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D17 is implemented within the activities of T14 This deliverable will identify the project risks their probability of occurrence and their severity It will also describe proposed risk mitigation measures to achieve successful project implementation
Report on yields, health of crops and derived productsD4.5 is implemented within the activities of T4.5. D4.5 is implemented within the activities of T4.5. This report will include a comprehensive study on key performance indicators of different crops as well as a comparative look with international standards. Performance of the agricultural sites will be measured in terms of crop production, variety of crops & products, total yield per m2, and other indicators
Catalogue of selected plants, description, availability and product development optionsD43 is implemented within the activities of T43 This report will include a comprehensive catalogue of all of the plants crops which will be grown on the sites The catalogue will be developed with the help of the local community through the participatory model of D41 as well as soil analysis conducted T46 The catalogue will include the descriptions availability market price and prospects of the selected plants
Marketing activitiesD8.4 is implemented within the activities of T8.4. This report will describe and assess all the different marketing activities performed throughout the project (WP8) and their links to the Communication activities carried out under WP9. The achievement of objectives will be reviewed and all the marketing supports prepared (factsheets, survey) will be provided.
Guidance methodology for replication assessmentD72 is implemented within the activities of T72 The deliverable will detail the methodology and the local regulatory frameworks to pave the way for the following replicability assessment In addition D72 will include 1 sizing criteria for flows and loads 2 detailed questionnaires standardized datasheet and checklist that will be structured in collaboration with the leaders of the technical work packages
Update on integrated monitoring and controlling platformD5.8 is implemented within the activities of T5.6. It is an update of D5.7 on the monitoring and controlling platform and on the report concerning the architecture and the functionalities of the developed platform. The update will include the modifications based on sites feedback.
Data repositoryD56 is implemented within the activities of T55 A report presenting HYDROUSAs data repository analysing its architecture and infrastructure the components design the authentication mechanisms and the Application Programming Interface API
Integrated monitoring and controlling platformD57 is implemented within the activities of T56 Monitoring and controlling platform online and report on the architecture and the functionalities of the developed platform M42 The report will be updated at M58 including the modifications based on sites feedback
Report on the networking and marketing activitiesD95 is implemented within the activities of T95 This report will summarize all the networking clustering and marketing activities which will take place with particular reference to the end users and the impact of these activities Liaison activities with other H2020 and other EU funded and National projects will be reported
Social impact assessment modelsD62 is implemented within the activities of T62 It is a report on social impact assessment including a Methodology for the social impact assessment for HYDROUSA systems and services b Social indicators and factors citizen engagement and customer satisfaction and public acceptance c Results from the social impact Assessment models
Plan for participatory model for community engagementD41 is implemented within the activities of T41This report will develop a comprehensive plan for engaging the community through a participatory model The main focus of the model will be include methods of engaging members of the community including them in the decision making and evaluation process of HYDROUSA activities and particularly in cocreation activities The plan will be developed from the results of 3 public workshops
Evidence matrix of circular economy facts and policy brief for use in WP7, WP8 and WP9D85 is implemented within the activities of T85 This report brings together all current efforts with brief descriptions and links for a more circular water economy showing barriers and possible ways to overcome them It is meant to support all partners of the project for having a strong evidence base together with a policy brief to rely on for any further interaction with stakeholders of all kind The evidence matrix will put the different efforts in certain categories to get a better overview
Updated report on dissemination and communicationD94 is implemented within the activities of T93 and T94 It consists of the final report on the Dissemination and Communication activities of the project the report will evaluate all the relevant activities and their impact on the project against KPI activities of the stakeholder panel will be described along the actual outputs outcomes and the foreseen impact
User requirements and specifications definitionD5.2 is implemented within the activities of T5.2. This deliverable presents the conducted survey and focus groups results and focuses on the most important aspects users find useful (M8).
HYDROUSA water loops in the context of the EU and international policy (including Innovation Deal)D7.1 is implemented within the activities of T7.1. It aims to frame HYDROUSA water loops within the context of EU directives and ongoing policy initiatives. International quality standards that are currently under definition, will be used to address the operation of HYDROUSA demos. It will describe the identified barriers for HYDROUSA widespread application and propose an innovation deal to be submitted to the EC.
