Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FUDACT (FUll Duplex Active Cancellation for wireless communication and co-exisTence)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-07-01 do 2018-06-30
Due to demand for significant increase in network capacity over the next 10 years small cells such as pico and femto cells, that bring network closer to the user, play significant role. By supporting extreme massive network densification, they enable spectral resources to be reused in space by virtue of their smaller footprints. Additionally, to support a growing number of bands in an area and cost efficient manner there is a strong request for frequency-flexible receivers with less or no external filters. However, in submicron CMOS processes absence of significant RF filtering in the presence of the strong interferer will cause receiver compression and desensitize receiver due to reciprocal mixing. Some receiver topologies, like mixer-first receiver, have natural resiliency to strong out-of-band blockers as they first convert signal to the current domain thus avoiding issues coming from the low power supply and limited voltage headroom. In FUDACT, mixer-first receiver was designed to fulfil femtocell requirements for 5G communication networks in STMicroelectronics 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI technology. To achieve state-of-the art performance in this deep-submicron technology, powerful technique-known as body biasing- have been used. Within FUDACT a new approach to analog design optimization with body biasing has been proposed that not only considerably reduces the circuit active area and complexity but also optimize and recovers the transistor/circuit performance in the most robust process corners.
To accomplish FUDACT goals we will be pursuing the following closely related objectives: (1) Determine the technology limits of active cancellation of self-interference in wireless transceivers (2) Demonstrate an architecture capable of cancelling a +23dBm transmitter and a 0dBm of narrowband blocker (3) Investigate mixer-first receiver architectures capable of tolerating higher blocker signal levels (4) Apply the techniques (1-3) in the design of a full duplex future-oriented wireless communication network.