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Building-integrated photovoltaic technologies and systems for large-scale market deployment

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Promotional material

Press releases, articles, leaflets, videos, social media campaign. Month 12 batch.

Promotional material (update 3)

Promotional material. Press releases, articles, leaflets, videos, social media campaign. Month 48 batch.

Project website

Development of a multipurpose project website for widespread communication, but also as share-point for the consortium.

Promotional material (update 1)

Press releases, articles, leaflets, videos, social media campaign. Month 24 batch.

Guided visits to demo sites

Report gathering the guided visits for stakeholders (architects, engineers, construction sector professionals, students, etc.) to PVSITES demonstration installations, performed during months 30-42.

Guidelines for project’s visual identity

Specific information and related materials to inform the partners about the rules to be applied for coherent and consistent presentation of project communications.

Promotional material (update 2)

Press releases, articles, leaflets, videos, social media campaign. Month 36 batch.

Training courses for installers

Report gathering all the onsite training sessions for installers at the project demonstration sites performed in order to transfer the generated know-how to this key actor in the BIPV value chain. At least one training session in each demo site.

Webinars for BIPV product portfolio

Webinars for relevant stakeholders on the different formats and possibilities of the product portfolio.

Design pack for every demo site

The deliverable will include a guide for architectural integration of the BIPV products in every demo site, guide for commissioning and maintenance, installation guides, guide for electrical integration and available operation strategies, control strategies for each demo site. Health, safety and security procedures.

Lessons learnt in PVSITES BIPV installation process: acceptance, drivers and barriers

Description of the difficulties encountered in executing the demonstrators, in particular those related to the acceptance and use of the BIPV elements (as opposed to normal construction elements).

Results of modelling at element and building level, CIGS products

Optical, thermal, mechanical and electrical simulation reports at element level. The aim is to generate part of the information needed to show compliance with building codes and standard and extract conclusions which might lead to re-design needs. At building level, simulation of energy efficiency, lighting (for semitransparent curved CIGS elements) and all parameters determining the optimal architectural integration as a function of building typology, location, etc. The project demo buildings will also be simulated with two purposes: (1) to select the optimum implementation for the product and have a first feedback on expected performance levels and (2) to validate the software output data with the results coming from the demo installations.

Guidelines and recommendations for replicability of PVSITES approach

Starting from the analysis in deliverable 8.16, a complete and specific set of guidelines and recommendations for the replicability of PVSITES products, approaches and actions will be gathered to support further steps towards market deployment of the demonstrated products and technologies.

Results of installation and commissioning for every demonstration site

Report gathering all the processes followed and their corresponding results for the successful consecution of the demonstration installations, matching the timing and quality-related objectives of the project.

Formulation of architectural and aesthetical requirements for the BIPV building elements to be demonstrated within the project

3D representation of architectural and aesthetical specifications regarding colour, transparency levels, integration aspects, etc.

Dissemination and communication plan

The dissemination and communication plan sets the most appropriate strategies for dissemination and communication, in line with the strategies for exploitation of results. To be updated in months 12, 24, 36.

Annual report on held events (update 2)

Month 36 update

Annual report on held events

Project related dissemination in major relevant conferences and other events by project partners. First version. To be updated in months 24, 36 and 42.

Specific monitoring plan for every demo site

Specific actions that need to be conducted in each pilot site and will be designed according to key parameters depending on pilot site configuration (BIPV technologies implemented, location of the BIPV implementation,etc.). 8

Structure, contents and operation mechanisms of BIPV products portfolio (update 3)

Final version of the documents, containing the updates related to the results of the demonstration activities.

Structure, contents and operation mechanisms of BIPV products portfolio (update 2)

Month 36, final version.

Energy audit of buildings and identification of BIPV possibilities in every demo site

For every building site, an energy analysis will be done to identify the thermal and electrical real behavior of the buildings and their interactions with their districts. The deliverable will include 2-3 pre-dimensioning possibilities for every demo site, including the description of total surfaces of BIPV and storage installation.

