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ERA-Net Cofund in Personalised Medicine

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ERA PerMed (ERA-Net Cofund in Personalised Medicine)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-12-01 do 2023-11-30

Horizon 2020 defined Personalised Medicine as "a medical model using characterization of individuals’ phenotypes and genotypes (e.g. molecular profiling, medical imaging, lifestyle data) for tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time, and/or to determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely and targeted prevention". Personalised Medicine (PM) represents a paradigm shift away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the treatment and care of patients with a particular condition, to one which uses emergent approaches in areas such as diagnostic tests, functional genomic technologies, molecular pathways, data analytics and real time monitoring of conditions to better manage patients’ health and to target therapies to achieve the best outcomes in the management of a patient’s disease or predisposition to disease. At the same time, one key objective of personalised medicine is to make health systems more sustainable by reducing costs.

The European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) focusing on personalised medicine (ERA PerMed) was created in December 2017 under Horizon 2020 and has been supported by 32 funding institutions from 23 countries (19 EU countries, 3 H2020 associated countries and 1 third country) and 6 regions. ERA PerMed, has been the biggest ERA-Net in the health sector, and has fostered the development of personalised approaches, in which the citizen is at the centre of healthcare. ERA PerMed has brought an exceptional scenario of major European funding institutions that shares a common aim and strong commitment to facilitate and accelerate the effective translation of scientific discoveries into clinical applications and benefits for health systems, driving significantly the further development and implementation of PM, and increasing the quality of PM research.

In this regard, major efforts has been directed towards creating the conditions for coordinating and aligning relevant stakeholders (public institutions, governments, industry, civil society, patient organisations) in personalised medicine action across Europe and beyond.

ERA PerMed has coordinated R&I efforts of the participating partners (funding agencies from EU, associate countries to H2020 and third countries). ERA PerMed partners have implemented one call with top-up co-funding from the EC (JTC2018), including funded project monitoring. Additionally, four non-cofunded calls has been launched, in order to broaden the scope of action of the efforts made by the EC and funding organizations to foster the Personalised Medicine Research Community and to be able to take into account recent changes within the landscape of personalised medicine, e.g. new developments of emerging technologies and societal challenges, which reinforces and amplifies the expected impact of ERA PerMed funding activity.
The ERA-Net has successfully aligned national research strategies, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in PM, and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries and national funding organisations.

The first Transnational Joint Call was launched in February 2018 and as a result, 25 scientific projects have been funded (28.271.516 €), with the support of the EU co-funding. Over the last 5 years, in the framework of ERA PerMed, 42 funding organisations have successfully funded 111 multinational translational PM research projects, including 600 partners from 33 countries, with a total investment of over 130 Mio. €, including around 9,5 Mio. € of EU co-funding. An outstanding leverage of financial commitments in the PM transnational research field have been achieved.

ERA PerMed has established a permanent dialogue with the different PM global stakeholders, not only in Europe, but as well at international level (e.g. through the close collaborations with ICPerMed, EULA PerMed, EU Africa PerMed). Particularly, ERA PerMed has strongly encouraged the active involvement of members of the public in the proposed research projects.

ERA PerMed supported the strategy and framing towards and the development of the co-funded European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, and hence a clear perspective for PM stakeholders, who will find tailor-made activities supporting PM research, innovation and implementation, communication, networking and funding according to their needs and for a timeframe of ten (10) years. Therewith, ERA PerMed contributed to maintain Europe’s highly competitive position in the PM field worldwide.
The ultimate goal and expected outcome of ERA PerMed is to strongly contribute to the building of a more effective European Research Area by facilitating and coordinating regional and national European research funding programmes on Personalized Medicine. ERA PerMed wants to contribute to its overarching goal which is to put the citizen at the centre of healthcare and to prevent diseases instead of only treating them, reducing the cost of healthcare and creating a virtuous circle for health policy.

The synergies established as well with other ERA-Nets have enable the exchange of knowledge and good practices between ERA PerMed and other funding research programmes. Particularly important it has been this fruitful collaboration in transversal topics (such as Ethics, RRI, Open Science, research Data management, Intellectual Property Rights…) that have enriched the information and capacity building provided by ERA PerMed to its funded researchers. Furthermore, ERA PerMed has contributed to the improvement and harmonisation of public policies which aim to support collaborative research projects between academics, industry, companies/SMEs and/or hospital/health care settings.

The requirement to include multidisciplinary teams in the funded research consortia of ERA PerMed JTCs has enhanced the collaboration among the different PM stakeholders, increasing the academic-clinical interactions. The integration of companies/SMEs in the research consortia has served to accelerate the innovation of the research outcomes of the funded projects.

ERA PerMed has been committed to engage and work with different stakeholders and organisations, regionally, nationally and internationally, to support effective translation of research findings into benefits for health systems. Furthermore, ERA PerMed has achieved to successfully integrate in its JTCs, several international funders from countries all over the world which has led to established synergies in the PM research field at international level.

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