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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

International Coordination for implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions

Final Report Summary - VIAJEO PLUS (International Coordination for implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions)

Executive Summary:
Viajeo Plus is an international cooperation project focusing on facilitating implementations of sustainable and innovative urban mobility. The project works with Europe, Latin America, China, Singapore and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs). The main topics the Viajeo Plus project work on include integrated network management, deployment of clean vehicles, innovative public transport, sustainable urban logistics and enabling infrastructure to support sustainable solutions. The project consortium consists of international organisations, e.g. UITP, industry, e.g. VOLVO, and research organisations from Europe, Brazil and China.

The 3 year project was launched on 1st May 2013. The Viajeo Plus consortium have built an extensive network with experts and policy makers from all over the world and to use the network to collect innovative and sustainable solutions in urban mobility such as use of small and clean vehicles for urban logistics in Gothenburg, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network in China, flexible cycling lane in Brazil. Those solutions collected have been assessed and selected into Virtual Solution Book, a web-based database and tool. Currently, the Virtual Solution Book has included solutions from 23 cities in Europe, Brazil, China and Singapore. The Virtual Solution Book will be maintained after the end of the project as a permanent instrument. A brochure presenting Top 10 Urban Mobility Solutions is available online and received hundreds of downloads soon after it was published.

Four City Showcases have been successfully organised and each of the City Showcases considered of workshops and technical visits:
• In April 2014 in Gothenburg, Sweden
• In November 2014 in Chengdu in China in conjunction with Michelin’s Challenge Bibendum
• In May 2015 in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in Brazil
• In November 2015 in Singapore;
In additional to the City Showcases, the consortium used a number of instruments to facilitate twining-city programme. For example, a twinning city meeting was held during the first City Showcase in Gothenburg, London visited Hong Kong after the City Showcase in Chengdu, Jinan, a Chinese city, jointed ITS World Congress in Bordeaux and visit Brussels during the trip.

Two MPC fora have been organised:
• The first MPC forum was held in March 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey; site visits to the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), public transport control centre and traffic control centre were organised during the forum;
• The second MPC forum was held in May 2015 in Rabat, Morocco; a technical visit to the tram system in Rabat was organised together with the forum.
In additional to the site visits organised together with MPC fora, two site visits in MPCs were taken into place. The first site visit was in Cairo, Egypt, and the second visit was in Casablanca, Morocco, which was in conjunction with 2014 CIVITAS Annual Conference.

The consortium has carried out comprehensive studies into R&D trend and transport policy in Latin America, China and Singapore and outcomes of the studies have been summarised in corresponding deliverables; based on the studies, priorities for future cooperation in transport research between EU and the targeted countries/regions have been developed at a yearly base. The consortium has carried out regional assessments in MPCs in order to identify challenges and opportunities. Priorities for future cooperation in transport research between EU and MPCs has been developed as a reference for the EU for funding future cooperation projects.

Four webinars were organised on Cooperative ITS (C-ITS), vehicle automation, sustainable logistics and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) respectively. Topics of these webinars were selected based on stakeholders’ interests. Those webinars were attended by participants from all over the world. The webinar presented current practices and latest technologies, in cooperation with EC funded projects, e.g. CityMobil2.

The Viajeo Plus project was presented at TRA 2016 in Warsaw and ITS World Congress 2015 in Bordeaux. The consortium has been using social media to disseminate outcomes of the project, raising awareness of sustainable urban mobility and engage stakeholders.

Project Context and Objectives:
In the last few decades, sustainable transport solutions have been developed and implemented in many cities across the world. These solutions can be enabled by new technologies, particularly with the rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), or are driven by policies, e.g. demand management and road charging, or are enabled through innovative concepts, design and planning, e.g. Bus Rapid Transit. These transport solutions not only improve quality of mobility and the efficiency of transport in a city, but they also significantly reduce local air pollution and greenhouse emissions, making a positive contribution to citizens’ quality of life.

European cities and European transport stakeholders are at the forefront in developing and delivering urban transport solutions. Many cities outside Europe have also made significant achievements in this field, enabling them to deliver innovative solutions. In this context, it would be particularly beneficial for Europe to exchange knowledge and best practice with regions which have certain similarities in their social background and/or mobility challenges.

It is also important to observe the development of urban transportation in both industrialised countries and emerging markets which are making significant investment into their transport infrastructures and services without the constraints of existing infrastructure. Latin American Countries, China and Singapore have been experiencing rapid development in the last few decades, helping to increase their importance and standing on the world’s economic stage. These countries and regions have demonstrated strong innovation and fast adoption of new transport solutions which can be learnt by European cities and industry.

Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs) such as Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, are an area of vital strategic importance in both economic (trade, energy, migration) and political (security, stability) terms. The EU has committed to support MPCs in improving the lives and livelihoods of their citizens; current efforts of cooperation with the region focus on long-term economic growth, sustainable development and environmental protection. MPCs are not as well exploited by previous EC international cooperation activities. Since urban mobility plays an important role in economic growth, quality of life and social inclusion, it is important for EU to work with MPC stakeholders to implement sustainable transport solutions in cities in the region to help the region to develop more sustainable, more efficient and more inclusive transport systems which will contribute to long term economic growth and social stability.

The goal of Viajeo PLUS is to benchmark outstanding solutions for innovative and green urban mobility in Europe, Latin America, China and Singapore and subsequently facilitate the uptake of these solutions across different cities in these regions, and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs).
Over a 36-month timeframe, the Viajeo PLUS consortium will engage with leading European innovative organisations and academic institutes and cooperate with cities across Europe, Latin America, China, Singapore and MPCs to facilitate the sharing of good practices and demonstration of innovative solutions.

The Viajeo PLUS project will:

• Assess current mobility solutions and the potential uptake of different solutions for different scenarios. Through case studies, showcases and capacity building, it will gather key experts in mobility management, clean vehicle, public transport, infrastructure and city logistics, to develop executive plans for the implementation of existing solutions in a new and innovate way;
• Create a new web-based ‘Virtual Best Solution’ book to facilitate wider uptake of solutions across more cities and regions;
• Organise four individual “City Showcases” in Europe, Latin America, China and Singapore respectively. A City Showcase consists of showcases, workshops and stakeholder meetings. Through interactive showcases, participants will benefit from gaining first-hand experience of innovative solutions. Participants will exchange knowledge, information and best practice experiences through various workshops and meetings;
• Organise fora in Istanbul to engage stakeholders in MPCs to lay the foundations for future inter-regional cooperation in research and development activities;
• Facilitate a ‘twinning cities’ programme to allow representatives from cities to experience innovative solutions for future implementation.
Viajeo PLUS will develop recommendations to the EC for future collaboration among cities and for research cooperation initiatives.

Project Results:
The Viajeo Plus consortium has carried out a large number of case studies to select best solutions for its Virtual Solution Book, a web-based database with the filter function. The Virtual Solution Book will be a permanent instrument as a reference point for cities and other stakeholders to learn from others and to share their experiences with the world. Although the solution collection was initiated around five topics:
- Integrated network management ;
- Deployment of clean vehicles;
- Innovative public transport services;
- Sustainable urban logistics ;
- Enabling infrastructure to support sustainable urban mobility
many solutions may cover more than one topic. Some solutions may be implemented in different cities but with different characterises. Information for each solution includes general description, descriptions on key enablers and key successful factors. Currently the following solutions have been presented in the Solution Book.

Solutions selected for integrated mobility management:
• Cooperative systems (C-ITS) in Verona; The cooperative system deployed in Verona is a good example of deployment of Cooperative technologies, including vehicle to infrastructure communication. The city of Verona participated in a private public funded project (partners Swarco, Verona city and Audi) and EU funded project Compass4D to develop a C-ITS application. The C-ITS application informs the driver in real time, at which speed he or she can pass through green lights, or about the remaining waiting time while at the red traffic lights.
• Traffic demand management in Beijing; The traffic congestion index (TCI) is a conceptual value that comprehensively reflects the smoothness or congestion of the road network. TCI is obtained through the deep processing of floating car data (dynamic vehicle information) collected everywhere in the city and the analysis of dynamic data passed back by vehicle-borne GPS on 66,000 taxis in Beijing to the Data Processing Center. TCI is used to evaluate and track the performance of traffic operation in order to evaluate impacts of various traffic management schemes and transport policies.
• Practical field test of navigation service in Amsterdam; The service is to provide a personal navigation system that tries to achieve a system optimum. In that way the available infrastructure is used in the most optimal way, so it can provide shorter travel times for more users. The system has an algorithm to come up with the personal route advices. This algorithm uses historical data and real-time data and makes a prediction of the travel times for the coming hours. In the end, this leads to advises that can be different from the ones given by navigation systems currently available.
• SmartPort Logistics (SPL) in Hamburg; In order to make 145 million tons through the Hamburg port more quickly, Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), SAP and T-Systems have developed the smartPORT Logistics concept (SPL) which connects all parties involved in the logistics chain for their mutual benefits, meaning that transport business can be planned better and coordinated more effectively. In this way, SPL supports the development of the port into a smartPORT and helps to preserve its competitiveness, ensuring that it remains an economic powerhouse.
• Effective University Travel Plan in Leicester and Belfast; A travel plan is a package of both physical and behavioural measures that encourages sustainable travel within an institution, increases travel choice and reduces reliance on single occupancy vehicles. It aims to promote and develop a range of alternative travel options and maximise access to a site by sustainable modes of transport.

