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BIOdiversity, STAbility and sustainability in Spatial Ecological and social-ecological Systems


An ecological theory of changing human population dynamics

Autorzy: Kirsten Henderson, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: People and Nature, Numer 1/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 31-43, ISSN 2575-8314
Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons
DOI: 10.1002/pan3.8

Scale dependence of the diversity-stability relationship in a temperate grassland

Autorzy: Yunhai Zhang, Nianpeng He, Michel Loreau, Qingmin Pan, Xingguo Han
Opublikowane w: Journal of Ecology, Numer 106/3, 2018, Strona(/y) 1277-1285, ISSN 0022-0477
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12903

The Impact of Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Disturbances on Ecosystem Stability

Autorzy: Yuval R. Zelnik, Jean-François Arnoldi, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Numer 6, 2018, ISSN 2296-701X
Wydawca: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00224

Nitrogen addition does not reduce the role of spatial asynchrony in stabilising grassland communities

Autorzy: Yunhai Zhang, Jinchao Feng, Michel Loreau, Nianpeng He, Xingguo Han, Lin Jiang
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, Numer 22/4, 2019, Strona(/y) 563-571, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13212

Stability and synchrony across ecological hierarchies in heterogeneous metacommunities: linking theory to data

Autorzy: Shaopeng Wang, Thomas Lamy, Lauren M. Hallett, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecography, Numer 42/6, 2019, Strona(/y) 1200-1211, ISSN 0906-7590
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.04290

Agricultural land use and the sustainability of social-ecological systems

Autorzy: Diego Bengochea Paz, Kirsten Henderson, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecological Modelling, Numer 437, 2020, Strona(/y) 109312, ISSN 0304-3800
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109312

Nutrient-induced shifts of dominant species reduce ecosystem stability via increases in species synchrony and population variability

Autorzy: Ming-Hua Song, Ning Zong, Jing Jiang, Pei-Li Shi, Xian-Zhou Zhang, Jun-Qin Gao, Hua-Kun Zhou, Yi-Kang Li, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Science of The Total Environment, Numer 692, 2019, Strona(/y) 441-449, ISSN 0048-9697
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.266

Scaling‐up biodiversity‐ecosystem functioning research

Autorzy: Andrew Gonzalez, Rachel M. Germain, Diane S. Srivastava, Elise Filotas, Laura E. Dee, Dominique Gravel, Patrick L. Thompson, Forest Isbell, Shaopeng Wang, Sonia Kéfi, Jose Montoya, Yuval R. Zelnik, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, Numer 23/4, 2020, Strona(/y) 757-776, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13456

Climate variability decreases species richness and community stability in a temperate grassland

Autorzy: Yunhai Zhang, Michel Loreau, Nianpeng He, Junbang Wang, Qingmin Pan, Yongfei Bai, Xingguo Han
Opublikowane w: Oecologia, Numer 188/1, 2018, Strona(/y) 183-192, ISSN 0029-8549
Wydawca: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-018-4208-1

Linking scaling laws across eukaryotes

Autorzy: Ian A. Hatton, Andy P. Dobson, David Storch, Eric D. Galbraith, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Numer 116/43, 2019, Strona(/y) 21616-21622, ISSN 0027-8424
Wydawca: National Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900492116

The three regimes of spatial recovery

Autorzy: Yuval R. Zelnik, Jean‐François Arnoldi, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecology, Numer 100/2, 2019, Strona(/y) e02586, ISSN 0012-9658
Wydawca: Ecological Society of America
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2586

Spatial ecological networks: planning for sustainability in the long-term

Autorzy: Andrew Gonzalez, Patrick Thompson, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Numer 29, 2017, Strona(/y) 187-197, ISSN 1877-3435
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.03.012

Temporal stability of aboveground biomass is governed by species asynchrony in temperate forests

Autorzy: Zuoqiang Yuan, Arshad Ali, Shaopeng Wang, Xugao Wang, Fei Lin, Yunyun Wang, Shuai Fang, Zhanqing Hao, Michel Loreau, Lin Jiang
Opublikowane w: Ecological Indicators, Numer 107, 2019, Strona(/y) 105661, ISSN 1470-160X
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105661

Pyramids and cascades: a synthesis of food chain functioning and stability

Autorzy: Matthieu Barbier, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, Numer 22/2, 2019, Strona(/y) 405-419, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13196

Sustainable Land-use Management Under Biodiversity Lag Effects

Autorzy: A.-S. Lafuite, G. Denise, M. Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecological Economics, Numer 154, 2018, Strona(/y) 272-281, ISSN 0921-8009
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.08.003

Stability trophic cascades in food chains

Autorzy: David W. Shanafelt, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Royal Society Open Science, Numer 5/11, 2018, Strona(/y) 180995, ISSN 2054-5703
Wydawca: The Royal Society Publishing
DOI: 10.1098/rsos.180995

The strength of the biodiversity–ecosystem function relationship depends on spatial scale