Training courses on the BIPV software tool

Report gathering the results on the training courses on the BIPV software tool, performed during project implementation.

Dissemination and communication plan (update 1)

Month 12 update

European climate zones and bio-climatic design requirements

Formulation of requirements attending to European climate zones and bio-climatic design considerations. These requirements will consider comfort, indoor climate, heating, cooling and daylight specifications as a function of climatic zones.

Dissemination and communication plan (update 2)

Month 24 update

Structure, contents and operation mechanisms of BIPV products portfolio (update 1)

Month 24 update

Common monitoring guidelines

Activities and technical requirements that must be completed and met to successfully achieve the monitoring and assessment tasks at building and BIPV system level.

Standardization needs

Summary report on main current legislative standards in place needed standardization activities prior to marketization of the innovative products and tests needed for market introduction

Result of modeling and BIPV strategies for every demo site

The description of every pre-dimensioning will be analyzed through the BIPV modeling tool developed in WP7, with the support of TRNSys and Modelica for installations. Results will include real layouts and operation results of the new systems in the demo sites, as well as heat/cool/electricity load charts (energy demand) for a whole year of usual operation of every building.

Installation and execution of monitoring of BIPV systems

Completion of the installation of the monitoring equipment and start of BIPV systems monitoring process.

Structure, contents and operation mechanisms of BIPV products portfolio

The deliverable will define the technical information needed for each product: PV technology, nominal power, possible architectural applications, customization, life cycle, price, etc. As for operation mechanisms, it will describe a search tool able to select the optimum product at project design level; as well as preliminary production estimates as a function of location, orientation, tilt, etc. to facilitate a first evaluation of economic viability of the BIPV products. To be updated in months 24 and 36.

Annual report on held events (update 1)

Month 24 update

Report on the baseline assessment of the demo sites

Target buildings will be monitored for one year period prior to the retrofitting. This will allow to establish the energy consumption baseline to compare the new consumptions after renovation and then for assessing the energy savings.

Annual report on held events (update 3)

Month 48 update

Regulatory framework

Summary report providing and overview of relevant current and foreseen legislation regarding renewables, grid and buildings and their implications for the BIPV market.

Second revision of detailed project management plan

This deliverable will contain the second version of the project management plan, updated after 27 months of project execution.

Revision of detailed project management plan

This deliverable will contain the second version of the project management plan, updated after 15 months of project execution.

Recommendations on storage systems for BIPV systems

Justification in terms of costeffectiveness of the selected PV storage topology and technology for each of every single use case categorized in task 22 at least 6 use cases

Quality management plan

The quality management plan will include an updated, detailed project management plan, Gantt chart and Work Breakdown Structure. It will display at least a schedule per task, responsible partner, related subtasks, related deliverables and dependencies to other tasks. Revisions of the project management plan will be made on month 15 and month 27.

Market and stakeholder analysis

Summary report on market and stakeholder analysis and trends including market potential/challenges and expected desirable benefits for different stakeholders.

NZEB building concepts for the application of BIPV building elements

Collection of BIPV related concepts reaching the NZEB level.

Dissemination and communication plan (update 3)

Month 36 update

Report on simulation work, c-silicon based BIPV elements

Optical, thermal, mechanical and electrical simulation reports at element level. The aim is to generate part of the information needed to show compliance with building codes and standard and extract conclusions which might lead to re-design needs. At building level, simulation of energy efficiency, lighting and all parameters determining the optimal architectural integration as a function of building typology, location, etc. The project demo buildings will also be simulated with two purposes: (1) to select the optimum implementation for the product and have a first feedback on expected performance levels and (2) to validate the software output data with the results coming from the demo installations.

Prototypes of framing systems compatible with XL-formats and large thickness BIPV units

Mechanical aspects and hidden wiring strategies elucidated for large dimension BIPV units (up to 4,5x2,5 m).