Solutions selected for deployment of clean vehicles:
• Electric and hybrid buses in Europe (Gothenburg, London, Hamburg), and China (Shanghai); Electrified buses, from hybrids and plug-ins to full electric buses are currently successfully deployed in many cities as a solution for long term sustainability together with short term gains in reduced emissions, improved energy and transport efficiency. Electrified bus also opens up for city transport planning innovative and new ways of handling vehicles. One example is the indoor bus stop concept and the potential use of smart geo-services for handling vehicle speed and means of propulsion.
• Electric vehicle sharing schemes in Europe (Paris, Berlin); Car sharing as a transport concept appears to be gaining increasing importance in meeting urban transport demand. Through the membership of such a scheme a traveller can get access to a vehicle on demand without the needs for ownership of the vehicle, together with the costs and responsibilities attached to it. In recent years, vehicle manufacturers have seen car sharing as a new business model and have used it to promote their clean vehicles. Many cities are cooperating with vehicle manufacturers to implement car sharing schemes using electric vehicles in order to influence travellers’ mode choice, in effect enabling electric shared cars to be considered as part of a suite of ‘public transport’ options.
• Approaches to encouraging electric cars for private use (UK); The North East England’s PiP project, called Charge Your Car (CYC), created an integrated charging network for electric cars spanning a region of 8,600 km2. From 2011 a national network of charge points became available to existing and new CYC members (about 3000 nationwide). One key aim of the CYC programme was to feedback the experience gained by creating and operating charging infrastructure into future policy decisions at both regional and national levels. This included the development of standards, evaluation of technologies, and harmonisation of local incentives, as well as understanding users’ behaviour and its impact upon the infrastructure. A secondary aim of the programme was to contribute to the development of the emerging electro-mobility sector, which is seen as having a crucial role to play in the future sustainability of the economy.
• Electric tricycles for last mile delivery in urban areas in China (Beijing). E-tricycles are numerous in China. In Beijing’s central business district they are used for parcel delivery. The customers walk to meet the driver. The parcels are laid on the pavement (sidewalk). Each driver is a kind of profit centre managing his own business. The parcels are identified by tags and the driver registers it with a barcode reader, then provides the customer with an invoice. The full transaction takes place on the street and lasts a few minutes.

Solutions selected for Innovative Public Transport (PT) services:
• Redesigning the bus network in Barcelona; The solution implemented in the city of Barcelona is the redesign of the bus network to reach a higher connectivity from one end of the city to the other, but capitalizing on the good links from the city centre to the outskirts already existing. The main criteria behind the new design are ease of use and efficiency (i.e. to have a more understandable, effective & efficient bus services capable to reduce travel time and increase PT modal share) but also resource management, since the scheme is based on improving the network without adding many resources. Once fully implemented, PT users will benefit of a more intelligible bus network with shorter waiting times and improved links between modes of transport, all of which makes for a more attractive and sustainable public transport system.
• Shifting commuters travel patterns in Singapore; The Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore launched in 2012 the Travel Smart programme as a two-year pilot that involved 12 organisations (BP Singapore, CapitaLand, Citi Singapore, Ernst & Young, IBM Singapore, JTC Corporation , KPMG Singapore, Public Service Division, Rajah & Tann, SPRING Singapore, Urban Redevelopment Authority and LTA itself). The pilot was to provide free public transport before peek hours and organise different activities in offices by partner companies to encourage people to travel at off-peak hours. The pilot aimed to to reduce the heavy congestion on the Mass Rapid Transit during morning peak period and result in more comfortable and smooth journey for everyone.
• Implementing BRT systems in Brazilian cities hosting large events; In Brazil, 9 cities (Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Natal, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador and Manaus) selected to host games of FIFA World Cup 2014 chose to introduce or further develop Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems to ensure a high capacity public transport service. The BRT systems planned for the Word Cup were mainly committed to allow football fans easy access to the stadia from the city centre; for example, in Belo Horizonte where the system is in place since March 2014, getting to the World Cup via BRT takes approximately 20 minutes, whereas travelling via car takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. In Rio de Janeiro, two BRT corridors are already operational, with two more expected to be completed by the 2016 Olympic Games.
• Developing a network of underground interchanges in Madrid; With the adequate construction and improvement of the interchange stations, an effective modal interchange network has been organized all around Madrid in relation to the 7 important highways that connect the region with the city. At present 5 interchanges have been built up in the nodes where the main road infrastructures are linked to the Circular metro line, namely Moncloa, Prinicipe Pio, Plaza Elíptica, Avenida de America and Plaza Castilla.
• Integrating mobile ticketing systems in a multichannel and interoperable technological platform (myCicero in Roma); myCicero in Rome provides a new service for contact-less & Mobile Ticketing responding. When a user is registered to myCicero service, s/he can buy a ticket via the App and get on the smartphone the equivalent of a paper ticket. The validation of the ticket will then happen nearing the smartphone to the QR-Code present on buses or the Metro gate, and by tapping a button on the App. With the new ticketing system (although the classic paper ticket still remains) also the control methods become technological: controllers are provided with a handheld device with a dedicated application to check if the ticket is actually validated.

