Gutema, Harald Haas, Wasiu O Popoola
Opublikowane w: Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, Strona(/y) 1-1, ISSN 0733-8724
Wydawca: Optical Society of America
DOI: 10.1109/jlt.2021.3083510

Prototyping Visible Light Communication for the Internet of Things Using OpenVLC

Autorzy: Genovés, Borja; Mir, Muhammad Sarmad; Frometa, Dayrene; Galisteo, Ander; Wang, Qing; Giustiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: IEEE Communication Magazine, Numer 1, 2023, ISSN 0163-6804
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7674382

On Symbol Error Performance of Probabilistic Shaping in Noise-Limited and Fading Channels

Autorzy: Gutema, Tilahun Zerihun; Popoola, Wasiu; Haas, Harald
Opublikowane w: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Numer 3, 2023, ISSN 2644-125X
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2023.3278972

CoMP-JT Scheme for D2D Communication in Industrial LiFi Networks

Autorzy: Ahmet Burak Ozyurt; Wasiu O. Popoola
Opublikowane w: Ozyurt , A & Popoola , W 2022 , ' CoMP-JT Scheme for D2D Communication in Industrial LiFi Networks ' , IEEE Access , vol. 10 , pp. 70760-70768 ., Numer 1, 2022, ISSN 2169-3536
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3188262

LiFi-Based D2D Communication in Industrial IoT

Autorzy: Ozyurt, Burak; Popoola, Wasiu
Opublikowane w: IEEE Systems Journal, 2022, ISSN 1932-8184
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/jsyst.2022.3179183

Mobility management in multi-tier LiFi networks

Autorzy: Ahmet Burak Ozyurt, Wasiu O. Popoola
Opublikowane w: Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Numer 13/9, 2021, Strona(/y) 204, ISSN 1943-0620
Wydawca: Optical Society of America
DOI: 10.1364/jocn.423925

Empirical study of an underwater optical camera communication system under turbulent conditions

Autorzy: Behnaz Majlesein; Callum T. Geldard; Victor Guerra; Julio Rufo; Wasiu O. Popoola; Jose Rabadan
Opublikowane w: Crossref, Numer 2, 2023, ISSN 1094-4087
Wydawca: Optical Society of America
DOI: 10.1364/oe.491754

A prediction-model-assisted reinforcement learning algorithm for handover decision-making in hybrid LiFi and WiFi networks

Autorzy: Frometa Fonseca, Dayrene; Genoves Guzman, Borja; Martena, Giovanni Luca; Bian, Rui; Haas, Harald; Giustiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2023, ISSN 1943-0620
Wydawca: Optical Society of America
DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.495234

LiFi for Low-Power and Long-Range RF Backscatter

Autorzy: Mir, Sarmad; Genoves Guzman, Borja; Varshney, Ambuj; Giustiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: IEEE Transactions on Networking, Numer 1, 2023, ISSN 1063-6692
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2023.3344316

Towards Sustainable Greenhouses Using Battery-Free LiFi-Enabled Internet of Things

Autorzy: Genovés, Borja; Talavante, Javier; Frometa, Dayrene; Mir, Muhammad Sarmad; Giustiniano, Domenico; Obraczka, Katia
Opublikowane w: IEEE Communications Magazine, Numer 1, 2023, ISSN 0163-6804
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7640403

Screen-to-Camera Communication with Ambient Light

Autorzy: Miguel Chávez Tapia; Talia Xu; Zehang Wu; Marco Zúñiga Zamalloa
Opublikowane w: VOLUME=6;ISSUE=2;ISSN=2474-9567;TITLE=ACM Proceedings on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Numer 2, 2022, ISSN 2474-9567
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3534602

Evaluation of communication link performance and charging speed in self-powered Internet of underwater things devices

Autorzy: Behnaz Majlesein; Victor Guerra; Jose Rabadan; Julio Rufo; Rafael Perez-Jimenez
Opublikowane w: IEEE Access, Numer 1, 2022, ISSN 2169-3536
Wydawca: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3207760

WDM Based 10.8 Gbps Visible Light Communication With Probabilistic Shaping

Autorzy: Tilahun Zerihun Gutema; Harald Haas; Wasiu O. Popoola
Opublikowane w: Journal of Lightwave Technology, Numer vol. 40 , no. 15, 2022, Strona(/y) 5062-5069, ISSN 1558-2213
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/jlt.2022.3175575

