CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
To analyse current research-policy relations and define the knowledge needs of policymakers. WP1 will start with a thorough thinking exercise as to how to envisage the role and functioning of this research platform vis-à-vis policy-making on migration. It will organise 4 workshops, bringing together policy-makers and researchers to identify the most pertinent issues with regard to the migration themes covered in the call. With regard to the migration themes covered by this call, workshop participants will reflect on what are the key knowledge questions anticipated to concern policy-makers in the next 5, 10 or 20 years. With regard to practices affecting evidence-based policy-making, questions will include, inter alia: • To what degree have the interviewees and/or workshop participants used similar hubs or databases in the past and with what purpose? And if they have, with what frequency? • How easy was it for them to access the database, to search for relevant information (i.e. search function, terms, queries) and, when/if found, to export it? • Potential format for presenting existing research findings and analyses in the CROSS-MIGRATION database and disseminating these in a clear and concise manner. • Features of the database for it to be easily accessible and used by the target group (e.g. principles for organising, summarising, presenting and filtering data recorded in the database) and remain relevant and usable beyond the life of the project.
Establishment of a Policy NetworkTo establish a Policy Network in the first two months of the project. This involves a network of policy stakeholders from both the national and the EU level, to be engaged at various stages in the project.
Expert meeting migration flowsMeta analysis and expert consultation on research on migration flows. Reviewing the relevant information in the database in light of the key knowledge questions and formulating possible topics for issue-focused synthesis papers. The first step of the work requires identifying the best possible compromises between the knowledge that is desired and the knowledge that can be synthesized from recent research. This part of the analytical process will be supported by a bibliometric analysis of existing research on migration, what will give a broad overview of the general trends in migration scholarship.
Expert meeting migration infrastructuresMeta analysis and expert consultation on research on migration infrastructures • Arrange expert meeting • Feedback events/meetings with the relevant actors, facilitate peer to peer learning. • Link-making, trust-building and fact finding missions to key institutions (Europol, IOM, UNODC, OSCE). Request collaboration and approval for accessing and using data or reports for academic purposes.
Workshop 3 promoting ongoing research-policy dialoguesxxx
Expert meeting on migration policiesMeta analysis and expert consultation of research on migration policies. The work on migration policies will be based on extensive collaboration and co-production involving academic and non-academic partners that allow this work package to draw from the outset from the work of other work packages, particularly those that consider the policy application of this research, its findings and their implications.
Expert meeting Research NetworkExpert meeting of the Research-Network and the Project Partners for the development of the classification system
Definition of a consistent selection of research topics for pan-European research initiatives on MMIAction plan preparatory to a research agenda on migration • Setting up joint actions among consortium partners • Mapping various research initiatives within the cross-disciplinary area of migration and promote collaborations in order to create synergies • Ensuring that joint initiatives are based on up-to-date and accurate information on national and regional programming activities
Workshop 2 promoting ongoing research-policy dialoguesTo organise Research-Policy Dialogues throughout the project life. This will serve as a practical mechanism to maintain this policy-relevant approach throughout different work packages and project phases. It will consist of 2 workshops, where researchers and policy-makers will be assembled to discuss key policy developments that may have occurred since the start of the project (e.g. in the wake of sudden shifts in migration or imminent legislative reform, or 1 year after the project start) and any feedback loops that are required vis-à-vis the work done in the other work packages.
Final project conferenceProcedure for personnel secondments
As the aim of CROSS-MIGRATION is to map, assemble and accumulate knowledge on migration, it will seek access to available knowledge and expertise in a broader research network. Engaging with the broader research network will enable the project partners to perform their key action tasks. This applies to all research projects that are relevant for being included in the database, including projects in non-English languages where English language summaries are required for inclusion in CROSS-MIGRATION.The organization of personnel secondments (in-kind contributions by third-parties against payment) is the tool designed to get knowledge and expertise from the beyond the project partners, from members of the Research Network (see Part B 3.2.1) created in deliverable D2.1.
Expert meeting on research synthesisAn expert meeting: focus groups with Research Network members with the aim of supporting and facilitating the stocktaking of data and research projects (between month 3-10)
Management StructureEstablishment of management infrastructure at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Project kick-off conferenceCriteria for the research database
Design and creation of the migration research hub a. Stakeholder involvement (WP1): By means of exchange between policy makers, policy analysts, researchers and other experts, specific expectations and requirements for the portal will be defined. b. Expertise on knowledge management and ICT: an experienced ICT consultancy (to be subcontracted) will support the WP leaders in structuring and presenting relevant content and information, including semantic work and knowledge management. c. Expertise on ICT solutions: an experienced ICT solutions provider will support WP leaders by offering and implementing technical solutions for e.g. interfaces with existing databases, programming of the portal, visualisations, ensuring usability and, accessibility for all components of the portal.
