Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SCOTT (Secure COnnected Trustable Things)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-07-01 do 2020-10-31
SCOTT managed to create the following impact:
• Fostering new cooperation within the consortium and beyond
• Facilitating the worldwide uptake of “European Technology” and infrastructure for smart society
• Establishing the EU as a centre of leading, trusted, user (citizen) friendly, secure, and reliable IoT ecosystems
• Creating trust in wireless solutions and increasing their social acceptance to bring out the full potential of the Internet of Things for the benefit of Europe’s Industry, SMEs and Start-ups
• Additional private investments by the for-profit companies
• Building trust in the internet of things
As a result, we asked for an cost-neutral extension of the SCOTT project till 31st of October 2020, and to shift the review meeting to end of September 2020 (originally planned to take place as F2F event, but finally had to be shifted to an online meting). So in the end, the results of SCOTT are a bit delayed compared to the original planning but could still be achieved.
From the technical point of view, the final implementation of the more than 40 Technical Building Blocks (TBB) has been completed, with updated versions integrated within the use cases.The use cases (UC) have demonstrated the applicability of the respective TBBs and the final demonstrators have been released. In addition, the UCs have been evaluated in order to determine if their original objectives had been fulfilled.
The SCOTT trust framework was developed to improve the trustworthiness of systems for human users, operators, and general stakeholders. The SCOTT trustworthiness framework thereby explicitly supports the translation of high level principles and guidelines into concrete development processes. The SCOTT trustworthiness framework was formulated to allow organizations to better plan and incorporate user requirements and contexts through the early formulation of end-to-end scenarios into the development process for increased trust and acceptability. The framework was applied to nine different SCOTT use cases to influence wireless technology developments toward trustworthiness. Lessons learned from this project indicate that trustworthiness should be understood as a property of a holistic system and that the trustworthiness of a technology does not necessarily translate into the actual trust of the user interacting with the product or service. In the last phase of the SCOTT project, WP28 made recommendations that go beyond system development itself. A study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of different methods to increase user trust. Results of this study highlight that service and product providers have various methods at hand to help increase trust among their customers. Consumers want control over their technologies, as well as accountability of technology vendors. Furthermore, in the long term, the results suggest that customers could benefit from digital competence education that may allow them to learn to use and rely on otherwise relatively complex multi-dimensional labeling systems. Next steps for this research are suggested.
SCOTT also further increased its impact with respect to dissemination: numerous dissemination and publication activities have taken place during the third reporting period. With a total of 168 publications the number could be significantly increased. Also several press releases have been made, workshops organised and social media activities performed. In addition, several demonstrators have gone public by creating videos available at the SCOTT website.
Exploitation of the SCOTT results has also been improved. For example, the number of exploitable foreground identified by the SCOTT partners grew up to 37 identified items. In addition, exploitation was substantially supported by the successful activities in terms of standardisation (with SCOTT being represented by its beneficiaries in a large number of standardisation boards) and also open innovation: desides workshops to support SCOTT partners with activities and to plan further activities, a total of 22 activities were documented, which are composed of 8 in-house open innovation activities, 6 classical stakeholder engagement activities, and 8 idea contests / hackathons.
As a summary, the project was very well on track (with a delay introduced by the COVID19 lockdowns, otherwise we would have completed by the original schedule), with all milestones achieved and significant results created.