Passive visible light positioning systems - an overview

Autorzy: Jagdeep Singh, Usman Raza
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Workshop on Light Up the IoT, 2020, Strona(/y) 48-53, ISBN 9781450380997
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3412449.3412553

Non-linearity of LEDs for VLC IoT applications

Autorzy: Muhammad Sarmad Mir, Borja Genoves Guzman, Ander Galisteo, Domenico Giustiniano
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Workshop on Light Up the IoT, 2020, Strona(/y) 6-11, ISBN 9781450380997
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3412449.3412552

Modelling of Multi-Tier Handover in LiFi Networks

Autorzy: Ozyurt, Burak; Tinnirello, Ilenia; Popoola, Wasiu
Opublikowane w: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021), 2021
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1145/3412449

Beam Selection in Angle Diversity MIMO Systems for Optical Wireless Systems

Autorzy: Sperga, Janis; Bian, Rui; Haas, Harald
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6602077

BmmW: A DNN-Based Joint BLE and mmWave Radar System for Accurate 3D Localization

Autorzy: Peizheng Li; Jagdeep Singh; Han Cui; Carlo Alberto Boano
Opublikowane w: Crossref, Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/dcoss-iot58021.2023.00016

PassiveLiFi: rethinking LiFi for low-power and long range RF backscatter

Autorzy: Mir, Muhammad Sarmad; Genovés Guzmán, Borja; Varshney, Ambuj; Giutiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: ACM Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom 2021), 2021
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3447993.3483262

Adaptive WDMA - improving the data rate of a densely deployed LiFi network

Autorzy: Giovanni Luca Martena, Rui Bian, Harald Haas
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Workshop on Internet of Lights, 2021, Strona(/y) 7-12, ISBN 9781450386043
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3469264.3469806

Augmenting a Smartphone Camera with a Tele Lens photo for Enhanced LED-to-Camera Communication

Autorzy: Dalgic, Ömer; Singh, Jagdeep; Farnham, Tim; Puccinelli, Daniele
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7650484

HueSense: Featuring white LEDs through Hue Sensing

Autorzy: Singh, Jagdeep; Wang, Qing; Zuñiga, Marco; Farnham, Tim
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3556558.3558582

Screen Perturbation: Adversarial Atack and Defense on Under-Screen Camera

Autorzy: Ye, Hanting; Lan, Guohao; Jia, Jinyuan; Wang, Qing
Opublikowane w: 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10009961

Seamless Handover in Hybrid VLC and WiFi network: a testbed scenario

Autorzy: Trung Ngo, Kien; Giuliano, Fabrizio; Mangione, Stefano; Farnham, Tim; Tinnirello, Ilenia
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: ICCCAS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7923924

Experimental Investigation of MISO Vehicular Visible Light Communication under Mobility Conditions

Autorzy: Tettey, Daniel; Ashfaq, Bismillah Nasir; Elamassie, Mohammed; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10210153

Experimental characterization of sub-pixel underwater optical camera communications

Autorzy: Majlesein, Behnaz; Matus, Vicente; Jurado-Verdu, Cristo; Guerra, Victor; Rabadan, Jose; Rufo, Julio
Opublikowane w: Crossref, Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/csndsp54353.2022.9907903

OFDM based visible light communication with probabilistic shaping

Autorzy: Tilahun Zerihun Gutema, Harald Haas, Wasiu O. Popoola
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Workshop on Light Up the IoT, 2020, Strona(/y) 1-5, ISBN 9781450380997
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3412449.3412548

Inti: Indoor Tracking with Solar Cells

Autorzy: Osterlee, Oxana; Xu, Talia; Zuñiga Zamalloa, Marco
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7197296

Energy and Spectral Efficiency of Multi-Tier LiFi Networks

Autorzy: Ozyurt, Burak; Hass, Harald; Bian, Rui; Popoola, Wasiu
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7640416

Enabling Body-Centric Computing Applications with LED-to-Camera Communication

Autorzy: Omer Dalgic; Daniele Puccinelli; Marco Zuniga
Opublikowane w: BodySys 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 Workshop on Body-Centric Computing Systems, Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3539489.3539588

RGB LED bulbs for communication, harvesting and sensing

Autorzy: Muhammad Sarmad Mir; Behnaz Majlesein; Borja Genoves Guzman; Julio Rufo; Domenico Giustiniano
Opublikowane w: instname:, Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6319844

Implementation of Software-Defined Adaptive DCO-OFDM for Vehicular Visible Light Communication