Dissemination and Communication planD91 is implemented within the activities of T91 We will be conducting a detailed study of the identified stakeholders groups and of the strategic activities and channels that will use towards them and towards the wide public The vision for the activities undertaken as part of dissemination and communication is that they effectively engage a wide range of stakeholders from senior levels in industry regulation and government to local people and schoolchildren To achieve this the strategy and plan for delivery is reported in this deliverable to ensure that project partners communicate a focused coordinated message regarding the project to targeted stakeholders
Development of high-added value productsD4.4 is implemented within the activities of T4.4. It consists of a report which will describes the process implemented for the development of essential oils and soaps produced from herbs at the agricultural sites of Mykonos and Lesvos and their marketing within the islands.
Report on Dissemination and CommunicationD93 is implemented within the activities of T93 and T94 It is the 2year evaluation describing the dissemination and communication activities implemented during the period M1M24 and measuring the outcomes against the KPI Potential weak points will be identified to take action and increase the diffusion
Report on food safety issues and pest controlD4.6 is implemented within the activities of T4.6. This report will include the results of the soil & crop analysis as well as comparisons between the results based on different irrigation methods. Furthermore, a report will be developed on the results of the organic pest control methods (e.g. phytochemicals & plant biostimulants) to determine their effectiveness and replicability in other Mediterranean regions. The report should provide tangible results that the produced crops are safe to consume, documented through a series of experimental examinations.
Report on monitored micropollutants and pathogensD59 is implemented within the activities of T57 This report will evaluate the fate of selected organic and inorganic micropollutants as well as standard pathogens in water sludge soil and crops The organic micropollutants which will be measured include those of agricultural origin pesticide industrial origin eg bisphenol A and wastewater derived pharmaceutical and personal care products with special focus on of selected compounds of the Decision EU 2015495 watch list The inorganic micropollutants measured will be specific heavy metals including priority metals
HYDROUSA Service including transferability and replication planD76 is implemented within the activities of T76 This report includes 1 manual to HYDROUSA service to rapidly evaluate the feasibility of HYDROUSA water loops 2 simulation of the HYDROUSA service in 10 follower sites 3 transferability and replication plan that includes standardization of activities and approaches that have been validated within the HYDROUSA actions and will facilitate the replication andor the transfer of the project results beyond the project including other regions and countries
Updated user requirements and specifications definitionD53 is implemented within the activities of T52 It presents an updated version of D52 including the findings from the cocreation activities
Report on the co-creation and training activitiesD96 is implemented within the activities of T96 We build social and physical onsite learning environments aiming to engage and connect directly the local community with the HYDROUSA project These cocreative activities info points summer schools Hackathon Residencies and workshops will be our point of monitoring and collecting user requirements that would shape future development and scaling decisions This report will provide information on all the workshop activities implemented for HYDROUSA
Design of the constructed wetlandD3.2 is implemented within the activities of T3.2. The deliverable consists of the detailed. This deliverable consists of the detailed design methodology and drawings of the full scale wetland including technical description with methodology, detailed design calculations and drawings of the system. A list of the elements/materials required for the build-up as well as a P&ID will be included as well. Furthermore a description of the two pilot scale wetlands (bio-electrified wetland and aerated wetland) will be included.
Pilot Assessment ReportD5.1 is implemented within the activities of T5.1. This deliverable is a report on the 2-year operation of all the demonstration systems. The report shall describe the operating conditions of the systems, the performance in terms of pollutants removal. The report will assess the quantities of recovered water from the different non-conventional water sources, the water quality which is obtained and the crop yields delivered. Furthermore, the report will assess any operating problems which were experienced and how these were resolved
Replicability and associated funding mechanismsD83 is implemented within the activities of T83This report will present financing mechanisms that can support further exploitation of HYDROUSA and faster deployment for the targeted replication sites It will integrate additional and followup funding financing andor investment opportunities and mechanisms adapted to different relevant European countries and regions and in general regarding to the European Regional Development Fund ERDF It will also include blended instruments like NCFF Natural Capital Financing Facility InnovFin EU Finance for innovators the PRIMA Initiative as well as alternative financing mechanisms through municipalities community involvement crowdfinancing institutional investors World Bank ethical banks sustainable pension funds private investors venture capital donors and infrastructureenergywater utility organisations
Design of the UASB and biogas upgradeD3.1 is implemented within the activities of T3.1. The deliverable will comprise the detailed design methodology of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket, including sizing, electrical connections and preliminary control manoeuvres. It will include the technical description with methodology including a section on the benefits and limitations of the technology, preliminary design calculations with adequate explanations and drawings of the system. A list of the elements required for the build-up (brand, model, materials, main characteristics, power, etc.), as well as a P&ID will be included as well. The design of the equipment attached to the UASB (namely the biogas storage and the biogas upgrade system), will be considered herein as well. The same technical information provided for the UASB will be provided for these systems. Finally, a list of considerations for the operation of the systems (serving as a preliminary operation manual) and safety instructions will be included.
