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Personal Energy Administration Kiosk application: an ICT-ecosystem for Energy Savings through Behavioural Change, Flexible Tariffs and Fun

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Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Guidelines for communication and trouble shooting

The guidelines for communication between 1) the energy retailers and the software developer, and 2) the energy retailers and their customers. Also, troubleshooting strategies are developed and communicated. The deliverable also encompasses a guidebook and FAQ for the customer service of the energy retailers about which the employees of the customer service of the energy retailers are briefed in a meeting.

Data Collection guidebook

The data collection guidebook will define i) the variables that have to be collected throughout the field test in order to being able to quantify the field test results (see WP4), ii) the variables measurement levels, iii) the frequency of the respective variables measurement and iv) possible data protection issues relevant for the respective variable.

Report on the regulatory framework issues

In this report, targeted at policy makers, the necessary amendments to the prevailing regulatory practises, resulting from the analysis done in PEAKapp are reported. Regulators are still reluctant to enter the discussion about a dynamisation of grid tariffs, and the potential analysis in this Deliverable shall help triggering the discussion – consortium members are in frequent contact with regulators.

Documentation of functionalities – system specification

The list of functionalities developed with regard to i) the meta study of previous and ongoing projects and respective ICT-solution 1.0, ii) the partners expertise from previous projects, iii) the expertise from previous implementation of the project partner GreenPocket and iv) the Privacy and Security Advisory Board’s recommendations (see 7.4) is documented. Del 1.2 will serve as core input for the programming of the application and the system integration in WP 2.

Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan is outlined in Section 2.2.2., and the project fully complies with the EC aim for Open Access publications and data sharing. In this Deliverable we will also respond to the ethics requirements outlined in Section 1.4 of annex I of Part A (Humans and Data Protection).

Report of the quantitative field test analysis

Quantitative results of the econometric analyses of the field tests are reported. Effectiveness of the functionalities are investigated, these include energy savings induced by behavioural change, the social network capabilities, load shifting induced by dynamic tariffs, impact of serious gaming, etc. All research question of the – at that project stage largely extended list – in Section 1.1 are answered. A potential analysis of Euro-wide deployment is reported, and consumer acceptance as well as willingness-to-pay for the service is elicited.

DEC Strategy & Operative Plan

The document encompassing the overall DEC strategy and the operative procedures for the whole project and the activities for the first year. This will be presented in a basic form at the KO meeting and then elaborated for signing off by the consortium members by Month 4.

Documentation of functionalities – Serious Game specification

A description of all functions, data and graphical interfaces - sufficient for the programming to be able to be done, but with sufficient flexibility to learn and adapt during development in WP2.

Report on possible improvements

Based on the experiences throughout the field tests, including consumer response at the retailers’ service centres, and considering the results of D4.1 and D4.2, possible improvements of the ICT-to-Human ecosystem are described in a report. This deliverable will be targeted to 1) the energy retailers, 2) the software developers and 3) the customers and will give suggestions for improvement of the use, further development as well as application of the overall system.

Project Handbook

The reporting procedures, communication policies and set of templates to be used within the project will be included in the project handbook. The project handbook includes data protection guidelines and procedures on the collection, storage, access, sharing, retention, and destruction of personal data within the project.

List of KPIs for the evaluation of the ICT’s impact

The key performance indicators (KPIs) are defined to serve for the evaluation of the PEAKapp ecosystem’s own performance (environmental, energy-related) and with full regard to the ongoing work of the European Commission towards a common European framework for KPIs for ICT performance evaluation.

Report on findings of the multidisciplinary meta study of success indicators

This deliverable summarises the findings of existing projects related to PEAKapp’s objectives and reports them. It will serve as a reference for the developments and implementation of functionalities in Task 1.2.

Report on privacy issues and consumer rights

A report will be formulated to clarify the obligations of electricity retailers with respect to data protection and privacy of PEAKapp, and point to those issues still requiring actions from law makers for ensuring full legal certainty in the EU context. Additionally, the legal team of PEAKapp will draw and discuss a clause for the standard business conditions of the service contract with the provider that ensures the consumer rights are fully acknowledged.

PSAB system specification approval letter

Parallel to Task 1.3, the PSAB will investigate the qualification of Del 1.2 from their respective point of view. The board will send a letter to the Scientific Coordinator to approve the start of the implementation of the software in Tasks 2.1 and 2.2.

Quantification of the success indicators and the KPIs

Based on the data set gathered in the field test (see Del. 3.3) the quantitative analysis of the field test with respect to the quantitative success indictors (see Task 1.4 and Del. 1.3) as well as the KPI is made and described in a report.

Report on market transformation through dynamic electricity prices

The report assesses the extent that wide scale loadshifting enabled by the ICT-to-Human ecosystem can have on energy retailers acquisition strategies as well as market prices. These outcomes will fill a gap in research as there has been no scientifically comprehensive assessment of this issue so far.

List of quantitative success indicators for the evaluation of the performance of the ICT-to-Human ecosystem

The quantitative success indicators will be delivered in two ways: i) verbally described and ii) in mathematical algorithms. The field test (see WP 3) will be evaluated using this set of indicators. Del 1.3 is essential in assessing the (quantitative) effects the field tests in WP 4.

Report on the technical performance of the field test

The results and findings related to the technical systems performance in the field tests are summarized in a report.

Report on Business model development

The project exploitation strategy and resulting business model will be elaborated as the collaboration progresses. This will be described in a report shortly after the project mid-term reporting.

Roll-out planning Toolkit

The toolkit is a set of algorithms and data, and where applicable implemented in Excel Macros. An accompanying guidebook makes its application uncomplicated, and allows assessing the expected costs and benefits of a roll-out of the ICT-to-Human ecosystem for a specific energy utility.

Ready-to-sign agreements and Business / market launch Plans

Finally, agreements will be drafted so as to actually launch commercial relationships immediately, or at least very shortly after completion of the project.

The Smart phone/tablet app

The app is programmed, coupled to the backbone processing unit and ready for the pre-test.


Exploring the role of ICT on household behavioural energy efficiency to mitigate global warming

Autorzy: Leire Bastida, Jed J. Cohen, Andrea Kollmann, Ana Moya, Johannes Reichl
Opublikowane w: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Numer 103, 2019, Strona(/y) 455-462, ISSN 1364-0321
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.01.004

Exploring the impact of network tariffs on household electricity expenditures using load profiles and socio-economic characteristics

Autorzy: Valeriya Azarova, Dominik Engel, Cornelia Ferner, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl
Opublikowane w: Nature Energy, Numer 3/4, 2018, Strona(/y) 317-325, ISSN 2058-7546
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41560-018-0105-4

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