Roofing tiles and façade elements prototypes with 10%-14% efficiency modules of 0.5x1 m2 and 1x1 m2 area

10%-14% efficiency CIGS modules implemented as BIPV roofing tiles and façade elements with no performance loss.

Prototypes for demo sites – first batch

The manufacturing of prototypes for demo sites has been divided in two batches to allow the manufacturers coping with this request in reasonable times. The content and distribution between batches will be a result of the project development.

Samples for indoor validation tests, c-Si based products

Complete manufacturing, according to specifications, of all the samples needed for the indoor validation tests of c-Si based products.

Operational prototypes, see-through back contact solar cells

Laminated glass units with back contact solar cells. Module efficiency 16% measured by solar simulator at 35% light transmission.

Samples for validation testing, CIGS elements

Completed manufacturing, in accordance with specifications, of all the CIGS-based roofing and façade elements for testing process.

Prototypes for demo sites – second batch

Second and last group of prototype products for the demonstration installations.

Curved CIGS glass elements

Prototypes of curved CIGS glass elements complying with specifications and protocols defined for testing.

Operational prototypes with hidden busbars and L-interconnections

Fully opaque laminated glass units with hidden busbars and L interconnections with no performance loss.

Large area roofing and façade elements of 0.5x2-3 m2 or 1x2-3 m2 using 10%-14% efficiency modules

10%-14% efficiency CIGS modules implemented as large area BIPV roofing and façade elements with no performance loss.

Prototypes for test benches and experimental building

Manufacturing of the necessary samples for test benches (CIGS curved glass) and commercial installation (CIGS roofing elements) completed.

BIPV product portfolio

Implementation of the BIPV products portfolio from WP2 in a physical format and an online catalogue, as well as implementation of a tool for preliminary assessment of the products in the portfolio.

E-catalogs delivery (update 1)

Updated information on the BIPV products incorporated as corresponding BIM objects.

First prototype of web services platform

First version of web service model defined and implemented.

Second prototype of BIPV simulation tool

It will include building description, accurate description of building elements, occlusion elements, heating/cooling differentials computed on specific areas of the building, impact on natural lighting.

E-catalogs delivery

Containing BIM objects representing PVSITES products.

Prototype of BIPV simulation tool, first version

Hourly amount of solar income on the building and separate elements. Hourly PV production. Heating and cooling deltas.

Pre-commercial version of web services platform

User friendly interfaces implemented, updates after optimization process.


PVSites, l’avenir du photovoltaïque

Autorzy: Agnieszka Bogucka (VILOGIA)
Opublikowane w: Métropoles - Newsletter, 2016
Wydawca: VILOGIA

Lecole Hoteliere de Geneve est fiere de ses panneaux solaries en façade

Autorzy: Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève
Opublikowane w: Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève, 2020
Wydawca: Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève

Energia pulita in tutti gli edifici grazie ai pannelli solari fotovoltaici efficienti e belli da vedere

Autorzy: Il Fatto
Opublikowane w: Press article in il Fatto Quotidiano, 2019
Wydawca: il Fatto Quotidiano

EKZ Solar Carport: Thin-film modules undegoing practical testing

Autorzy: FLISOM
Opublikowane w: Press release at Schweizer am Wochenende, 2019
Wydawca: Schweizer am Wochenende

Will new BIPV technologies finally see the concept go mainstream?

Autorzy: Kathryn Porter
Opublikowane w: Watt-logic - press article, 2017
Wydawca: Watt-logic

Building integrated photovoltaics – Europe's next wave of renewables?