Solutions selected for enabling infrastructure for sustainable urban mobility:
• Flexible cycling lanes in Sao Paulo, Brazil; some part of the city roads are used as dedicated cycling lanes during weekends and public holidays in order to promote use of bicycles in cities. This solution has been specifically developed to address traffic congestion by promoting a biking culture that did not exist before.
• Multimodal interchange in Shanghai Hongqiao Airport; the multimodal interchange integrates air traffic, public transport (metro and local bus), high speed rail, local train and long haul coach services. It serves as a key transport hub not only for the city but also for the region. The interchange has been seen as an important enabler for the region’s prosperity.
• APS trams in Bordeaux; the tram system using ground level power supply without overhead power lines has the advantage of preserving the city’s unique architecture. APS trams have been widely used in French cities as well as worldwide. A tram based on a similar concept but using different technology has also been in operation in Guangzhou, China and other Chinese cities.
• Property and Rail development approach in Hong Kong; the innovative public transport funding scheme has ensured the success of urban railway in Hong Kong. It also has a long term impact on city planning. The integrated planning of public transport, residence areas and commercial property developments has been considered as a key factor to the city’s success. This solution has been adopted by other Asian cities. It may be a good example for Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC).

Solutions selected for sustainable urban logistics:
• Stadsleveransen including climate smart city distribution KNEG and Micro terminal in Gothenburg; “Stadsleveransen” is an example of last-mile logistics solution where small deliveries are consolidated and distributed with zero emission vehicles in the city centre. Stadsleveransen is a goods consolidation service, which receives packages to the inner city in Gothenburg and performs consolidated last mile deliveries with electric vehicles. Stadsleveransen also picks up outgoing goods from the businesses in the city centre.
• Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) in London; FORS is a membership scheme that is free of charge to any company operating vans or lorries in London; it provides operators with practical advice and guidance to help reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, vehicle collisions and penalty charges. FORS aims to improve driver behaviour, vehicle and fleet management and safety and efficiency in transport operations.
• City logistics in Paris including logistics in the Paris land use master plan, Distripolis and Monoprix Rail Project in Paris; the Plan Local d’Urbanisme (PLU) (Land Use Master Plan of the City of Paris) made in 2006 identified specific spaces to be reserved for logistics areas accessible by rail or waterways, creating land-use areas called UGSU areas (zone Urbaine de Grands Services Urbains (Urban Zones for Large Urban Services). The Distripolis concept combines urban consolidation centres and battery-electric vehicles for last-mile deliveries. The Monoprix project provides an example of best practice concerning the use of intermodal solutions for urban logistics involving rail.
• The Freight Market in Shanghai; The main purpose of the freight market is to link the owner-operator with the transport buyer through a transport agent, often using a cover logistics company. The Freight Market is usually a very large physical distribution centre for trucks. In Shanghai there are two main freight markets Huahuan and Hongbao. In the core of the Freight Market are the booths for the agents and the information screens displaying available shipment details. The freight markets also provide additional services - basic warehouse services, vehicle repair, restaurants, shops, hotel services, parking facilities and more to support the drivers and small fleet operators.
• Transport Demand Management via Vehicle Quota System (VQS) supported with smart technologies in Singapore; Singapore is maintaining a sustainable growth rate of its vehicle population by the vehicle quota system (VQS) policy since 1990. The VQS works by determining a suitable number of new vehicles allowed for registration annually and subsequently letting the market forces determine the price of ownership via bidding Certificate of Entitlement (COE); and this COE will last for 10 years.
• City logistics in Utrecht including environmental zone, innovative delivery vehicles and Beer Boat and the Cargohopper; In July 2007 Utrecht introduced an environmental zone (LEZ) in the inner-city of Utrecht. The objective of the environmental zone was to ban lorries that cause heavy pollution from the city centre. Currently, trucks and lorries with a weight greater than 3.5T need to have a Euro 4 engine (or higher) in order to enter the LEZ. The City of Utrecht has implemented two highly innovative methods for sustainable delivery vehicles, the Beer Boat and the Cargohopper. This has resulted in a reduction in emissions, noise and freight traffic, and increased the safety and quality of life for city residents.