D3.7 is implemented within the activities of T3.4.The prototype, closed vessel composting system will be built at the demo site in Lesvos. The system will include a nature-based odour removal section together with a trickle bed biofilter, where biogas residue sludge will be filtered through biomass. This deliverable will provide photos of the construction of this prototype and the description of the start-up phase of the composting process used to treat sewage sludge from the UASB reactor and green material.
Demonstration of eco-tourist water loopsD2.6 is implemented within the activities of T2.3. This demonstrator will be approved with photographs of the installed, prototype rainwater harvesting and storage systems and the established water vapour catchment systems. The vapour condensation unit and the PV-driven water condensation unit will be compared to each other with overall efficiency rates.
UASB and biogas upgrade installed and operatingD33 is implemented within the activities of T31 This deliverable shows the developed and fully operative prototype UASB system together with the attached equipment biogas storage and upgrade systems according to the calculations and additional information shown in D31 This deliverable includes a series of photos drawings and PID of all the different systems and subsystems with appropriate description including piping electrical connections and 2D and 3D implementation plans A detailed list of every piece of equipment included in the plant pumps sensors valves etc together with their respective operating manuals and a description of their function within the plant will be provided The deliverable will incorporate a description of the construction installation and startup of the entire plant Special attention will be paid to the preliminary hydraulic and safety tests which will be duly documented It will also describe the development challenges and how these were resolved Finally the Deliverable will comprise an in depth operation manual for the entire system and safety instructions for its use
Rainwater management systems installed and runningIn the scope of D22 two prototype rainwater management systems designed in T21 will be installed and delivered to the project Within this deliverable the intended systems function will be described in a comprehensive report including the technical drawings of the design phase several photographs of the construction process and description of the final setup
Mangrove Still prototype installed and runningD2.4 is implemented within the activities of T2.2. The Mangrove Still will be upscaled to a system, where saltwater is evaporated and condensed inside the structure. A greenhouse will be fed with the produced water. The high humidity within the greenhouse will allow tropical/subtropical growing conditions for plants. This deliverable will include details about the development and the prototype assembly process. The accompanying report will contain photos, schemes and functions of the Mangrove Still and Greenhouse prototype.
Constructed wetland installed and operatingD3.4 is implemented within the activities of T3.2. The deliverable consists of the detailed description of the development of the full scale, prototype wetland in Lesvos as well as the installation of the pilot bio-electrified wetland and the aerated wetland. This deliverable includes a series of photos, drawings and P&ID of all the different systems and sub-systems with appropriate description, including piping, electrical connections and implementation plans. The deliverable will include photos from the installation of the systems and of the installed systems. It will also include a description of the start-up process.
D9.7 is implemented within the activities of T9.7. A serious game will be developed according to the different social – cultural – environmental challenges that HYDROUSA addresses that are connected to the water loop at the sites of the project. The game will use actual data and performance analytics of the project and will call for action and participation with a solution oriented approach. The HYDROUSA game will be available for Android and iOS devices through the official application stores.
Functional and economic indicatorsD6.1 is implemented within the activities of T6.1. It is a report on the (a) selection and description of operations, environmental and economic indicators -models of the HYDROUSA. (b) Input to the European debate on circular economy financing models
D9.2 is implemented within the activities of T9.2. We will build a common narrative by designing: (a) a visual identity, (b) the storyline that reflects on the innovative approach and the methodology of HYDROUSA and (c) a website that will act as the point of reference for the dissemination of the core values and objectives, for the dissemination of the progress – success stories and of plug-ins that citizens can act or participate.