Autorzy: Patrick L. Thompson, Forest Isbell, Michel Loreau, Mary I. O'Connor, Andrew Gonzalez
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Numer 285/1880, 2018, Strona(/y) 20180038, ISSN 0962-8452
Wydawca: Royal Society of London
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.0038

Superorganisms or loose collections of species? A unifying theory of community patterns along environmental gradients

Autorzy: Kevin Liautaud, Egbert H. van Nes, Matthieu Barbier, Marten Scheffer, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, 2019, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13289

Mowing exacerbates the loss of ecosystem stability under nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland

Autorzy: Yunhai Zhang, Michel Loreau, Nianpeng He, Guangming Zhang, Xingguo Han
Opublikowane w: Functional Ecology, Numer 31/8, 2017, Strona(/y) 1637-1646, ISSN 0269-8463
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12850

Environmental responses, not species interactions, determine synchrony of dominant species in semiarid grasslands

Autorzy: Andrew T. Tredennick, Claire de Mazancourt, Michel Loreau, Peter B. Adler
Opublikowane w: Ecology, Numer 98/4, 2017, Strona(/y) 971-981, ISSN 0012-9658
Wydawca: Ecological Society of America
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1757

How ecosystems recover from pulse perturbations: A theory of short- to long-term responses

Autorzy: J.-F. Arnoldi, A. Bideault, M. Loreau, B. Haegeman
Opublikowane w: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Numer 436, 2018, Strona(/y) 79-92, ISSN 0022-5193
Wydawca: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.10.003

Do-it-yourself networks: a novel method of generating weighted networks

Autorzy: D. W. Shanafelt, K. R. Salau, J. A. Baggio
Opublikowane w: Royal Society Open Science, Numer 4/11, 2017, Strona(/y) 171227, ISSN 2054-5703
Wydawca: Royal Society Publishing
DOI: 10.1098/rsos.171227

Generic assembly patterns in complex ecological communities

Autorzy: Matthieu Barbier, Jean-François Arnoldi, Guy Bunin, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Numer 115/9, 2018, Strona(/y) 2156-2161, ISSN 0027-8424
Wydawca: National Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1710352115

Quantifying effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning across times and places

Autorzy: Forest Isbell, Jane Cowles, Laura E. Dee, Michel Loreau, Peter B. Reich, Andrew Gonzalez, Andy Hector, Bernhard Schmid
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, 2018, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.12928

Delayed behavioural shifts undermine the sustainability of social–ecological systems

Autorzy: A.-S. Lafuite, C. de Mazancourt, M. Loreau
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Numer 284/1868, 2017, Strona(/y) 20171192, ISSN 0962-8452
Wydawca: Royal Society of London
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1192

Time-delayed biodiversity feedbacks and the sustainability of social-ecological systems

Autorzy: A.-S. Lafuite, M. Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecological Modelling, Numer 351, 2017, Strona(/y) 96-108, ISSN 0304-3800
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.02.022

The relationship between the spatial scaling of biodiversity and ecosystem stability

Autorzy: Robin Delsol, Michel Loreau, Bart Haegeman
Opublikowane w: Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018, ISSN 1466-822X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/geb.12706

Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales

Autorzy: Forest Isbell, Andrew Gonzalez, Michel Loreau, Jane Cowles, Sandra Díaz, Andy Hector, Georgina M. Mace, David A. Wardle, Mary I. O'Connor, J. Emmett Duffy, Lindsay A. Turnbull, Patrick L. Thompson, Anne Larigauderie
Opublikowane w: Nature, Numer 546/7656, 2017, Strona(/y) 65-72, ISSN 0028-0836
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/nature22899

Biodiversity and ecosystem stability across scales in metacommunities

Autorzy: Shaopeng Wang, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, Numer 19/5, 2016, Strona(/y) 510-518, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.12582

An invariability-area relationship sheds new light on the spatial scaling of ecological stability

Autorzy: Shaopeng Wang, Michel Loreau, Jean-Francois Arnoldi, Jingyun Fang, K. Abd. Rahman, Shengli Tao, Claire de Mazancourt
Opublikowane w: Nature Communications, Numer 8, 2017, Strona(/y) 15211, ISSN 2041-1723
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15211

Phytoplankton functional diversity increases ecosystem productivity and stability

Autorzy: S.M. Vallina, P. Cermeno, S. Dutkiewicz, M. Loreau, J.M. Montoya
Opublikowane w: Ecological Modelling, Numer 361, 2017, Strona(/y) 184-196, ISSN 0304-3800
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.020

Diversity spurs diversification in ecological communities

Autorzy: Vincent Calcagno, Philippe Jarne, Michel Loreau, Nicolas Mouquet, Patrice David
Opublikowane w: Nature Communications, Numer 8, 2017, Strona(/y) 15810, ISSN 2041-1723
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15810

Unifying dynamical and structural stability of equilibria

Autorzy: Jean-François Arnoldi, Bart Haegeman
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science, Numer 472/2193, 2016, Strona(/y) 20150874, ISSN 1364-5021
Wydawca: Royal Society of London
DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0874

Global evidence of positive biodiversity effects on spatial ecosystem stability in natural grasslands