Comprehensive reviews on policy and R&D trends in Europe, China, Latin America and Singapore have been carried out in order to identify cooperation opportunities and provide information and advises to European industry and researchers.

China is a fast growing economy and it has been suffering from rapid urbanisation and increase in car ownership. In China, Chinese policies on transport are intended to be integrated with city planning and long term plans of the country development strategies. Research into using large data for city and transport planning is widely carried out in China. Use of big data to make transport more sustainable is a popular topic among Chines researchers. China is leading in application and payments using smart phones and there is a new trend called ‘one click mobility solution’ which has a certain degree to “Mobility as a Service (MaaS)” in Europe. There are many initiatives from various government bodies, ranging from National Development and Reform Commission to authorities of small cities, to encourage usage of clean energy vehicles. Use of electric buses has been a national guideline for public transport and various financial supports to vehicle purchase and infrastructure building are available. Automated and connected vehicles are high in research agenda in China. China is the biggest e-commerce market urban logistics plays an important role in the e-commerce particularly for the last mile delivery. It is expected that e-commerce in China by 2020 will be proximately equivalent to the collective size of today’s markets in the USA, Japan, the U.K Germany and France. The Chinese Government has started to pay more attention to urban logistics and has released a series of policies, guidelines and regulations on urban logistics. Current main policy areas are organising and promoting joint distribution, guideline for city’s urban logistics, gradually regulating the urban logistics vehicles including electric bicycles and electric tricycles.

In Latin America, Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Chile have been taken as examples for the study. Freight transport it is generally strong economic sector in the region. Since the region has a variety of problems associated with economic instability, urban freight transportation shares these problems in general. There is generally a lack of research on the urban logistics topic, which makes it difficult to measure the specific problems and hence formulate the solutions required. The importance of urban freight transport is shown not only by its contribution to the economy, but also because it is an industry that involves a huge variety of stakeholders. In Latin America, deployment of electric vehicles is also way behind Europe and China. However, in Latin America (Brazil in particular) there is a focus on research into biofuel, and this is set to continue into the 2020s: here there exists capacity for plants that can be used for the production of biodiesel and bioethanol.

Singapore is one of the main logistics hubs in Asia and is considered as one of the Asian miracle economies. In the case of innovative urban logistics, the adoption of advanced technologies to support business and manage a sustainable urban system presents opportunities for urban logistics stakeholders to contribute to economic growth. Urban logistics challenges concern issues of effective land use is the main challenge for Singapore considering congestion, complexity of last-mile deliveries, stakeholder coordination, real-time data management, emerging urban development and synchronization of public/private information trading. The main transport policy trends for Singapore is to focus on entrepreneurship and creativity driven by societal demands like aging, flexible land-use where contemporary consumption will be an integral part of good urban living in order to ‘do better with less’.

Based on the R&D and policy reviews in Latin America, China and Singapore and developed recommendations for future cooperation, the following topics for future cooperation are being proposed:
• Deployment of electric vehicles;
• Automated and connect vehicles;
• Influence of mobile communications and social media on travel behaviour;
• Systems approach to urban mobility schemes: key aspects of integrated passenger and freight plans;
• Integration of active mobility and public transport;
• Influence of autonomous road vehicles on mobility;
• International Cooperation on big data in transport: public interests, global privacy policy and relationship among data providers and transport operators;
• International Cooperation on big data in transport: Design and deployment of effective network instrumentation;
• International Cooperation on designing and implementing cycling-friendly transport networks;