Autorzy: Engerati
Opublikowane w: Engerati - press article, 2017
Wydawca: Engerati

Solar technology brings Europe closer to nearly-zero energy buildings

Autorzy: EC
Opublikowane w: Results in Brief. Results for Pack on Harnessing Solar Power, 2019
Wydawca: EC - CORDIS

Onyx Solar en la nueva fachada fotovoltaica de Tecnalia

Autorzy: Interempresas media
Opublikowane w: - press article, 2019
Wydawca: Interempresas media

Onyx Solar fostering knowledge and innovation in Europe

Opublikowane w: ONYX Newsletter 55, 2016
Wydawca: ONYX

OVERVIEW | Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) as a viable option among renewables

Autorzy: EC
Opublikowane w: Press release at BUIL UP portal, 2019
Wydawca: EC - BUILD UP

See-Thru Back-Contact Solar Cells / BIPV solution

Autorzy: Elena Rico
Opublikowane w: State-of-the-art and SWOT analysis of building integrated solar envelope systems, 2019
Wydawca: IEA SHC
DOI: 10.18777/ieashc-task56-2019-0001

Neuartiger Solar-Carport als tail eines EU-Forschungsprogramms

Autorzy: Der Landbote
Opublikowane w: Der Landbote - press article, 2019
Wydawca: Der Landbote

Le développement durable dans le secteur de la construction trouve sa source à Anglet

Autorzy: Fabien Jans
Opublikowane w: SudOuest website, 2016
Wydawca: SudOuest website

PVSITES: tetti e facciate fotovoltaici, chiamarli pannelli è riduttivo

Autorzy: R2M /Tom's hardware
Opublikowane w: Tom's Hardware - press article, 2019
Wydawca: Tom's Hardware

PVSITES, a new innovation challenge for Onyx Solar

Opublikowane w: ONYX Newsletter 49, 2016
Wydawca: ONYX

Una economía baja en carbono requiere una integración a gran escala de productos fotovoltaicos en la edificación

Autorzy: Maider Machado
Opublikowane w: TECNALIA website - press article - FOTOPLAT website, 2016

Integración de tecnología solar fotovoltaica en elementos constructivos de la edificación, BIPV

Autorzy: Interempresasmedia
Opublikowane w: Interempresas portal - press article, 2020
Wydawca: Interempresas media

Best practices for the architectural design of building-integrated photovoltaics in Europe Insights and demonstration cases from the PVSITES project

Autorzy: Tjerk Reijenga, Maider Machado, Eduardo Roman, Dominique Deramaix, Philippe Alamy, Nguyen Van Khai, Pascale Brassier
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2018 Conference, 2018
Wydawca: Grand Renewable Energy 2018 Conference

Optimized Building Integrated Photovoltaic solutions for large scale market deployment – PVSITES Project

Autorzy: Vicente Velasco (ONYX SOLAR)
Opublikowane w: Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SEP 2017), 2017
Wydawca: Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies

PVSITES software tools for BIM-based design and simulation of BIPV systems

Autorzy: Philippe Alamy
Opublikowane w: Proceedings from 13th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, 2018, ISBN 978-3-9524883-4-8
Wydawca: Advance Building Skins

C-Si photovoltaics integrated in buildings - PVSITES experience

Autorzy: Teodosio del Caño (ONYX)
Opublikowane w: Proceedings from the 12th Advanced Building Skins Conference (ABS), 2017
Wydawca: Advanced Building Skins

PVSITES: Supporting large-scale market uptake of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic technologies

Autorzy: Ingrid Weiss, Maider Machado, Simon Challet, Eduardo Roman
Opublikowane w: 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC & 34th EU PVSEC), 2018, Strona(/y) 0650-0653, ISBN 978-1-5386-8529-7
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/pvsc.2018.8547471

BIM based software tools for the design and simulation of building-integrated photovoltaic systems

Autorzy: Philippe Alamy, Van Khai Nguyen, Maider Machado, Ingrid Weiss
Opublikowane w: Full paper for the VIII International Congress on Architectural Envelopes, 2018
Wydawca: International Congress on Architectral Envelops

Supporting Market Uptake of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Technologies with the PVSITES Project