Autorzy: Yongfan Wang, Marc W. Cadotte, Yuxin Chen, Lauchlan H. Fraser, Yuhua Zhang, Fengmin Huang, Shan Luo, Nayun Shi, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Nature Communications, Numer 10/1, 2019, ISSN 2041-1723
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-11191-z

Reconciling biodiversity conservation, food production and farmers’ demand in agricultural landscapes

Autorzy: Daniel Montoya, Sabrina Gaba, Claire de Mazancourt, Vincent Bretagnolle, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecological Modelling, Numer 416, 2020, Strona(/y) 108889, ISSN 0304-3800
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108889

Ecotone formation through ecological niche construction: the role of biodiversity and species interactions

Autorzy: Kevin Liautaud, Matthieu Barbier, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecography, Numer 43/5, 2020, Strona(/y) 714-723, ISSN 0906-7590
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.04902

Trade‐offs in the provisioning and stability of ecosystem services in agroecosystems

Autorzy: Daniel Montoya, Bart Haegeman, Sabrina Gaba, Claire Mazancourt, Vincent Bretagnolle, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: Ecological Applications, Numer 29/2, 2019, ISSN 1051-0761
Wydawca: Ecological Society of America
DOI: 10.1002/eap.1853

Broadly inflicted stressors can cause ecosystem thinning

Autorzy: Matthew G. Burgess, Alexa Fredston-Hermann, David Tilman, Michel Loreau, Steven D. Gaines
Opublikowane w: Theoretical Ecology, Numer 12/2, 2019, Strona(/y) 207-223, ISSN 1874-1738
Wydawca: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12080-019-0417-4

Disentangling local, metapopulation, and cross‐community sources of stabilization and asynchrony in metacommunities

Autorzy: Matthew Hammond, Michel Loreau, Claire Mazancourt, Jurek Kolasa
Opublikowane w: Ecosphere, Numer 11/4, 2020, ISSN 2150-8925
Wydawca: Ecological Society of America
DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3078

How community adaptation affects biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships

Autorzy: Flora Aubree, Patrice David, Philippe Jarne, Michel Loreau, Nicolas Mouquet, Vincent Calcagno
Opublikowane w: Ecology Letters, Numer 23/8, 2020, Strona(/y) 1263-1275, ISSN 1461-023X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13530

Species dispersal and biodiversity in human-dominated metacommunities

Autorzy: David W. Shanafelt, Jean Clobert, Eli P. Fenichel, Michael E. Hochberg, Ann Kinzig, Michel Loreau, Pablo A. Marquet, Charles Perrings
Opublikowane w: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Numer 457, 2018, Strona(/y) 199-210, ISSN 0022-5193
Wydawca: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.08.041

How to estimate complementarity and selection effects from an incomplete sample of species

Autorzy: Adam Thomas Clark, Kathryn E. Barry, Christiane Roscher, Tina Buchmann, Michel Loreau, W. Stanley Harpole
Opublikowane w: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Numer 10/12, 2019, Strona(/y) 2141-2152, ISSN 2041-210X
Wydawca: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.13285

Diffuse cliques maintain biodiversity in species-rich ecological communities

Autorzy: Barbier, Matthieu; de Mazancourt, Claire; Loreau, Michel; Bunin, Guy
Opublikowane w:, Numer 1, 2019
Wydawca: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DOI: 10.1101/652230

Can biomass distribution across trophic levels predict trophic cascades?

Autorzy: Galiana, Núria; Arnoldi, Jean-François; Barbier, Matthieu; Acloque, Amandine; de Mazancourt, Claire; Loreau, Michel
Opublikowane w:, Numer 1, 2020
Wydawca: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.04.025460

Particularity of “Universal resilience patterns in complex networks”

Autorzy: Arnoldi, Jean-François; Haegeman, Bart; Revilla, Tomás; Loreau, Michel
Opublikowane w: 2016
Wydawca: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DOI: 10.1101/056218

Resilience, invariability, and ecological stability across levels of organization

Autorzy: Haegeman, Bart; Arnoldi, Jean-François; Wang, Shaopeng; de Mazancourt, Claire; Montoya, José M.; Loreau, Michel
Opublikowane w: 2016
Wydawca: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DOI: 10.1101/085852

A macro-ecological approach to predators’ functional response

Autorzy: Matthieu Barbier, Laurie Wojcik, Michel Loreau
Opublikowane w: bioRxiv, 2020
Wydawca: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DOI: 10.1101/832220

How indirect interactions shape long-term invasion dynamics in complex ecological communities

Autorzy: Jean-François Arnoldi; Matthieu Barbier; Ruth Kelly; György Barabás; Andrew L. Jackson
Opublikowane w:, Numer 1, 2019
Wydawca: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DOI: 10.1101/705756

Can endogenous fluctuations persist in high-diversity ecosystems?

Autorzy: Roy, Felix; Barbier, Matthieu; Biroli, Giulio; Bunin, Guy
Opublikowane w:, Numer 1, 2019, ISSN 2331-8422
Wydawca: Cornell University
DOI: 10.1101/730820

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