Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PHOSave (Innovative solution for phosphate recovery from exhausted extinguishing powders)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-07-01 do 2018-06-30
In particular, PHOSave aims at developing a system for the recovery of phosphate contained in exhausted extinguishing powders. This will help to develop new products useful in different fields (agriculture and wood sector). The widespread use of PHOSave technology will maximize profits and environmental aspects.
The following goals will be achieved: A) a solution to the problem of exhausted extinguishing powder (which is a special waste); B) the reduction of CO2 in the industrial chain and the recovery of raw materials in an almost pure form.
The PHOSave specific objectives are:
1) Developing an innovative eco-compatible method for removing the silicone oil component from the powders, that is nowadays an unsolved industrial and environmental problem;
2) Implementing a pilot plant for the treatment of the exhausted extinguishing powder, recovering raw materials (monoammonium phosphate and ammonium sulfate);
3) Contributing to the implementation of new eco-sustainable waste management methods;
4) Obtaining fundamental raw materials for the formulation of specialty fertilizers, achieving further environmental benefits in terms of reduced greenhouse gas emissions;
5) The recovery of raw materials for the already mature market of flame retardant chemicals and chipboard panel for furniture.
Raw materials were obtained in an almost pure form.
The project will contribute to urgent needs from the European economy, in terms of phosphate raw materials imports, new skills, job opportunities and new business. A big enviromental contribution will be done in terms of:
1) reduction of pollution (Inappropriate treatments of the exhausted extinguishing powders that often are dispersed in the environment);
2) industrial impact (important raw materials recovery, occupancy, new formulation for agriculture and wood sectors);
3) reduction in CO2 in the industrial chain (based on LCA).
The company hired four permanent people: a PhD chemist for the quality control laboratory, an employee for the dissemination activities, a salesperson, and a worker for the production. In the 2019 ProPHOS is going to hire other two workers as well to reinforce the production. We have built a strong reputation among our customers by winning this competition. Workers and employees embraced without hesitation or fear the new challenge that caused in some cases a philosophical or even personal change in the organization, with some people assuming additional responsibilities and making them a possible candidate for a future promotion. This new company environment and knowledge has increased the efficiency of the work processes and encouraged innovation. At the beginning of 2017 ProPHOS won as coordinator, another local competition called “Accordi per la Ricerca, Sviluppo e Innovazione” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with the project “FOODTECH” (6.868.934 € of eligible costs and 4.117.761 € of grant). In the consortium of participants there are three Italian Universities and three companies, and the partners Politecnico of Milan and Biotecnologie BT were subcontractors of the project PHOSave. The other two subcontractors of PHOSave (HHL and S4B Consulting) are involved in the new project too. One of the aims of FOODTECH is building a new R&D laboratory with an investment of about 2.5 Million euros; this will make the company more competitive. A new partnership with the University of Parma “Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, della Vita e della Sostenibilità Ambientale” was signed in July 2018. Thanks to this notoriety and experience, ProPHOS was contacted to participate to other European projects. The aim is always to improve the sustainability of agriculture by introducing new innovative bio-based fertilizers, which meet the requirements laid down in the new EU fertilizer regulation. The development of the PHOSave Project resulted in new patents and in fruitful collaborations with the Italian company A. Costantino spa, and the Dutch one Van Iperen International. ProPHOS R&D team developed several fertilizer formulations for various crops, adding a natural bio-stimulant obtained through enzymatic hydrolysis of an organic matrix . It is a complex mixture of peptides of different chain lengths, free amino acids and oligosaccharides. All these compounds can improve the nutrient use efficiency of the plant, stimulating plant development by allowing the reduction of fertilizers consumption, and enhancing tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The bio-stimulant positively affects plant physiology by acting on photosynthesis, protein synthesis and phenolic composition and it can significantly reduce water stress. From the manufacturing point of view, other important commercial agreements were signed with SOLVAY (Extinguishing powder sector), and Gruppo Isagro (Fertilizer sector). Thanks to the recovery activities (both exhausted extinguishing powders and extinguishers) ProPHOS is playing a leading role, consolidating its position in the Italian market.