Circular economy factsheet, layman’s leaflet and basis for education materialD86 is implemented within the activities of T85 Based on the research for the evidence matrix in D86 factsheets and laymans leaflet will be formulated as well The circular economy laymans leaflet will be the dissemination material for the broader community that can be used at all events and can even be distributed through further stakeholders It should ease a basic understanding for a transition towards circular economy This information should be spread with the support of all local partners
Green event leafletD1.6 is implemented within the activities of T1.3. It supports all partners to hold green events for at least internal meetings. It will set guidelines for internal (among partners) but also external use.
D1.5 is an updated version of D1.3 and D1.4 which will be submitted at the end of the project (i.e. Month 60). Since the DMP is expected to mature during the project, more developed versions will be included as additional deliverables.
Data Management PlanD13 is implemented within the activities of T12 This deliverable will specify how data will be collected processed monitored catalogued and disseminated It will address i data set reference and name ii data set description iii confidentiality iv standards and metadata v data dissemination and policies for data sharing and public access vi plans for archiving and preservation vii IP protection roadmap including selection of data streams for external publication to avoid conflicts with IP protection The procedures for data collection storage protection retention and destruction will comply with national and EU legislation Furthermore the data management plan will consider all relevant new legislation which will become applicable during the duration of the project such as EU Regulation 2016679 on the protection of personal data repealing Directive 9546EC currently in force A first version of the DMP will be delivered within M6
First update of the Data Management PlanD14 is an updated version of D13 which will be submitted at the end of month 30 Since the DMP is expected to mature during the project more developed versions will be included as additional deliverables
C.E. Nika; V. Vasilaki; E. Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Castaño M., Rodríguez-Mozaz S., Buttiglieri, G.
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16th Annual LC/MS/MS workshop on environmental applications and food safety, Barcelona, Spain, 15-16th October 2020, 2020
Marc Castaño-Trias; Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz; Gianluigi Buttiglieri
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T. Seintos; Ε. Statiris; F. Masi; C. Noutsopoulos; S. Malamis
Opublikowane w:
IWA 17th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 2022
Castaño M., Gusmaroli L., Rodríguez-Mozaz S., Buttiglieri, G.
Opublikowane w:
IV conference of pre-doctoral researchers of the UdG, Girona 13-16th June 2020., 2020
chool of Doctoral Studies, the UdG.doc Association, and the Vice-Rectorate for Research
M. Casta��o-Trias; L. Gusmaroli; S. Rodr��guez-Mozaz; G. Buttiglieri
Opublikowane w:
Numer 1, 2020
M. Casta��o-Trias; S. Rodr��guez-Mozaz; G. Buttiglieri
Opublikowane w:
C.E. Nika; P. Stanchev; E. Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Chrysanthi-Elisabeth Nika, Peyo Stanchev, Evina Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Castaño M., Gusmaroli L., Rodríguez-Mozaz S., Buttiglieri, G.
Opublikowane w:
ICRAPHE - 2nd International conference on risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment
Kappa S.,Mamais D., Noutsopoulos C., Kisser J., Stanchev P., Katsou E.,Malamis S.
Opublikowane w:
Giulia Cipolletta; Anna Laura Eusebi; E. Gözde Özbayram; Alessia Foglia; Francesco Fatone
Opublikowane w:
Nika, C.E., Vasilaki V., Katsou E.
Opublikowane w:
IWA Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, 2021
A. Koukoura; T. Seintos; E. Statiris; D. Mamais; C. Noutsopoulos; F. Masi; A. Rizzo; R. Bresciani; A.S. Stasinakis; A. E. Núñez; S. Malamis
Opublikowane w:
K.Monokrousou; C. Makropoulos; A. Eleftheriou; M. Styllas; K. Dimitriadis; N. Kouris; E. Nyktari; I. Vasilakos; S.Malamis
Opublikowane w:
Castaño M., Gusmaroli L., Rodríguez-Mozaz S., Buttiglieri, G.