Autorzy: M. Machado, S. Challet, I. Weiss, E. Román Medina, J.M. Espeche, F. Noris, T. Reijenga, E. Rico, I. Huerta, Y.B. Assoa, F. Burgun, J.C. Esteban, J. Escribano Troncoso, P. Alamy, V.K. Nguyen
Opublikowane w: Proceedings from the 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EUPVSEC), 2017, ISBN 3-936338-47-7
Wydawca: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20172017-7dv.1.29

BIM a Driver for Energy Transition and BIVP Adoption

Autorzy: Van Khai Nguyen, Maider Machado
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of EuroSun 2018, 2018, Strona(/y) 1-10, ISBN 978-3-9820408-0-6
Wydawca: International Solar Energy Society
DOI: 10.18086/eurosun2018.11.12

BIM – A Booster for Energy Transition and BIPV Adoption

Autorzy: P. Alamy, V.K. Nguyen, E. Saretta, P. Bonomo, E. Román Medina, J.M. Vega de Seoane, P. Alonso
Opublikowane w: Proceedings EU PVSEC 2019, 2019, ISBN 3-936338-60-4
Wydawca: Proceedings EU PVSEC 2019
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20192019-6do.8.6

Demonstration of a Novel Low Concentration and Solar Control Photovoltaic System for Building Integration

Autorzy: D. Valencia, M. Machado, A. Sanz Martinez, Y.B. Assoa, F. Burgun, J. Escribano Troncoso, E. Rico, T. Reijenga, P. Brassier, P. Surguy, L. Chan, V. Francisco, P. Alonso, I. Weiss
Opublikowane w: Proceedings EU PVSEC 2019, 2019, ISBN 3-936338-60-4
Wydawca: Proceedings EU PVSEC 2019
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20192019-6do.8.4


Autorzy: David Martín; Elena Rico; Teodosio del Caño
Opublikowane w: Greencities. Convocatoria de Comunicaciones Científicas, Numer 1, 2016
Wydawca: Greencities
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3938948


Autorzy: Maider Machado, Ingrid Weiss, Simon Challet , Van Khain Nguyen Philippe Alamy, Ricardo Alonso, José M. Vega de Seoane, Federico Noris, Elena Rico, Tjerk Reijenga, Pascale Brassier, Paul Surguy(8), Victor Francisco, Julian Perrenoud, Henry Delgado, Françoise Burgun, José Carlos Esteban, Dominique Déramaix, Agnieszka Bogucka
Opublikowane w: EUPVSEC 2018 - Conference in the Plenary session, 2018
Wydawca: EUPVSEC

PV Sites: intègrer le photovoltaique dans le logement social

Autorzy: VILOGIA
Opublikowane w: Mosaiques magazine (VILOGIA internal newspaper), 2019, ISSN 2114-2793
Wydawca: Mosaique Magazine

PVSITES: Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Technologies and Systems for Large-Scale Market Deployment

Autorzy: Juan Manuel Espeche, Federico Noris, Zia Lennard, Simon Challet, Maider Machado
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 1/7, 2017, Strona(/y) 690, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings1070690

La innovación en la integración de fotovoltaica hará posibles edificios de consumo energético casi nulo (NZEB)

Opublikowane w: Energetica21, Numer 1, 2020, Strona(/y) 38-40, ISSN 1577-7855
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3939040

On the analytical calculation of the solar heat gain coefficient of a BIPV module

Autorzy: T. Baenas, M. Machado
Opublikowane w: Energy and Buildings, Numer 151, 2017, Strona(/y) 146-156, ISSN 0378-7788
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.06.039

Advancing BIPV in Europe

Autorzy: Dr. Maider Machado; Jose M. Vega de Seoane; Dr. Francoise Burgun; Dr. Ya Brigitte Assoa; Simon Challet
Opublikowane w: PV Tech Power Volume 15, 2018, ISSN 2057-438X
Wydawca: Solar Media Ltd
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3938972

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