Autorzy: Tettey, Daniel; Elamassie, Mohammed; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: Numer 2, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/6GNET58894.2023.10317783

Communication with Ambient Light using Digital Micromirror Devices

Autorzy: Blokker, Roy; Xu, Talia; Zúñiga Zamalloa, Marco A.
Opublikowane w: Workshop on Computer Human Interaction in IoT Applications (CHIIoT 1) – Co-located with EWSN21, Numer 1, 2021
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4557155

FPGA-Based Implementation and Experimental Demonstration of a Vehicular VLC System

Autorzy: Ashfaq, Bismillah Nasir; Tettey, Daniel; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10210147

Data Freshness in Mixed-Memory Intermittently-Powered Systems

Autorzy: James Scott Broadhead and Przemysław Pawełczak
Opublikowane w: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021), 2021
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4756047

DroneVLC: Exploiting Drones and VLC to Gather Data from Batteryless Sensors

Autorzy: De Groot, Lucan; Xu, Talia; Zuñiga, Marco
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7781299

AUV Trajectory Optimization for an Optical Underwater Sensor Network in the Presence of Ocean Currents

Autorzy: Khadijeh Ali Mahmoodi and Murat Uysal
Opublikowane w: IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), 2021
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4756012

Thin Receiver Freeform Lenslet Concentrator Array for LiFi

Autorzy: Sperga, Janis; Bian, Rui; Sufyan Islim, Mohamed; Kosman, John; Martena, Giovanni Luca; Murphy; Eoin; Haas, Harald
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7947997

When VLC Meets Under-Screen Camera

Autorzy: Ye, Hanting; Xiong, Jie; Wang, Qing
Opublikowane w: ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (ACM MobiSys), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3581791.3596855

Through-Screen Visible Light Sensing Empowered by Embedded Deep Learning

Autorzy: Liu, Hao; Ye, Hanting; Yang, Jie; Wang, Qing
Opublikowane w: Workshop on Workshop on Challenges in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Internet of Things in conjuction with ACM SenSys 2021, 2021
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3485730.3493454

A System Architecture for Battery-free IoT Networks

Autorzy: Frometa Fonseca, Dayrene; Genoves Guzman, Borja; Giustiniano, Domenico; Widmer, Joerg
Opublikowane w: Numer 3, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10200194

Why intermittent computing could unlock low-power visible light communication - position paper

Autorzy: James Scott Broadhead, Przemysław Pawełczak
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Workshop on Light Up the IoT, 2020, Strona(/y) 36-41, ISBN 9781450380997
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3412449.3412546

Visible light or infrared? Modulating LiFi for dual operation in the visible and infrared spectra

Autorzy: Frometa, Dayrene; Mir, Muhammad Sarmad; Genovés, Borja; Giustiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7640355

Impact of Passband Shift in Optical Wireless Communication Systems based on Wavelength Division

Autorzy: Martena, Giovanni Luca; Bian, Rui; Haas, Harald
Opublikowane w: Numer 4, 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6541962

Exploiting Digital Micro-Mirror Devices for Ambient Light Communication

Autorzy: Talia Xu; Miguel Chávez Tapia; Marco Zuniga
Opublikowane w: Delft University of Technology, Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6601981

Hybrid VLC/WiFi Architectures with Priority Feedback Channels

Autorzy: Trung Ngo, Kien, Giuliano, Fabrizio; Croce, Daniele; Mangione, Stefano; Tinnirello, Ilenia; Garbo, Giovanni
Opublikowane w: International Congress Future Telecommunications: Infrastructure and Sustainability (FITCE 2022), 2022
Wydawca: FITCE
DOI: 10.23919/fitce56290.2022.9934522

Integration between Home Automation and Visible Light Communications

Autorzy: Muhammad Sarmad Mir; Borja Genovés Guzmán; Deepak Solanki; Guenter Marent; Domenico Giustiniano
Opublikowane w: In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN ’20), Numer 1, 2020
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3886801

Detecting and Controlling Smart Lights with LiTalk

Autorzy: Jagdeep Singh; Dan Watkinson; Tim Farnham; Daniele Puccinelli
Opublikowane w: Crossref, Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3556558.3558581

BLoB: Beating-based Localization for Single-antenna BLE Devices

Autorzy: Singh, Jagdeep; Baddeley, Michael; Boano, Carlo Alberto; Stanoev, Aleksandar; Chai, Zijian; Wang, Qing; Raza, Usman
Opublikowane w: Numer 2, 2023
Wydawca: EWSN
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8380305