The Viajeo Plus project also carried out regional assessment of R&D and policy on urban mobility in MPCs. Environmental problems seem to be, even if in different percentages, common to all countries. Air pollution in cities is a huge concern in all countries in the region. This is particularly the case of Egypt where this problem, i.e. air pollution, should be addressed with certain urgency. Development levels in different countries are various. Of all MPCs, Turkey is the most advanced country in the region where the sustainable transportation strategy is already integral part of local government policies. A more deep analysis should be conducted to carry out more data collection and interviews allowing researchers to collect new data and statistics. Road safety is another urgent problem to be addressed. In most of the cases road accidents, and consequently road deaths and injuries, are related to the old age of the vehicles and the poor conditions of road surface. Often in MPCs, for example in Lebanon, new actions should be undertaken at social level trying to explain the social value of public transportation because public transportation is often perceived as a bearer of a lower social status and the majority of the people prefer to use private car. In all the investigated cases there is, even if in different percentages, a declared willingness to address the unsustainability of the actual transportation systems. Even with lacks, failings and all the above mentioned difficulties, in all countries in the region local stakeholders (the University as first actor) are trying to find a new and correct way in order to solve this ineluctable problem. In this sense, cooperation and collaboration between European and MPCs is view in a very favourable way.

Based on the regional assessment, the following topics for future cooperation have been identified:
• Traffic safety in urban areas and implementation of modern traffic control systems
• Knowledge transfer and capacity building in sustainable urban mobility including Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)
• Improvement of public transport services and promotion of usage of public transport
• Establishing reliable transport databases at local and regional levels and collecting transport and traffic data using big data
• Deployment of cleaner vehicles (Electric and Hybrid vehicles)
• Introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) into the region

Potential Impact:
At the core of the Viajeo PLUS project is the identification and knowledge transfer of best practices in smart and sustainable solutions for urban transport and mobility across the world, in particular focusing on existing practices in Europe, East Asia (China and Singapore) and Latin America. To meet these targets, successful experiences of implementing innovative urban mobility solutions across the world are identified and shared. Experience and knowledge are exchanged through showcases, site visits, workshops and dissemination learning materials. The Viajeo PLUS consortium develops a ‘Virtual Solution Book’ to provide a detailed description of these initiatives and executive implementation plans for greater uptake by cities intending to implement any of these solutions. The project is expected to contribute to sustainable transport policy and facilitate uptakes of sustainable transport solutions in Europe, Latin America, China and MPCs.

Contribution to sustainable transport policy (Latin America):
Viajeo PLUS invests significant efforts into the Latin America countries, having core team partners from Brazil who have shown great interest in moving forward based upon EU examples of sustainable urban transport and to seek for its transferability to their own cities. This partnership approach enables the Viajeo PLUS consortium to conduct effective exchanges of best practices, assessment of the existing solutions and implementation of City Showcase including site visits, transfer of knowledge and meetings with local transport professionals.

Contribution to cooperation with China on innovative sustainable transport development:
The Viajeo PLUS project contributes to these existing collaborations and also helps meet the Ministry’s objectives, by encouraging greater momentum for sustainable transport activities and initiatives in the region, creating a wide range of comparable assessments for innovative solutions which relate to cleaner, safer and more efficient transportation systems for the future. The project organised a dedicated event to facilitate knowledge sharing between EU and China, and enhance the current cooperation between EU and China in transport research.

Contribution to cooperation with Singapore on innovative sustainable transport development:
Singapore is a leading country in sustainable urban mobility. This project invests significant efforts to build the link with key stakeholders in Singapore including government bodies, universities and industry in Singapore. Viajeo PLUS works closely with the Singaporean LTA and its Academy through the various knowledge exchange mechanisms to help promote healthier and more. The consortium with supports from UITP regional office in Singapore and LTA organised a City Showcase with site visits in Singapore, creating solid ground for future cooperation.

Contribution to European transport research and industry competitiveness:
Through Viajeo Plus, many European cities and researchers gained significant knowledge on innovative and green urban transport solutions in Europe and across the world through knowledge transfer and experience sharing. The project has supported structured transfer of innovative transport solutions through executive implementation plans for selected solutions. The project cooperated with other EC funded projects such as CityMobil2 and Compass4D to organise a series of webinars to disseminate research activities and state-of-the-art technologies in urban mobility in Europe. The project also actively contributes to policy development through regional assessment, R&D trend and policy studies and development of recommendations for future cooperation priorities. The project is expected to strengthen European industry’s competitiveness by learning from other countries and understanding their needs for mobility solutions.

List of Websites: