SmartLi aims at developing technologies for using technical lignins as raw materials for biomaterials and demonstrating their industrial feasibility. The technical lignins included in the study are kraft lignins, lignosulphonates and bleaching effluents, representing all types of abundant lignin sources. The raw materials are obtained from industrial partners. The technical lignins are not directly applicable for the production of biomaterials with acceptable product specifications. Therefore, pretreatments will be developed to reduce their sulphur content and odour and provide constant quality. Thermal pretreatments are also expected to improve the material properties of lignin to be used as reinforcing filler in composites, while fractionating pretreatments will provide streams that will be tested as plasticizers. Lignin is expected to add value to composites also by improving their flame retardancy. The development of composite applications is led by an industrial partner. Base catalysed degradation will be studied as means to yield reactive oligomeric lignin fractions for resin applications. The degradation will be followed by downstream processing and potentially by further chemical modification aiming at a polyol replacement in PU resins. Also PF type resins for gluing and laminate impregnation, and epoxy resins will be among the target products. Full LCA, including a dynamic process, will support the study. The outcome of the research will be communicated with stakeholders related to legislation and standardisation.
Dziedzina nauki
- engineering and technologymaterials engineeringcomposites
- engineering and technologychemical engineeringseparation technologies
- engineering and technologymaterials engineeringcoating and films
- engineering and technologyindustrial biotechnologybiomaterials
- agricultural sciencesagricultural biotechnologybiomass
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków
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BBI-RIA - Bio-based Industries Research and Innovation actionKoordynator
00130 Helsinki
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74360 Ilsfeld
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34149 Trieste
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80686 Munchen
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2400 Mol
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02100 Espoo
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02150 Espoo
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15890 Santiago De Compostela
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4040 Linz
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Organizacja określiła się jako MŚP (firma z sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw) w czasie podpisania umowy o grant.
49460 HAMINA
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48101 Kotka
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00180 Helsinki
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