Expert meeting migration driversMeta-analysis and expert consultation on research on migration drivers. This analysis will allow to identify research trends, gaps and clusters. The synthesis of results will include frequencies, cross-tabs and graphs. The synthesis of evidence will be facilitated by tools such as Leximancer or Wordstat to reduce reviewer bias. The work package will apply a “test pit approach” that explores different types of qualitative data analysis across different datasets (Edward et al. 2016). In this contest, an expert meeting will be held with members of the Research Network working on migration drivers.
Data management planDevelop a central data management plan. Together with the consortium partners, and the research data management department at Erasmus University Rotterdam a data management plan will be elaborated, to safely store the data during and after the project.
‘In-depth’ analysis of migration drivers. This core task will generate new insights, and write the cross-national knowledge reports on: • Complex configurations of migration drivers and their impact on migration flows • The role of migration policies and policy changes as an inherent part of broader driver configurations and their effects on migration outcomes (policy effects and effectiveness). • Existing driver configurations occurring simultaneously or at different sequences in time, in different places, at different scales, levels, and for different groups. The interaction between drivers, infrastructures and migration flows in past, current and future European migration systems
Review of existing migration scenariosLiterature review on migration scenarios. Overview of the current knowledge base and state of the art of foresight studies, projections and scenarios of migration flows. The research database and the classification system developed in the previous work packages will be here extremely useful here.
Report describing possible and probable migration scenariosCross-national knowledge report on migration policies
In depth analysis of research on migration policies. This analysis as will be written down in the cross-national knowledge reports will focus on specific questions related to our two core areas of study (intra-EU mobility and relocation/the Dublin system): the assessment of factors influencing migration governance, the identification of constellations of action and dimensions of contestation and specification of informal and formal processes of decision-influencing, -shaping and –making.
Strategic Research Agenda on MigrationForesight thematic research areas on migration • An expert meeting of the project consortium with the JPI-MMI Task Force of the GPC will be organised on M6 for stocktaking of existing research in the thematic areas/Identification of gaps/mapping of existing national and European/ international research programmes and their results. • Main topics to be pursued through concerted action and joint programming of research Monitoring and assessing impact of research projects
Cross-national knowledge report on migration infrastructuresIn depth analysis of research on migration infrastructures. This core task will generate new insights, and write the cross-national knowledge reports on: • Mapping type of data and scope and assess quality as becoming apparent from above exercises Analyse collated reports and publications, identify methodological or conceptual issues and research and knowledge gaps, compile critical state-of-the-art in cooperation with WP 3 and 5
Cross-national knowledge reports on migration flowsIn depth analysis of research on migration flows. After the topics have been decided, the WP team, together with experts appointed within the consortium and from the policy and research network (through outsourced research services) will write the cross-national knowledge reports on the basis of the information that is indexed in the research database, drawing upon additional publications, other research output, and datasets as needed. Within this task bibliometric analysis will also be applied, if relevant for a specific issue to be covered in the in-depth analyses of findings. Each report will provide research-based answers to a specific question, for example ‘How is intra-European labour migration affected by changes in wage differentials? Each paper will synthesize findings in a non-technical way and provide references to sources and further reading.
A list of key migration questionsTo define key migration questions and refine the methodology to be used in the CROSS-MIGRATION project and individual WPs. The workshops organised as part of task 1.2 will enable members of the Research Network (WP2) and the Policy Network to put forward a set of ‘key migration questions’. These questions will guide the synthesis to be done in subsequent work packages. Following the workshops, the WP leaders will meet to discuss the emerging data from the workshops and how these may help to refine the objectives, activities and desired outputs and outcomes of the project, and for each separate work package. With regard to the thematic work packages (WPs 4-7), the dialogue between researchers and policy-makers will allow for a further definition of: the broad focus of the work package, the key questions to explore, the activities that the work package lead and its partner(s) need to undertake to develop an answer to those, and the format in which the answers will be provided to policy-makers, both in terms of the database and the outputs vis-à-vis policy-makers . This exercise will contribute to the development of a WP work plan where the outputs and scope for policy recommendations are firmly integrated from the very start, while leaving sufficient flexibility for the project team to respond to events that may occur in the life of the project. The above should facilitate the translation of the research done into policy-relevant messages and engagement, and would avoid the pitfall of reflecting on these questions at the very end.
Series of reviews of key methodological issues, envisaged as relatively short papersTo evaluate strengths and weaknesses of current migration data, data collection practices and dissemination practices in migration research in the EU, and promote understanding of data availability, comparability and quality. Through issue briefs we highlight key methodological, ethical and conceptual questions arising in qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method research.
o Design and creation of a project website. This website will be developed in close cooperation with WP3, as one of the key features of the website will be the virtual migration research database. The website will also provide information on the project, will feature project deliverables/publications, and will feature a number of short video’s and MOOC’s.