Exploiting EDCA for Feedback Channels in Hybrid VLC/WiFi Architectures

Autorzy: Kien Trung Ngo, Stefano Mangione, Ilenia Tinnirello
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet 2021), 2021
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5090694

Single LED Gbps Visible Light Communication with Probabilistic Shaping

Autorzy: Gutema, Tilahun; Popoola, Wasiu
Opublikowane w: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021), 2021
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1234.111/

Operation Altitude Optimization of Solar-Powered Rotary-Wing UAVs for FSO Backhauling

Autorzy: Ali Mahmoodi, Khadijeh; Elamassie, Mohammed; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: Numer 2, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7923967

LED-to-LED based VLC systems - developments and open problems

Autorzy: Muhammad Sarmad Mir, Behnaz Majlesein, Borja Genoves Guzman, Julio Rufo, Domenico Giustiniano
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Workshop on Internet of Lights, 2021, Strona(/y) 1-6, ISBN 9781450386043
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3469264.3469805

Analysis of Over-the-Air Time Synchronization for Industrial LiFi Networks

Autorzy: Ozyurt, Ahmet Burak; Popoola, Wasiu
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WCNC55385.2023.10118779

A Simulation Tool for Interference Analysis in MIMO Wavelength Division LiFi Indoor Networks

Autorzy: Martena, Giovanni Luca; Sperga, Janis; Frometa, Dayrene; Bian, Rui; Genovés, Borja; Sufyan Islim, Mohamed; Kosman, John; Haas, Harald
Opublikowane w: Numer 1, 2023
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7924508

Impact of Passband Shift in Optical Wireless Communication Systems based on Wavelength Division

Autorzy: Martena, Giovanni Luca; Bian, Rui; Haas, Harald
Opublikowane w: Crossref, Numer 1, 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icc45855.2022.9839194

Experimental Demonstration of an FPGA-based Outdoor VLC Broadcasting System

Autorzy: Baglıca, Ibrahim; Ashfaq, Bismillah Nasir; Ergin, Sude; Kebapcı, Burak; Baykas, Tuncer; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2023
Wydawca: Istanbul Technical University
DOI: 10.1109/siu59756.2023.10223788

Poster: “When BLE Meets Light: Multi-modal Fusion for Enhanced Indoor Localization”

Autorzy: Singh, Jagdeep; Farnham, Tim; Wang, Qing
Opublikowane w: The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10009909

Poster: “Experimental Investigation of Angle Diversity Receiver for Vehicular VLC”

Autorzy: Tettey, Daniel K. ; Elamassie, Mohammed; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10008843

Demo: SDR-based Implementation of Adaptive OFDM LiFi System

Autorzy: Tettey, Daniel; Elamassie, Mohammed; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: 6G Summit in Abu Dhabi, 2023
Wydawca: Abu Dhabi 6G Summit
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10210228

Experimental Demonstration of Vehicular Visible Light Communications

Autorzy: Ashfaq, Bismillah Nasir; Tettey, Daniel; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: 6G Summit in Abu Dhabi, 2023
Wydawca: Abu Dhabi 6G Summit
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10209999

Poster: “Experimental Study of Wavy Surface Effects on Uplink Water-Air Optical Camera Communication”

Autorzy: Majlesein, Behnaz; Geldard, Callum T. ; Guerra, Victor; Luna-Rivera, J.M. ; Rufo, Julio; Popoola, Wasiu O. ; Rabadan, Jose
Opublikowane w: The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10009883

Demo: Rethinking LiFi for Low-Power and Long Range RF Backscatter

Autorzy: Frometa Dayrene; Mir, Sarmad, Genovés, Borja; Varshney, Ambuj; Giustiniano, Domenico
Opublikowane w: The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10008773

Poster: “Vehicular Visible Light Communications with A Solar Panel Receiver”

Autorzy: Tettey, Daniel K. ; Ali Mahmoodi, Khadijeh; Bonakdar, Roozbeh; Uysal, Murat
Opublikowane w: The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10009399

Poster: “A Novel Intelligent Management System Architecture for Hybrid VLC/RF Systems in Smart Retail Environment”

Autorzy: Trung Ngo, Kien; Mangione, Stefano; Tinnirello, Ilenia
Opublikowane w: The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2023
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10009919

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