CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
Description of the main topics discussed with this external body and the recommendations produced. Minutes of the workshops and other meetings held with this body will be annexed
Political recommendations- Political recommendations developed by the group of local authorities / month 27-31
Relevant corpora and argumentative analysisInterviews, focus groups and questionnaires for young migrants and stakeholders
Opinions mining from open sources
Opinions mining from open sources [12]
Evaluation reports Digital MeEvaluation reports Digital Me [24]
Discourse circulationSemantic approaches to analyse radicalized content: challenges and novel solutions
Semantic approaches to analyse radicalized content: challenges and novel solutions [18]
Institutional relations reportSummary of the bilateral meetings and events held with authorities at different international, European, national and local level, as well as stakeholders, linked to task 9.9.
Linguistics Analysis ReportExchange of experiences
Exchange of experiences [16]
The stages of the radical process reportThe report will analyse the resistance factors in taking action and protection factors do not give rise to direct questions, but will emerge from the analysis of interviews and young people’s paths. However, the following questions will help in the collection of data on these two types of factors: How does he/she see the recovery from radicalism? How does he/she see the path? How can he/she describe the change in commitment? Is he/she aware of the different stages passed? Does he/she manage to talk about these different stages? Doesn’t he/she think any more about others? About him/herself? About potential victims? Does he/she adjust the behaviour towards relatives and friends? At what stage is he/she today? What is his/her everyday life? What adjustment does he/she make to balance him/herself? Does he/she feel stronger or more vulnerable? How does he/she live with this feeling? Did he/she get back in touch with friends and family? Did he/she start again any cultural activity? Did he/she make any changes in behaviour to protect him/herself? Did he leave the radical group? Does he/she still miss it? What did he/she put in place to cope with the absence of the radical group? Did he/she look back to understand what was found in the radicalism? What was the most difficult part in the recovery from radicalism? Did he/she feel better then? If so, why? Does he/she still think that he/she was chosen for a God’s mission or did he/she realise that his radicalism was linked to personal problems? How does he/she look to the future? Does he/she manage to re-establish relations (friends and love) in the real world? Is he/she able to trust other people? Is he/she able to anticipate the own future? If so, how does he/she see him/herself? Does he/she think about the role or place in the society? Did he/she get back to studying? To work? Does he/she feel more valued than before its radicalism? Did he/she have a sense of control of emotions? Life? Future? Does he/she have self-control? Does he/she think that he/she still has some problems to solve? Does he/she want to help other Radicalized persons? If so, why? What does he/she think of the action of those who worked to de-radicalise him/her (parents, relatives, social partners, disengagement team from CPDSI)?
Reports evaluation AgoraReports evaluation Agora [19]
Working Group factsheetsPractice sheets presenting local experimentations (objectives, activities, budget, target audience, results)
Communication impact reportOutcomes of the communication plan will be presented, including in an annex all the communication pieces produced / recorded / animated, linked to task 9.8.
Toolkits ManualRadicality, radicalization, hate: speeches and critical thinking
Terminological and lexical analysis
Preliminary report Serious GamesPreliminary report Serious Game [12] : Serious game design document
Project handbook: Project guidelines, incl. communication rulesProject handbook: Project guidelines, incl. communication rules, to be provided byUT2 to all project partners as some of the partners have yet to be involved in EU funded projects (M3, Task 8.1, UT2)
Fieldwork and data deliveryReport on the final conference
- A synthetic report of the final conference / month 35
Consortium meeting minutesRegular consortium meetings will be prepared: kick-off-meeting, annual physical meetings and the final project meeting They will be facilitated and followed-up by UTM together with the local host. Meeting will be followed by minutes that will be approved in Steering Committee meeting (M36) Task 9.2, UTM)
Factors of insecurity and radicalisation reportFactors of insecurity and radicalisation report (analysis and recommendations for policy-making purposes)
Demonstration- simulation exercise reportLiterature review report
Task 4.1 : Preparatory work: literature review and preliminary workshop Task 4.2: Current situation in prisons: Provide a “current situation” Task 4.3: Field research. Mapping and description of actors. Task 4.4: Survey with self-assessment questionnaires Task 4.5: Survey of young migrants and analysis of problems of inclusion and risk of radicalisation . Task 4.6: Development of a coherent competence profile of frontline professionals Task 4.7: Recommendations for practitioners and Dissemination
Report on the preparatory phase of Citizens AgoraA website and facebook accounts where the results are published [24]
NewslettersNewsletters: EFUS will regularly publish updated news of the project in his monthly newsletters (throughout the project)
Digital testimonies made by the youngsters about identity, social media and ISDigital testimonies made by the youngsters about identity, social media and IS [20], about the neighbourhood and the thoughts from adults about the terrorist attacks and their conséquences.
Web page PracticiesLead partner: EFUS - An area dedicated to the project on EFUS network (EFUS collaborative platform) in which will be posted all administrative documents and resources for local authorities (articles, reports...). This area will also allow consortium members exchanges through a discussion forum system. / Month 2 - 1 dedicated web page on in which will be gathered information for large audiences (presentation of the project, list of partners, events open to the public...) / month 3 - 8 presentation sheets of partner local authorities with a focus on the issues they have, actions and expectations / month 5 - Synthetic reports on the meetings of the working group / month 9-22-31 - A synthetic report of the final conference / month 35 - Political recommendations developed by the group of local authorities / month 27-31 - Newsletters: EFUS will regularly publish updated news of the project in his monthly newsletters (throughout the project) - 5 practice sheets presenting local experimentations (objectives, activities, budget, target audience, results) / month 35
Educational toolkit about the testimonies [20] In this educational toolkit, you can find the description about the way to make digital stories but also how to use the digital stories as a prevention tool in discussion with youngsters.
Training kitTraining kit [20]
The serious game [20] will include : - Development with Unity3D (video game engine) - Artistic production : serious game identity & style guide, all 2D & 3D assets, interfaces, characters & animation, pedagogic content (video/media), assets for communication tools and marketing - Game Design (scenario, dialogue, tutorial, level design) - Integration of all educational contents (script, scenario & storyline) - Videogame features: back-up, in-game control, - Data analytics tool (for user evaluation) - Translation of the game in several languages.
Lykousas, Nikolaos; Gómez, Vicenç; Patsakis, Constantinos
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