Social media infrastructureo ishment of a social media infrastructure. Via both Twitter and Facebook, the project will disseminate project findings, but will also respond with ‘research-based statements’ regarding key migration questions.
Interactive online tools to visualize the different migrant scenariosDevelop interactive online tools. One or more interactive online tools will be developed to visualize the different (possible and probable) migration scenarios and make it available on the database with guidelines and information.
A Research NetworkEstablish and manage a Research Network. To represent the broader migration research community, a Research Network is established. Part of this WP will be to manage this Research Network, in terms of communication and finances.
Workshop 1 of Research Network + Policy NetworkTo analyse current research-policy relations and define the knowledge needs of policymakers. WP1 will start with a thorough thinking exercise as to how to envisage the role and functioning of this research platform vis-à-vis policy-making on migration. It will organise 4 workshops, bringing together policy-makers and researchers to identify the most pertinent issues with regard to the migration themes covered in the call. With regard to the migration themes covered by this call, workshop participants will reflect on what are the key knowledge questions anticipated to concern policy-makers in the next 5, 10 or 20 years. With regard to practices affecting evidence-based policy-making, questions will include, inter alia: • To what degree have the interviewees and/or workshop participants used similar hubs or databases in the past and with what purpose? And if they have, with what frequency? • How easy was it for them to access the database, to search for relevant information (i.e. search function, terms, queries) and, when/if found, to export it? • Potential format for presenting existing research findings and analyses in the CROSS-MIGRATION database and disseminating these in a clear and concise manner. • Features of the database for it to be easily accessible and used by the target group (e.g. principles for organising, summarising, presenting and filtering data recorded in the database) and remain relevant and usable beyond the life of the project.
Workshop 1 promoting ongoing Research-Policy DialoguesTo organise Research-Policy Dialogues throughout the project life. This will serve as a practical mechanism to maintain this policy-relevant approach throughout different work packages and project phases. It will consist of 2 workshops, where researchers and policy-makers will be assembled to discuss key policy developments that may have occurred since the start of the project (e.g. in the wake of sudden shifts in migration or imminent legislative reform, or 1 year after the project start) and any feedback loops that are required vis-à-vis the work done in the other work packages.
The research database• To create a research database, based on the classification system (WP2), to help both occasional and proficient users to find relevant expertise as well as identify, find and understand databases. The database will provide access to knowledge on migration drivers, infrastructures, flows, policies and scenarios as well as to the cross-cutting topics. This database will facilitate cooperation, information and data sharing within the research community and will make specialised research expertise accessible to a broader audience.
A migration research classification systemDevelop a migration research classification system. The classification system is not only a key project deliverable at the project’s beginning. It is also a key element in the project’s methodology as well as a key contribution of the project to the broader migration research community. Therefore, the classification system will be coproduced with the broader Research Network in a first expert meeting at the beginning of the project.
Searchable data visualisation tool for indicators and indexesHarmonisation and visualisation of indicators The collection of the policy indicators will involve a gap analysis (in terms of geographic scope and time-periods) as well as a consistency check. A simple harmonised coding system will be proposed in order to draw the codings of as many of the existing indicators as possible. A recoding of key indicators based on all of these indicator codings, generated by different teams at different times on the same countries’ policies and time-frames, will further enhance the reliability of this project’s key indicators. The final harmonised indicators will be presented in an easy-to-use database along with a full report on the reliability checks, the new key indicators, the data harmonisation and cleaning process and a set of recommendations for the design of future migration policy indicators, particularly in line of the SDGs. The database will be searchable through a data visualisation in the project’s migration research hub, similar to the MIPEX tool (
Migration research desk (pilot)Harmonised database of indicators
Identification of key migration policy indicators and weighting/aggregation These tests will also contribute to the identification of the most reliable key indicators for measuring as many relevant migration policies as possible. Key indicators are those that capture the policies with the most significant effects on migration dynamics. The results of this project’s work packages on drivers, infrastructures, flows and policies will indicate the degree of statistical significance and certainty between these policies and migration drivers, infrastructures and flows. These indicators can then be aggregated together into a conceptually and statistically reliable index to measure aggregate policies (e.g. the relative openness or restrictiveness of all immigration channels or the relative inclusive or exclusionary nature of integration policies in all key areas of life).
Migration debate fact checker (pilot)• Design, develop and launch an interactive and sustainable migration research hub. The hub will include the research database, topical syntheses, visualisations, scenarios and other project outcomes. The hub will be publicly available to policy makers, analysts, researchers as well as other interested audiences, and will be an accessible and low-threshold service.
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