Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SHINE (Self-Healthcare for breast cancer detection using an INtegrated paper-based Electrochemical device)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-01-07 do 2021-01-06
This study has also allowed to produce a protocol, highlighting some key factors that should be considered prior to the fabrication and use of the paper-based strip applied for DNA analysis.
Beyond the state of the art, the detection of circulating mutation has been evaluated with the two above cited approaches, highlighting the Signal OFF platform as the optimal compromise of manufacturing and ease of use.
The objective related to the reported period was achieved following periodically seminars and/or workshops on the resolution of specific tasks related to the project acquiring additional scientific and complementary skills.
As part of the dissemination and communication activities, among the various deliverables, during the three-month period of work, two main activities have been produced to spread the SHINE project. In particular, a seminar for members of ICN2 has been held and the project has been also explained within a communication science contest that was dedicated to non-specialized audience. In particular, the Barcelona Science Slam has been organized by the Marie Curie Alumni Association encouraging PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to participate, providing an exciting opportunity to learn about a broad range of scientific fields and to share their research closer to society. In addition to this, the contest offered the possibility to attend a two-day workshop for enhancing the communication skills, trained by experts in communication at the Centre for Genomic Regulation.
- Identification of missense mutation in breast cancer for diagnosis and evaluation of the therapeutic process: this sequence can be used as the starting point to develop novel system to enhance the self-healthcare in the field of cancer treatment;
- Analytical characterization and comparison between two approaches of nucleic acid sensing, i.e. Signal ON and Signal OFF: future researcher will be able to decide which is the optimal platform for detecting nucleic acids, even for other application not only in the clinical field but also in the environmental and agri-food fields.
- Protocol for developing paper-based electrochemical DNA tools: as the exploitable result is the capacity in designing a paper-based strip including all the steps and modification.
The potential impact of SHINE could encompass social, economic and environmental aspects as well, following a common sustainability vision.
1) Social aspect. The use of paper-based platforms offers the possibility to furnish miniaturised, cost-effective, and environmental friendly devices. These devices allow to perform measurements by un-skilled personnel without requiring laboratory set-up, delivering useful devices especially in those resource-limited areas.
2) Economic aspect. It has been reported that merely by replacing plastic by filter paper in strips fabrication, the cost is reduced of more than 50% at laboratory scale manufacturing process. Just considering the glucose test strips used every year by diabetic patient (750 millions, as case of study for this discussion, the replacing of plastic-based strips will have a tremendous economic impact on the strips manufacturing process, delivering more cost-effective strips even in the field of cancer care.
3) Environmental aspect. Regarding the analytical methodologies, the 11th of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry established by Anastas and Warner is focused on the development of real-time analysis to accomplish the environmentally friendly approach. In addition, a sustainable analytical method should minimise the production of hazardous waste to reduce the environmental impact even because the strips are fabricated from non toxic materials and they can be easily incinerated after the measurement reducing the waste.