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Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries


Since 2009, POLYTEDA’s ICT product addresses the Physical Verification (PV) stage of semiconductor design before the actual manufacturing of a microchip at the fab (Fabrication Plant). The layout view of a microchip has to be verified by identifying and fixing any design errors. This requires sophisticated software known as Design Rules Checking (DRC) tool. An overlooked error may cause multi-million dollar losses and time to market delays.

Today’s PV tools may take up to several days to make just one iteration on modern increasingly complex, dense (often billions of transistors)
microchips. The proposed disruptive ICT PV workflow along with an innovative cloud-based business model will set new rules and ultimately
disrupt the market. It will increase the competitiveness of European semiconductor microelectronics industry and advance enabling and industrial technologies.

This project will allow POLYTEDA CLOUD to further develop its product, increase revenues, generate jobs and seize the PV market, currently
estimated at 1,6bn $.

POLYTEDA CLOUD concept intends to:
-Move PV software and services from an outdated and ineffective CAPEX model using (dedicated expensive hardware and software) to a more cost-efficient OPEX model (pay-per-use of shared cloud-based resources).
-Lower the entry barrier for smaller design companies by using a high quality, cloud-ready PV workflow. This innovative solution and business
model for PV of semiconductor design optimize the manufacturing process with resulting cost-effectiveness.

Benefits for fabs include the higher quality of tape-outs, winning new clients and increasing sales of the fabs proprietary IP.

European industry will pioneer the PV cloud-based services and consequently become less dependent on the dominating US EDA tool vendors.

The market entry threshold would be lowered for smaller design companies due to a more affordable and easier to use innovative PV workflow.

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Wkład UE netto
€ 1 220 887,50
04136 KYIV

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Organizacja określiła się jako MŚP (firma z sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw) w czasie podpisania umowy o grant.

Rodzaj działalności
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Koszt całkowity
€ 1 744 125,00