Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PROMETHEUS-5 (Energy efficient and environmentally friendly multi-fuel power system with CHP capability, for stand-alone applications.)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-09-01 do 2019-04-30
Primary objective of the proposed project is the industrialization of a highly innovative, energy efficient and environmentally friendly power production unit for decentralized power generation (Prometheus-5). The unit is of nominal capacity of 5 kW electric power, while in the combined heat and power (CHP) mode, it can also produce up to 7 kW thermal energy in the form of hot water. The unit is a multi-fuel one and it can be operated with conventional fossil fuels (propane/LPG and Natural gas (NG)) or Biogas (BG). The device is able to convert the fuel into electrical and thermal power by means of a fuel processor which converts the fuel and water into hydrogen and a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell. The unit is equipped with a power management system, delivering electrical energy in the form required (DC or AC, grid connected or stand alone), depending on application. It has the ability to operate in the range of 40-100% of its nominal capacity. Its electrical efficiency is greater than 35% (based on LHV), while total efficiency exceeds 85%. The integrated system consists of the following sub-units:
- Fuel processor/hydrogen production unit
- Power production unit (fuel cell stack + power electronics)
- Control module
The Prometheus-5 certification technical file was prepared and the design of a production line of capacity of 5000 units per year was done during the project.
Exploitation and dissemination: Several exploitation, dissemination and communication activities took place during the Prometheus-5 project. Helbio participated in various events and exhibitions, like Athens Energy Forum 2017, EU Sustainable Energy Week, TechInnovation 2017, European Utility Week event, Tokyo FC Expo 2019, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell exhibition Hannover Messe, etc. A website dedicated for the Prometheus-5 project has been constructed and company's web-site upgraded as well. Helbio and Prometheus-5 logos have been created and promotional material (flyers, brochures, posters, etc) has been designed and printed. Also, a 2-minute video has been created in order to communicate & explain the operation of the new product, the innovative technology but also its main applications.
Dissemination activities and exploitation of the results will be continued after the end of the project as well. A plan for exploitation and dissemination of the results has been created. Dissemination activities and exploitation of the results of the project will be implemented through well-targeted mechanisms. Three main dissemination lines will be applied: (1) Internet communication; (2) Publications; (3) Events and Networks. All three lines will address the three main target groups, the academic and scientific community, policy makers, the general public.
Prometheus-5 product is more efficient and environmentally friendly power production system and focuses on the following challenges:
• “Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by smart and sustainable use (including energy-efficient products and services as well as ‘Smart Cities and Communities’)”.
• “Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply (including renewable energy as well as CCS and re-use)”.
• “Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources”.
• “A single, smart European electricity grid”.
• “New knowledge and technologies”.