Opublikowane w:
Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (IWA ECOSTP), 2021
Giulia Cipolletta, Anna Laura Eusebi, E. Gözde Özbayram, Alessia Foglia, Francesco Fatone
Opublikowane w:
5th IWA Specialized International Conference on ecoSTP, 21-25, June, 2021, 2021
C.E. Nika, V. Vasilaki, D. Renfrew, M. Danishvar, A. Echchelh , E. Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Water Research, 2022, ISSN 0043-1354
Elsevier BV
C.E. Nika, L. Gusmaroli, M. Ghafourian, N. Atanasova, G. Buttiglieri, E. Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Water Research, Numer 183, 2020, Strona(/y) 115988, ISSN 0043-1354
Elsevier BV
Alexandra Tsatsou, Niki Frantzeskaki and Simos Malamis
Opublikowane w:
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, ISSN 0959-6526
Elsevier BV
Matteo Postacchini , Elisa Di Giuseppe, Anna Laura Eusebi, Leonardo Pelagalli, Giovanna Darvini, Giulia Cipolletta, Francesco Fatone
Opublikowane w:
Renewable Energy, 2022, ISSN 0960-1481
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Mahdieh Ghafourian, Chrysanthi-Elisabeth Nika, Alireza Mousavi, Eric Mino, Maha Al-Salehi c
, Evina Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Zisis Tsiropoulos, Evangelos Skoubris, Spyros Fountas, Ioannis Gravalos and Theofanis Gemtos
Opublikowane w:
Agriculture, 2022, ISSN 2077-0472
Giulia Cipolletta, Emine Gozde Ozbayram, Anna Laura Eusebi, Çağrı Akyol, Simos Malamis, Eric Mino, Francesco Fatone
Opublikowane w:
Journal of Cleaner Production, Numer 288, 2021, Strona(/y) 125604, ISSN 0959-6526
Elsevier BV
Chrysanthi-Elisabeth Nika, Alfonso Expósito, Johannes Kisser, Gaetano Bertino, Hasan Volkan Oral, Kaveh Dehghanian, Vasileia Vasilaki, Eleni Iacovidou, Francesco Fatone, Nataša Atanasova
and Evina Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Water, 2021, ISSN 2073-4441
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
C.E. Nika, V. Vasilaki, A. Expósito, E. Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Water Research, Numer 187, 2020, Strona(/y) 116423, ISSN 0043-1354
Elsevier BV
Kan Li, Giulia Cipolletta, Corinne Andreola, Anna Laura Eusebi, Barbara Kulaga, Silvio Cardinali & Francesco Fatone
Opublikowane w:
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023, ISSN 1573-2975
Maria Kalli, Constantinos Noutsopoulos and Daniel Mamais
Opublikowane w:
Water, 2023, ISSN 2073-4441
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Mahdieh Ghafourian, Peyo Stanchev, Alireza Mousavi, Evina Katsou
Opublikowane w:
Science of The Total Environment, Numer 792, 2021, Strona(/y) 148267, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
M. Castano-Trias, S. Rodríguez-Mozaz, G. Buttiglieri
Opublikowane w:
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 2023, ISSN 2215-1532
Elsevier BV
Johannes Kisser, Maria Wirth, Bart De Gusseme, Miriam Van Eekert, Grietje Zeeman, Andreas Schoenborn, Björn Vinnerås, David C. Finger, Sabina Kolbl Repinc, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Aida Bani, Dolja Pavlova, Lucian C. Staicu, Merve Atasoy, Zeynep Cetecioglu, Marika Kokko, Berat Z. Haznedaroglu, Joachim Hansen, Darja Istenič, Eriona Canga, Simos Malamis, Margaret Camilleri-Fenech, Luke Beesley
Opublikowane w:
Blue-Green Systems, Numer 2/1, 2020, Strona(/y) 138-172, ISSN 2617-4782
Olga P. Koutsou , Michail S. Fountoulakis, Christos Matsoukas, Nikolaos M. Fyllas,
Athanasios S. Stasinakis
Opublikowane w:
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, ISSN 2213-3437
Elsevier BV
Lucia Gusmaroli, Esther Mendoza, Mira Petrovic, Gianluigi Buttiglieri
Opublikowane w:
Science of The Total Environment, Numer 714, 2020, Strona(/y) 136773, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
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